Does Sup Forums have overwatch

does Sup Forums have overwatch

yes we do

No its just a more cartoony csgo with ultis

overwatch worth it?

Overwatch or tf2?

Yeah it's actually a fucking dogshit game. I've never played something that I can win, get 3 gold medals and play of the game and still be fucking furious. That game fucking sucks dick.

I hope youre not actually that stupid.

Go to bed AVGN


Never heard of it.
But tf2 is pretty fun, you should get Steam.


also felt so damn casual that made me feel bad about myself

it's okay. but its an endless rock v paper v scissor on like the same 10 maps over and over and over

How retarded are you?

Played and everyone on both teams were absolutely shite, got play of the game as fucking Lucio and stomped any hero that 1v1 me, and I'm shit at shooters for the most part, csgo being the only one where I can actually do something

Overwatch is a slower paced game based LIGHTLY in mobas that relies little on precise twitch aiming and more on timing of abilities and team co-ordination whereas TF2 is more about team composition, and is based heavily in it's roots of Quake, meaning it relies heavily on precision and movement, rewarding a very high reaction time.

I'd say it's worth it. If you like tf2 you're probably going to like overwatch

Asking this in an Overwatch thread is like asking dota or lol in a league thread

cant afford 40$

Please, someone. I need like 20 bucks then i can get OW, my mate keep bothering me about it. :^(

Very wrong, they play completely differently.
I have played TF2 for almost 2000 hours, and I have played Overwatch since launch, I like them both but they're VERY different.

Sounds like u play too much bastion

i m gonna probably buy it today cuz it looks really fun

No it is not.

jmromeo dot com has Overwatch download tokens for sale cheap

I've played tf2 and overwatch and I feel like they're a bit similar but still kinda different


I make more than $40 an hour, that doesnt change the fact that overwatch is a babby casual FPS

Am I the only one who mains Mercy?

no mercy main here although i fucked up like 2k hours of my life w csgo so i should be decent with others

sure you do bud

They are a bit similar for they are both class based FPS, but they have many very different ideas.

by fps standards overwatch is pretty easy with all the autoaim and huge cones of fire

Better question is "Does /b have Overwatch porn?"

Can this be an Overwatch porn thread?

dat hivemind
