Well who would win?

Well who would win?

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marines obvious

a googol is 1.0x10^100
and a googolplex is that number raised to the tenth, that is far far far more marines than ants

Are you retarded

Well Graham's number is bigger than the amount of particles in the universe so....

The biomass of that amount of ants would probably be enough to disturb whatever battlefield these things are fighting on and push it towards the closest sun or black hole. Therfore, neither

i would believe the marines have the same, if not higher effect, as their mass is probably higher, right?

Graham's number cannot be found using power stacking while googolplex can basically if you had Graham's number of ants they would die with the marines because we have yet to find a planet for these retardedly huge battles 12 year olds think about.

A flock of ants.

Mehreens because they hab gunz

Um. They wouldn't fit in the universe.

yes, i just realized that i am retarded


The mass of either of them would cause them to collapse into a black hole. I see no winners here.

Graham's number is much larger than many other large numbers such as Skewes' number and Moser's number, both of which are in turn much larger than a googolplex.

The ants win, if there were a way to fit that many of each on a battlefield. Thats due to their small size and fluid like properties in large masses. Also they can communicate far more quickly than a human can across large numbers. So the Marines could only do little to no damage to the total numbers of ants.

It's not only bigger than the amount of particles in the universe, it's bigger than the number of distinct locations in the universe (even those, which are a vast majority, which don't contain a particle).

the quads have spoken

What are they competing at?

how many of those ants r queen ants
because if thers just 1 queen the marines can just kill it for ez ggs

Do you kill chickens for thier eggs?

I'm with user. Is this a tug of war, tag? What competition is it?


Ants, you fucking idiot.

Marines than. Ants are to stupid for numbers and patterns.

Ants have more legs, so they're better at hopscotch. Ants win every time.

Marines, of course. It'd only take some insecticide and heavy artillery to kill some fucking ants.

Can they be bullet ants?

Do the marines have insecticide? I don't recall that being mentioned by OP.

do you realize how much a googolplex is?

you can fit grains of sand in the universe (10^90)

googolplex (10^10^100) is such a big number that there are more 0s in googolplex then there are particles in the universe.

The amount of ants that are more than could fit in our current observable universe? Not enough pesticides coyld be made.

I don't think anybody here really get's how big googolplex is.

/watch?v=8GEebx72-qs if you want to get a visual.


Because Grahams number is a number so large that you can't even write it down without breaking the universe.

There is not a single measurement, or thing you can do to try and reach that number. It's so inconceivably large that it might as well be infinite when compared to something as small as a googolplex.

That's a common part of some kits though. Bug spray. Not that hard to acquire.
If not, just fucking bomb them. These are just regular ants. Although alot.

And yet Grahams number is infinitely larger.

thats a big number

That's a lot of ants.

Grahams number is still infinitely larger.

A graham's number of ants would be exponentially larger than the known universe.

Do you know what Graham's number is? How much bugspray you would need??

i see you're new to large numbers.

Here, learn a little something:


Assume that each marine carries around...8 ounces of bug spray in their kit for certain missions. I don't know the exact number. Do you still think that 8 googolplex ounces wouldn't be enough?

dubs tell no lies

Gravity would win by sucking them both into a planet sized mass of gross compressed ant/marine goo

>Only 1 quote

how does it feel to be less than worthless

Assume that each ant is resistant to bugspray.

>planet sized mass
it would be bigger than the observable universe

no you fucking idiot it won't be enough. even if each Marine had a googolplex amount of nukes that when fired killed a googolplex amount of ants it still wouldn't be enough. Grahams number is so big that comparing it to googolplex is the same as comparing it to one.

Do you realize how much Graham's number is? If googolplex was represented by the point of a pin then Graham's number would still be bigger than the universe. Faggot

grahams number.. pfft.
there is a bumber so big it wouldn't even bother stepping up for measuring towards graham.

it's so bug, it's written as a formula

chan = opposing number

But ants are only little.


I've seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull enough times to know the ants will win


Yeah but so are the US Marines

Obviously ants, let me explain :

10^100 is googol, if you do 10^googol you obtain googolplex which is insanely big.

if you do 3^^^3 you have 3^^3^^3^^3 or 3^3^3^3^3^3^3 which is more than 3^7billions. Now calculate 3^^^^3 which is a lot, now the result is the number of (^) that you put between to 3, so it's completely insane, repeat this 64 times and you have the graham's number.

So googolplex is a quark if graham's number is equal to 10 universes.

It's quite big.

I don't think a spider has even nearly that many legs wow