There has to be some programmers here, has to be. Lets have a chat

There has to be some programmers here, has to be. Lets have a chat.

>been programming for 15 years
>started with winforms c#
>moved to webforms/mvc 4 years ago
>make about 110K aud

fucking that thing they do when you're mid development and they change all the requirements and you have to re-start

Other urls found in this thread:


>>been programming for 15 years

>spotted the summer-fag

what? how doe the 2 corralate?

go to Sup Forums dont hang with the plebs

its easy:

1- everyone knows that the geeks section is Sup Forums
2- everyone who claims to have years of experience, actually doesnt

Doesnt bother me, establish new deadlines. the only way to stop this is to get a job where you're the one deciding the requirements.

if (op != faggot){

>if (op != faggot){
if (op != faggot) || op=faggot


>Been programming for 10+ years
>Programmed a robotic vision system for college project
>now work for an insurance company writing webservices

Computer Science: Not Even Once


op = faggot

that works in every language that isn't shit.

good day

Missing a quotation mark, nice syntax error

Dealing with clients is always going to be the worst part of any job. Especially when they think you're some keyboard wizard who can make features appear with the mash of a few buttons.

op = op == faggot ? op : faggot;

>mov edx,len
>mov ecx,msg
>mov ebx,1
>mov eax,4
>int 0x80

>mov eax,1
>int 0x80

>section .data
>msg db 'OP IS A FAGGOT!', 0xa
>len equ $ - msg

commodre 64

>did Software Engineering at uni
>never programmed before starting course
>got into C and C++ and loved it
>obsessed with how software could control hardware
>wanted to get into writing drivers
>started messing about with HTML at the same time
>found out about php
>did websites for an agency for extra money
>eventually doing more php than C
>graduated and got a web developer job straight away
>8 years later, only job i've ever had
>work in a team writing one of the biggest CRMs in the UK
>get paid pretty well, considering it's php
>regret never pursuing C and C++, though.

So the Common Door 64 running an extra
24bits PLOX tell me how you does this the
compilation time would be inane
on the old 1.023 MHz cpu

It was and is 8bit BTW the conversion /
Emulation time would be like a week just to
call op a FAGGOT

>no semicolon

I programmed my dick to fuck your mom.
>high fives self

Using a semicolon in every language are we?