What do you know about Northern Portugal Sup Forums?

What do you know about Northern Portugal Sup Forums?

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Everyone i met from there was named Alberto

Everyone there is called João

Literally nothing. Is it galician?

My parents come from there



>enough education to use a computer

Wouldn't mind living there after retiring


I'm not sure about the north, but there's a bunch of Portuguese immigrants that go to my church.

>The girls are really beautiful
>The grandmas just banter at each other in Portuguese after mass
>The grandpas just smoke cigarettes and cigars after mass, dress like 1930s mafia

I honestly don't know anything about it.

And you're probably the wife's son of a portuguese guy in Massachusetts am I right?

Yeah those mafia suits were pretty popular

You had a 2% chance of correctly guessing where I lived and you got it right. Nice.

Yeah, they dress in suits, which is nice. You can usually tell the Europeans apart from the Americans at church by the way they dress (Euros dress nicer).

Massachusetts and Rhode island have alot of portuguese population.
We have alot of portuguese famous descendants from there

Cod fishing?




Not a lot, we get most of our cod from Norway

Nah sorry but Portugal is sunny as fuck, stop pretending that you belong in our shit climate club

Is O Porto northren? if yes, I know a lot

they can't read


tell us about it user


Dude where I live , Braga, it's raining pots.

We have Atlantic weather. People up North are "white" for reason.


desu the land nobody knows and cares about. good land. would settle and live. post more northern portugal content and things pls

capital is called Vigo

i have a gf from braga
i put my moor lisbon penis inside her
how do you feel about your own people getting cucked?

Have a video about my town.


Terrible. She is now tainted. Not longer a true northern girl. She will be drowned in vinho verde.

I loved it, so comfy, so clean, beautiful, good-looking people

you're a true patrician user


plz gib moneh to pay euro debts

that actually hurted, Vigo is generic as fuck



A lot of our construction workers come from there, obrigado caraillou

My great grandpather was from the north of Portugal. He decided to move on the south of Spain.

T. Abdul Al-abderraman XX BARBOSSA

there is a town not too far from Porto where everyone and their mothers are called barbosa, they also have funny accents and are called indios for some reason

Do they make a lot of noise and put Portugal related stickers on their cars?

nope just swearing a lot and leaving super bock bottles all over the place.
i must say theyre pretty well integrated over here.
not like the cape verdian people (nigger portugueses)

It's funny because the cape verdians are probably our best black immigrants

I miss living in Porto :(

yes because they speak your language and stuff. here they don't even try. only talking portuguese and french.
the portuguese imigrants pretty much all speak luxembourgish, much love to them!
but yeh we're lucky cape verdians are pretty much the only black immigrants here. wht other kinds do you got ?

We got ex-colonials, mostly brazilians but also angolans, cape verdians and guineenses, ukrainians and Chinese (I don't think there are that many but theres a china shop/restaurant every couple of blocks, it's kinda impressive to be honest)

Immigrant related violence is very rare here in Portugal but some do bring problems, mostly drugs

You mean Galicia?

Este é xa un fío galego.

Ola, meus. Como vai todo?

>wht other kinds do you got ?

Depends on the area.

Lisbon is filled with Africans and South Americans.

Up North (at least in my city) we have a shitload of Ukrainians.

I feel we get the better part.

We also have """Romanians""". Gypsies.

Can dis "South Americans" queres dicir brasileiros ou tamén doutras partes?

Galiza é norte de Portugal portanto é igual.

Alguns Colombianos e também alguns Venezuelanos.

Na Galiza, o galego é mais falado que o catalão?

i'm from lisbon
it's mostly just niggers really, all the blackies come to the capital looking for work
i don't see many brazilians to be honest, most brazilians i've met don't like portugal much

nunca vi para ser honesto mas acredito que seja possível

Like Southern Brazil a supposedly White area in a non-white country.

Memes said it USED to be a lot more.

Now a lot of people moved here.

But yeah, mostly.

All though it's pretty white until Coimbra.

Then the "wogs" you guys like so much start appearing.



>Minhofags get a nice detailed Wojak
>tfw no good detailed Porto Wojak

Pede no /luso/

it would just have ribeirinha and a frenchie

Here's a funny house user, it has a rock in it

They are like the poorest region in the peninsula, poor even for Portuguese standards

Lived there (porto).

Cozy tier. Amazing people and food. Good times

that's not true, alentejo is the worst part

Minho is full of million € houses

>beta virgem
O sul é terra de alpha chads

Nothing. All i know about Portugal is that:

-it was rich in the past with many colonies but somehow ended on Polish level even if they never were fully invaded and removed from the map. And now Portugal is even poorer, i mean how?

no eu monies

But Portugal was in EU before Poland and you were taking monies from EU longer then us.

We're not poorer than Poland,kek.
You're poorer than czech republic,why?
Is it because they're german and you're slavic?

Nice meme

I asked the slav not the fucking fat cunt

Mind your betters now

I only visited Vila Real and it was a pretty comfy place, would like to visit Braga next

How's the music in Northern Portugal?

Braga is better imo

Traditional folclore, and some more modern stuff in the urban areas especially Oporto

Stop behaving like a nigger and it's Porto not Oporto.For fuck sake respect your fucking country

>respect portugal

The mexicans say oporto, i was worried if he googled it he would find some brazilian port

Who told you that? I know the city as Porto just like the FC.

In spain its called oporto, just assumed it was for the whole spanish speaking countries

Americans are known to be quite disrespectful

Portuguese are known for being quite irrelevant

Give me a reason why I should respect your tiny rectangle country? I'm not being rude but I am quite curious as to why your country would demand respect from anyone.

I'm not demanding respect m8 It's just common courtesy. You don't go to Uganda and announce how bad it is

Uhhhhh why would you go to Uganda, again?

Don't get me wrong though, I would love to visit your rectangular meme country. Portugal over Spain any day of the week

So we're known for being irrelevant?That means we're not irrelevant.
Why should we care about your opinion?As long as you live in a country where shootings and a frequent happening I don't think you should judge what country has the right to be respected.

>rectangular meme country
I hope you actually switch off from your autistic personna when you get out of your house or you can actually be a menace to public security.

You shouldn't care about my opinion. I'm just a random American talking shit about your little rectangle of a country, don't mind me user

>I hope you actually switch off from your autistic personna when you get out of your house or you can actually be a menace to public security

You should say the same to Brasil, minha amiga

Their autism is legendary and you are their father

>You should say the same to Brasil
How can I talk to a country?Are you one of those polandball fat guys that roleplays as america?

Please stay at your side of the Atlantic.

used to visit fairly often as i live just 20 mins from the frontier in Galicia
cool place, cool people, towns look very similar to here
shame they put payments in the frontier, stopped visiting that often because of it

>how can I talk to a country?

Through the power of imagination, user.

Seriously though, go to Brasil and you will get shot. USA is nothing compared to your former meme colony, I swear that Portugal and Spain both have managed to fuck over all of South America with your Iberian autism.

>that shirt
Is Northern Portugal secretely Slavic?

Fuck off, kanker boy. I quite like NL and have visited your country quite a bit. Don't spoil the reputation of your country with such nonsensical drivel, dankjewell.

We are a lost nordic germanic tribe

>american education
>american opinions
>trying to talk sense into one of THEM
they just talk shit 90% of the time and think their farts dont stink
dont bother

The shirt of our traditional dress has that drawings

At least there is no reputation for you to spoil regarding your country. I only wish I could ruin our reputation so I can walk through Amsterdam in peace without retarded Americans all around me.
