Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?

Your Mom
Challenger 4

I'm diamond 1

OP outed himself as a gayfag.

Soraka when I'm playing with high elo friends so I don't get judged lel
Gold 1, share accounts with multiple people.

>share accounts with multiple people
That's bannable.

Jhin cuz he is too op


Jinx silver 4
i'm not bad but not the best either.

about to be diamond

Blitzcrank mastery 7 bronze :) I don't play ranked tho,

Diamond 2

ullr awilix Tyr

I don't main, I ARAM
I don't play ranked.

I play Vayne recently pretty often. But I consider Jax my main.

Currently gold 2. pic related is old

i play sion only, dia3

>grinded with this guy to gold 1
>desktop broke in Feb
>haven't played since
Each season since s4 I usually get to diamond 5 and then stop. I really don't find the point in playing ranked anymore now that I've taken a break for this long. Any other crit lovers here?

D5, alistar and bard main

Season 2 or 3 I raged and hated ranked, but went all crit champs.
Xin jungle and support, GP top and support,
Pantheon top and jungle, Tryn top and jungle.

Last ranked I played in fact I went trynd adc because I misclicked but I ended up succesfully pulling that shit off. I miss melting kids and making them dc

Nami, Silver 3.

Yasuo, bronze 5


Hearing since s3.
High gold low plat, depends on the day


main rengar if he gets banned khazix if they both get banned shaco.


What if shaco is also banned?

Sion I guess
Don't play ranked


nidalee or reksai depending on what the team needs

I can play any champion so no main

bronze 3

>im not bad

no, youre fucking shit if youre stuck in silver

Fiora and Ekko

>i can play any champion

well looks like u cant any champion at all

Kek, thought something around the same of the
"I can play any champion" guy


I'm gold elo so I can just smash buttons and get quadras

Voli, Ori, Azir.
Silver 2 failed promos to gold the other day and tilted a whole rank down :^)


My rank is, "I play not-shit games."

Zilean master race reporting in. Currently Silver 1 but not for long !


Hecarim cuz he has some amazing ganks and he is fun as fuck
Bronze 1

Guaranteed if you spam Voli and put Jungle first, gold 5 by tomorrow. Trust me.

your ganks must suck

i play a variety of supports but i like playing lulu so lulu main i guess.
Gold 4

>I am support main

Karma mid/top because I'm a filthy nigger

I only play zilean support in ranked.

I'm Gold 4.

Here's mine

Teemo main > anyone who plays Lucian, Zed, Fizz, Yasuo

Have no main but stick to tanky top champs.

Bronze 1

Just tell me ,how the fuck can you be stuck in bronze?

Its my first ranked season , played ranked right away after hitting 30 and I had no problems getting out of bronze

Kindred - Diamond 1 atm, mobilefag so can't really add pictures

Challenger, no mains

retards are retards


its even funnier cuz they are probably from shit servers like EUNE , LAN , OCE or something

lmao people still play this fucking game? I played it in like 2012. The game is for kids.

Hello kid.

>video games
>for kids

no shit


I feel like your just trying to provoke me :D

Shen tip main 66% win rate failed to get plat 2 yesterday, all because I let then guy who was a ryze main go top and I adc and sucked ass at it

Mirana, 4k


yeah no wonder youre stuck in bronze
underage &


dw League is already declining and fast.
Riot is doing a good job killing their golden egg

S6 dynamic que ranks dont matter shit

kill yourselves please

I main a split of Yorrick and Fizz. Fizz because he's broken and I can usually make up for one lane feeding and Yorrick because no one knows his kit.

Its like they want it to tank. Every decision the past year has made it worse.

Thats probably best for your mental health. I'm stuck at gold one. Lost last series because we had ad carry sona and a support trundle against an actual bot lane. This shit is more out of my control than the economy of India.

Their balancing team is fucking retarded

nah they just have favorites who they cant nerf

like Zed and Lee

No, I seriously think they are retarded. They have pretty much ruined the game.

Bard support and Gragas jungle, plat V

I main Syndra
Currently Plat 2

Bard diamond IV

>who do you main in League of Legends?
>starts thread with riven picture
mfw op is a toxic riven main scum

Yasuo, plat IV


I'm not going to lie, I'm a shitty Silver 5.

- Lee Sin
- Udyr
- LeBlanc

Honestly the main reason in Silver 5 is because I'm very toxic and get tilted too easily. I should learn not to get so butthurt, but I just get hurt too easy.

Braum/Thresh/Bard Plat 2, still grinding.
Been Silver 4 (placement) 3 weeks ago, got Plat 90% games playing Braum

Also, you pick two extremely hard to play champs and then udyr.
Come on bruh, find something worth playing.

Just stay calm no matter what, we've win games after we had 3 inhibs and both nexus tower down 30 minutes before we finished.

I only did my placement games, so I'm silver 3, but I main Sion because why not

you are the worst kind of trash.