Tell me how you would degrade and humiliate my friends little sister

Tell me how you would degrade and humiliate my friends little sister.

id make her be seen in public with me, that would be humiliation enough.

Lol. How would you fuck her though?

Im sorry to hear that.

am sor hearing that 8(

am would feeding her an lasaga 8)

I'd point out how huge her forehead is in a number of funny ways like I'd say "that birch has a four times four times forehead"

It is pretty big. She's damn sexy though.

Id shit on her face

Nice. That would definitely degrade her.

I'd say that bitches hairline further back than the oppression of the irish

I'd get her Steam account banned and make her work with Steam support

It's more than pretty big she looks like a goddamn alien in a 80s sci-fi film holy shit, does she have telekinesis

i would give her an A+ but promptly take back the said grade

user brings up a real ass concern can she move things with her mind?

Lol it's not that big mate


That's worse than shitting on her face ! You sick bastard !

Yeah then you post another pic show in off her big ass forehead, is that what you're into bud like holy shit.

I'd write a H on her forehead and myself a cool helicopter

Haha sure dude

Man and that alien on her right isn't even trying and here I didn't believe in extra terrestrials then all this comes to light this is something else dude.


What's her name?


Shit give this birch another 5 years and she'll have to resort to the trump style combover

I'd fuck her face in front of her brother to show him what a slut has she become

She actually only has sisters. And they're all pretty sexy too. Abby is the youngest though

She looks like the oldest though if you go by her hairline fuck.

So who's your friend? Is she hotter?

post her feet



YOU HAVE A FUCKING 5head!!! There! That degrading enough?
