So about 2 hours ago, a thread got opened with the question, Kurt cobain murdered or suicide...

So about 2 hours ago, a thread got opened with the question, Kurt cobain murdered or suicide. I read all the things in this thread and then watched the movie "Soaked in bleach" and i have to say, when you watched this movie, its impossible to say Kurt commited suicide.

Yeah, but focus on the positives; he's dead.

Murdered for sure bro.

It was a ritualistic killing.

Don't bring logic and common sense into this

True that, fuck that pretentious prick.


>.. and i have to say, when you watched this movie, its impossible to say Kurt commited suicide.

Perhaps if you have the critical thinking skills of a 10th grade boy.

The arguments and evidence that documentary provided were a joke, which is why this 'proof' didn't even make a splash with the public upon release.

Not only were all the arguments poorly stitched together and barely able to hold themselves up (like the laughably bad 'shotgun shell' evidence) but often times Grant would even contradict his own studies, or the experts he brought on would contradict him.

Another one of the horrible arguments he made was that Kurt Cobain was so high on heroin that he would have been incapacitated and he brought a scientist on to confirm that these effects could happen with a high enough dose. Then the toxicology report itself shows that Cobain wasn't anywhere near the levels to cause this.

Just like that, he lost his own arguments of a) It was someone besides him and b) he was incapacitated by the heroin dosage.

However, I don't want to spoil your fun. If you like being fooled by half-ass attempts at arguing a controversial stance, then also watch Blackfish and Ancient Aliens.

Yeah, but focus on the positives; he's dead.

the movie was one sided. very biased and shouldn't be counted for much.


Yeah I saw that, it's fishy as hell. But, he's been dead a long while and nothing has happened, so nothing is going to happen.

Is that Hulk Hogan's son?

Well, the point of the movie is to share that side, so of course it's one sided. When's the last time somebody had a point to make and made the point for the other side as well? It wouldnt make sense.

No watch a brackfish

In a few words, why/how was he murdered?

If you follow the deaths and all info released for lots of celebs things that were 'accidents' or suicide get pretty fucking interesting.

>Committed suicide by, OD, no drugs in system, recreational or percription.

>died of self inflicted gun shot wound to head autopsy shows gsw to face, neck, lower back and two in left leg

There are certainly screw ups but some of them are monumentally large you know it's bullshit. Ever seen the written autopsy for Tupac? Literally describes the body as already having been autopsied and the gun shot wounds listed are not at all visible in the picture of his body. He was said to have taken one to the face the picture of his dead body shows no form of cranial damage.

Michael Jackson was said to of OD'd yet the autopsy form points out multiple multiple signs of bruising and even some scratches which sounds more like a fight was happening.

Found the shill

Who cares?
He was shit anyway, an unwashed junkie loser faggot whining like a pussy.
The success of Nirvana can be solely attributed to how dire the situation was in the 1990s, as regards a lack of decent guitar-based bands around this period, the major share of his CDs being bought by suicidal teenage kids who didn't know what decent music was. His death only prevented him from learning a 5th chord on his guitar and whining some more, so good riddance.

Q: What's the best thing Nirvana ever released?
A: The safety on Kurt's gun.

soaked in bleach documentary is great

Just another hipster who big-toed a shotgun

Courtney love had him killed. No question about it.
Watch Kurt & Courtney - the doc
Watch Soaked in Bleach - the doc
Hands down got away with murder, fucking bitch. And the Seattle Police Department can't reopen the murder investigation because then it would admit that the detectives there were dirty and on the take, releasing too many individuals from jail. Making all the cases during that time with those detectives thrown out.

If this is true, she done the world a big favour. We owe her.

>thinking Courtney did it

Oh, this charming individual didn't have anything to gain at all

Is this you?

I'm glad the world has people like you. Keeps my hate alive. Keeps it fresh.

money bro, Courtney Love tricked the guy into changing his last will

No, it's your real father, go ask your mum, m8y

Too bad you are a pussy who can't do jack about it, faggot.

>implying you wouldn't have plowed Courtney when she was a kinderwhore

Also, if you were born after 1980, gtfo this thread

5edgy8me you must be fun to socialize with

No we wanted a divorce, to change his will and to quit Nirvana. She had him killed to cash in before any of that took place. Kurt was never the person the media made him out to be. All his friends said he was Never all depressed and shit. Courtney kept him a junkie as long as she could. He wanted out and was getting out of that life style. Throwing her away was the plan. Was killed in the process.


U wot m8 I bash ur gob I swear on me mum m8 I fucken rek ya, cunt

True on both.

wtf has blackfish to do with those movies. blackfish is a documentary about bad treatments of animals in aquatic amusement centers, wich everyone is aware since forever.

>All his friends said he was Never all depressed and shit.

All the people who bought his whiny music thought the depression was the selling point.

Congrat. That's the most autistic picture I've seen on /b all week

Is that his nose lying there?

Fuck off faggot

Someone sounds jelly.

The music was the selling point. Again if you were born after 1980 gtfo. Not literally but yeah. The music world not only shifted but was spun the fuck around by nirvana. No joke. Impossible to see if you hadn't known about music and the climate of the music world before vs after.

>no you

No, just sorely dissappointed to hear this juvenile, self-pitying drivel after all the hype surrounding them. Go cry into your tartan shirt.

How about plaid you fucking bonger

I am 49.
By comparison, Oasis is another example of a guitar band who wouldn't have made it if the charts were not full of dance/techno music. Maybe you came in your pants when Curt first whined like a faggot back in 1990-something, but I thought his drivel was so poor, Nirvana wouldn't even make it onto John Peel's show.

They can take our land............they can rape our women.....But they will NEVER take our PlayStations.............

Who the fuck is Kurt Cobain?

The world is full of ignorant people. You happen to one of them. Don't get upset.
If you want change, start from with yourself.

'Ignorant'? OK, I can't see the Emperors' Clothes, so what do they look like, Poindexter?

He's one of those retards that thinks, captive animals aren't treated god awful.. he probably thinks they signed up for it.

soaked in bleach universally seen as inaccurate shit

Who fucking cares honestly. The dude would have been dead soon after anyway. He was a raging heroin junkie. As much as i support the legalization of all drugs in not a stupid cunt to think most of them are worth taking.

Heroin will fucking kill you

>It has to be either A or B or else it won't make sense.

What kind of logic is that? Why not see the whole picture of the situation and draw your own opinion?