Salaam Aleikum

Salaam Aleikum,

Some of you guys are cool even if many of you are not muslim. Do not go to the Euro in France. There will be 4 bombings in 1 will be used Sarin, the subway will be attacked and fans trying to get outside the stadiums. Will be coordinated attacks. We are all saying our prayers to Allah. We are ready.


Eat Bacon oh wait you guys handle pig products all the time in your explosives and bullets. Anyway go eat bacon

i have tried turkey bacon before was good. I can not eat pork its not allowed, its dirty and unhealthy.

Go fuck thy self retarded sand niggers, adimaral ackbar.

pig pussy is the only thing better than goat pussy, do not deny yourself the simple pleasures in live brother

no need to be rude, we will prosper just see

You won't do it pussy, also on the off chance you do... posting

i dont understand why its an insult to muslims to go eat bacon. porks eat their own shit and are filthy

i do not know any of that, that is forbidden no muslim can fuck a pig... and we do not all fuck goats. Just because 1 man in the mountains fucks a goat we all get the label

try and target only white people so they finally get the message that your kind are scum and they should open up death camps and gas the lot of you.


* open palm, fingers toward you *

Then save a print and you will see after the prove

The fact that you write that some of the people here are cool already fucks up your whole credibility
Also I'm sure those fucks will try to do some shit during the tournament, but considering the extremely high amount of security nothing will happen

The Quran does not allow us to eat pig, it helps us to be healthy. Some of The Quran is about life style and being healthy. Eating pork is not allowed because it is not good food. I can eat shit, does not mean its good for me.

I'm gonna keep my eye on the news just in case this isn't a troll.

We have death camps, you have "feminism" you are all girls and weak men. The non believers are weak and will not prevail.

i know i just dont get why ppl tell u to go eat bacon like its an insult. i didnt phrase it right. porks are dirty



the mongols were non-believers and they razed half of the muslim world in ~1260s, why would allah allow his children to be slaughtered in the millions by a heathen if he really cared about your struggles

abandon thread

i like the videos of us you post here

lol fail

Muslims are not even allowed to say Salaam Aleikum to inifdels.

I'm gonna go to the Euros instead m8.

So let me ask you something oh wise mujahideen... if you're planning a major terrorist attack why in the fuck would you post about it on a website hosted in the United States? do you not realize that shit like this is monitored? God damn I feel sorry for you, you're so fucking retarded and beta but even if you do pull this shit off the 72 virgins waiting for your ass are going to friendzone you, oh and by the way just for shits and giggles call me an infidel

Salaam Aleikum means "may god be with you", you can use it to non-believers in some situations.

I wish france would get attacked again, they (and the rest of europe) are on the brink of having the far-right political parties take majority, following this it's off to the gas chambers for muzzos

You should go to bed earlier boy, the internet definitely isn't the right place for you

Which is worse an atheist or a christian or jew



vigipirate actived! You shall not pass !

Well if you can say that all of us are worthless scum for not believing in your sky pedo, then we can say that all of you are goat fuckers.

Seriously?? that's the best you could come up with??? here a little something for your troubles

USA can not protect anyone, not even themselves from themselves. Infidel i bet you are proud of denying the love of allah. You think you are right to do this but imagine if you are wrong.


ive been rubbing bacon grease on all the mosques around my neighborhood... so will they go to hell for touching it?

All are bad, all deny Allah. For us muslims non-belivers are below animals. That is the true word.

but jews are worse, those ratfaced fuckers don't care about any humans but themselves



not only are you are retarded child but also you're too dumb to tell the difference between posters. You should honestly consider taking a nap m8

Save this, then check if all i said was true or false. If you are wrong you have to read the Quran

Well at least you're killing french people i guess, that said why are all attacks against the french ?

No, that is just you being a dickhead, we dont go around licking the walls like Swedish

I already took a nap today, I'm good but thanks for asking

He understands that we must prevail as the true humans in face of Allah by all means necessary.

if you touch the wall it absorbs into your skin

We are not plants and bacon oil is not nivea. Also we clean ourself many times a day

We have alot of true muslims here in France. It is easier to do things here than other places.

just got reported you sandnigger

gonna go summon the F.B.I, brb