Fat people/feminist hate thread

Fat people/feminist hate thread

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sounds just like europe


Anything involving Milo Yiannopoulos


>inb4 feminism is a diverse subject with many different schools of thought and most of the people who complain about it are poorly informed

Ever hear of war rape?

You think fats are people . Cute.

Ever hear of getting shot, stabbed, gassed, or thrown in some godforsaken POW camp? Oh, and drafts?

>I'm deluded by a collectivist supremacist ideology that has never in its entire existence fought for equality


Poorly informed. Case in point.

Wait wait wait... war rape? I have to hear this one...

Yeah, it's almost as if war effects different people in different ways! Imagine that!

And it just so happens men get the shit end of the stick? Imagine that!



You are poorly informed. Feminism has never fought for equality, and have claimed the successes of others as their own. Ex. The sufferagettes (Who themselves were extremely racist and opposed to the sufferagist movement who fought for the right for women and coloureds to vote)




Are they the only ones? Try explaining that to the women who find themselves at the mercy of an invading army.

Nice double trips. That girl looks like a qt but I'm turned off to her because of how she's a delusional bitch.

Why do feminists all look like third-string linebackers?


>professional rapist
I was unaware that rapist was a viable profession

The same fat guy with no intention of losing weight from every thread here, AMA.

Feminism is bad because it's an inconsistent ideology based on the idea that we need to advance women's needs above and beyond any other considerations.

There is no single, coherent stance behind it. It is about equal rights, yeah? Equal opportunities? Equal outcomes? The answer changes depending on which will be most beneficial to women in each particular instance. So when it's about something like gender ratios in cushy office jobs, we need quotas to get 50:50 (or more accurately, 50% or more female) gender representation. What about gender ratios for sewer workers, heavy industrial jobs, garbage collectors, machinery? Nope, that's just fine, all we need there is equal rights!

Women are in their twenties and have all the power when it comes to sex? Why, they should have as much sex as they like and nobody should be allowed to even question it, that's slut shaming! Women are their thirties and are rapidly losing their looks and abillity to get hot men to care about them? Gee, men just need to man up stop being manchildren in their man-caves!

And so on, You cannot expect me to support an utterly inconsistent and hypocritical special snowflake group like this, and I cannot take any seriously who does.

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right. It just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than yours.

Fuck feminism.

Try explaining that to the pakis we take back with us and torture. We're they women?

This better be satire.

double-trips spoke.

Dubs trips telling the truth as usual

Fuck auto correct

Agreed. But there's a difference between feminism and feminazism.



is this a get thread

>fat people
No need to repeat yourself, bud.

I am non-feminist fat ass so get fucked.

not experienced by american women


This cant be real


American women aren't the only women on the face of the Earth.

When I grew up I bought into the idea that the higher up you get in the education food chain the smarter people around you would be.
This was before I met weapon-grade idiots like this in university.

Yes the difference is that femanazism isn't a real fucking thing. It's a buzzword insult people use to insult feminists. Nobody identifies as a fucking femanazi you fuckwit.


You deserve a God Damn Medal and your own TV show. To bad you can't persuade someone who is more thickheaded than a fucking T-rex

I just checked it. This is real. What the fuck

of course but Hilary was obviously talking about US

You can identify them yourself and avoid em.



the world is fucked up, mate

Its the stupid square thing from Math Class. All rectangles are squares but not all squares are rectangles. All feminists are fat not all fat people are feminists.



All these cunts look like they havent been fucked in ages.

If you say so. She didn't mention the US in the posted quote; she could very well have been talking about all women.


Actually the first wave wasn't for equal treatment, they were strongly against the equal treatment of blacks and Irish. They were primarily for the betterment of upper middle class white women, just like the feminists today.


She wasn't in the US when she said that.

but you know she doesn't care for women around the world just her female voters



>implying the women don't enjoy it



>air conditioning
Stop triggering me :^(

>dont question my views. Just drink the koolaid.


Issues of class and gender intersect but are not the same.


Which makes her an ordinary politician.

Found the feminist


i bet you refer to this one youtube.com/watch?v=MNH0bmYT7os

people actually believe this


They are two separate words with different definitions. Jesus Christ. Plus that shit isn't a good representation of justice.

but have read before, was worth it then




Mexico of all places

are they mutually exclusive?


My bestfriend was raped at a young age by an overweight woman in a walmart bathroom. He cant talk about it because hes a guy but it really did scar him for awhile.
Woman are almost twice as likely to abuse children then men( please google it)


muh femanazi folder

i love shoe

It's a stock photo

I bet she fucking smells rank too.

Nice OC

Depends what you mean by that




$50 says you've watched at least one leafy video