"face me but know that you face a god"

"face me but know that you face a god"

Where is this quote from?

she hot

I'm gonna guess Dragonball Z but it may be some other Chinese cartoon.

the dark man rises

Yup, probly one of them China-mens cartoons, some of that animays


Obviously I know they're not actually Chinese but I'm using Chinese as a sort of catch all term for Oriental.

Actually it's from a western anime
>none of that weeaboo shit

I don't watch cartoons regardless of their country of origin.

Which one?

Almost none of them are chinese is what I was getting at, Japan has kinda cornered the market on anime

Well I have no interest in cartoons be they Oriental or otherwise.

Just a guess but i think the dwarf in the flask from FMAB says it

Source on her?

sounds kanye

motherfuckers think it's to trolling to call the east pacific region orient.

nigger, try harder.

lost girl s2e16 is where this gif is from

But that's what it is called..



Oriental is what we call yellow Asians here. If you say Asian then most people will think you mean curry, not noodles. But like a typical American you are ignorant of the world around you.

Christopher Robin

please repeat it one more time. then i'll fall for it.

Ask any English person and they'll tell you the same m8.

x-men fag lords sperglord

Brits use Asian to describe the yellows

No we don't. We use it to describe the browns.

Must be different wherever you are then, we use Indian to describe browns


But not all of them are Indian.

This doesn't sound right

It's the commonly accepted system where I'm from in London. We have loads of Asians and not quite so many Orientals.

Between her and Jennifer Goines...it's a tie.

You are a stupid person

Why? Because I use a different system of classifying ethnicities?

Because you use a time period from one particular country to classify the people of a bunch of different countries.

You're English, you should know that part of history at least.

Maybe because it's the continent that they're from? You're saying I can't class people from German, France, and Belgium as Europeans without being "a stupid person"?

If you classified the English as Normans you would be a stupid person. If you classified the Italians as Romans you would be a stupid person. If you classified black people as Ancient Egyptians you would be a stupid person.

Get it?

You haven't given a single reason against classifying people from the Orient as Oriental.

>Because you use a time period from one particular country to classify the people of a bunch of different countries.
No one is talking about time. We're talking geography and ethnicity.

Nobody calls any of those people those things. Oriental is a widely used term to refer to people from the Far East.

Her name is Ksenia Solo

So has anyone guessed correctly?

The Orient was a period of time in China, it does not exist anymore. Unless they have a time machine it's impossible for someone to be Oriental.

It's like calling white people Victorians. Being an English person you would know this if you knew your own history.

Widely used by stupid people

It is still commonly referred to as the Orient. Even by Orientals themselves.

Throwing around insults because you are losing the argument is a very childish thing to do.

Well they should be more considerate of how annoying that must be for historians.

I was throwing insults around before this "argument" started.

Then frankly I don't see why I should take anything you have said as anything more than the time wasting bullshit of a troll.

Because it's true.

Far East hahaha

Cool story kiddo. I'll add it to the rest of the crap to disregard pile.

Then you'll only have yourself to blame for your ignorance.

Only ignorance of your bullshit. Give it up and move on. You have failed.

Asian for yellow, Indian for brown (who gives a fuck if they're from Pakistan, it's all the Great British Raj to us.), Middle-Eastern for sandniggers. Unless you're being especially PC in a police report. Then middle-eastern becomes "Asian" So nobody actually knows what kinda person the police are looking for at all.

Except no, you're retarded, it literally means "The East". Just because you think the word sounds old-timey doesn't mean it's referring to a specific period in time. "Oriental" Is a legitimate answer you can give on your census form.

You know the earth is round. Yeah? If you go far enough west then you hit China

Your attempts at an argument are pretty damn pathetic. You're really not very good at this trolling game are you?

You're* fuck your retarded

Such weak bait. You're laughable.

>western anime
>not weeaboo

u high m8?

What was the original point of this thread?

Nice b8, good luck trying to read a map or use a GPS using only left, right, forwards and backwards

I already said west ya mong. What'cha on about?

I don't think he was trolling to begin with, I think he actually was that stupid, and now having realised that he's a retard, he's trying to play it off as "jk guys jk im a troll lol"

Well at least he's realised he's a retard. That counts for something.

Because we look at the world in a very specific way for simplicity's sake, with London essentially being the middle between what we consider to be "East" And "West". If you tell a German that to get to France they have to travel east and go all the way around the world, just to get to France you're essentially throwing the entire concept out the window.

Just kinda pathetic that he feels the need to prove that's just him taking the piss on an anonymous image board rather than simply giving up and getting on with his day

It's from the bibble. What's your point?