Looks like blizzard is trying to take away our overwatch porn. Post what you got so we can get a collection going

Looks like blizzard is trying to take away our overwatch porn. Post what you got so we can get a collection going.


The best way to make people want something is to tell them it's banned, viral marketing 101.





> Banning porn in 2016
>This is not what Larry Flint fought for!



How in the sam hill fuck are they going to 'take away our overwatch porn'? They gonna do call up the internet police and have them do a cleansweep of the interwebz? Stupidest shit I've heard all day.


The same way they take away any Dmca infringement.





Implying that'll make any difference. Where there's porn, there's a way.

I would dump what I have for y'all faggots but a lot of it is larger than 4chin will allow for uploads.









That means "make more overwatch porn!"