Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second...

Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second, all the matter and energy in the entire universe suddenly came out of nowhere?

Topkek! Think about it user, it's so ridiculous.

Other urls found in this thread:Ʈtre



How many fucking times now

You realize its just a theory right op?

I used to, but recent observations at the Large Hadron Collider have cause me to switch to the Slightly-Less-Than-Big Bang theory which says that it took several trillionths of a second. A seemingly miniscule difference, but with huge implications.





Research Max Planck


What is this? Day 56? You took a small break then. Before that it had been almost 100 days.






quality post, crying queen! as always



lmao, THIS bread again!? XDD This is wacky!


Time is all relative. The beings that exist several trillion years from now will regard all time in our universe now as nothing more than the afterglow of the big bang. It's all a matter of perspective. You think it's impossible that so much could happen in such a small space of time, yet think of what man has accomplished in all his long time, and how short that long time has really been. The interval is irrelevant.

Because the alternatives are so believable?






pic related is me






What if I believe that God caused the Big Bang?






What we know today as the Big Bang theory was actually created by a Catholic PriestƮtre




Kill yourself if you give a fuck about the big bang or religion, tyvm.





Why isn't the big bang theory important? It might lead to a better understanding of relativity.




Who are you trying to fool OP summerfags? I think they're smart enough to realize this shitty bait

Where is your god now?

It's a meme, newfag.

It's bait you faggot

Not knowing the definition of a theory vs a hypothesis. "Just a theory" he says. Relatively and evolution are also just theories.

It's faggot you bait

Where they use the same picture for every thread? That's a meme.

Nice meme

It's a newfag, meme.