Drug thread!! Whats Sup Forums up to today? I woke up with an amazing DXM after glow...

Drug thread!! Whats Sup Forums up to today? I woke up with an amazing DXM after glow, just drank a glass of Kratom and about take some dabs.

My cousin made me smoke a cigarette once when i was 12

Just snorted some adderall, my dab rig will be here this week though

What do you pay a gram for shatter?

are you 12?

I love psychedelics. I tripped on possibly Nbome by accident a few weeks ago and had a horrible time, thought i was gonna die. How can i get over the anxiety i feel when thinking about tripping on real lucy again? I want to so bad and i have it in my possession but i just feel so nervous when i think about it that i know id throw myself into a bad trip.


20 for the fire and 10 for the darker stuff

I jus been rollin dope all day again, playing some ds1 listening to some khalifa

idk what 12 year old can take a dab like its a thing to do and just walk away like it's a thing to do..

I buy in bulk though.


The fuck with all these DXM threads? I'm rolling balls now. Is this real anymore? Or is it just summerfags?


I'm paying 50 and I feel like it's high but it's some bomb ass shit

You must be in CO

If I only buy one gram it's like $30 at the store.

Get a test kit dumbass

Dude not even. When I was in Cali it was about that. I'm in Colorado now, it carries from 25 ish - 45 depending on the store, quality, and what they have stocked.

I live in Oregon.

Ohhh you get bulk. My bad, the way i read that post i thought you got a single gram purchase for $20 lol

Coffeeshop amnesia

Its cool dude you probably havent had real lsd in the last 16-17 years anyway

Fuck you cockknocker, i have a test kit. I tested it and because 1p-lad doesnt react with ehrlich reagent, i thought it was legit. The new shit is AL-LAD and i have tested it with multiple reagents this time and its definitely legit. The problem isnt whether its real, the problem is that i feel anxious about another psychedelic journey because the last one went so horribly wrong

Not this shit again

I can't really help you man, but I know how you feel. I had a trip on mushrooms that turned bad and now I'm kinda not sure about psychedelics, shit was in November too so it's been a while. I ended up blacking out because I stood up too fast, didn't know that's what was happening when it did though, kinda came to that conclusion later, I get lightheaded pretty easily standing up quickly and have blacked out from it sober before. Still can't shake that uneasy feeling when I think about it.

Take around noon. Only have close friends around, if any. Listen to your favorite music with a cheerful tone. Try to remind yourself it's just a trip throughout.
>my last trip
>best trip
I have the same problem with cid, but I believe it should be a right of passage.

>yes i have
This was a one time occurence and it was only because 1p-lsd doesnt react with ehrlich, just like Nbome. As soon as it touched my tongue i knew i was fucked, i had no choice but to spit it out and hope for the best.

So much aggression, sent it to a lab or man up and take it
If your really nervous just keep some benzos around and when shit starts going south dissolve that shit under your tongue and go to a different room for a few minutes

It's amazing what a change or scenery can do for a trip man, if possible and it's a nice day/night try going on your porch and sitting down

>send it to a lab or man up
Again, again, again, it is not fake acid im afraid of. It happened once and it was an oopsy on my part. The shit i have now is real and the anxiety is my problem, not the authenticity of the drug.

How much weight do you have to buy to get it that low?

Thank you, that was the one helpful post in reply to mine. I think if i try my best to induce a good trip, itll turn out fine.

Oh then the benzo and moving to a different room will work wonders man,

im broke with an expensive habit of smoking weed everyday

So don´t do psychs no more? I did acid a couple of times (the real deal, not 2-OCB or w/e it is) and shrooms at least 10 times, but figured out I had to stop because the anxiety got worse after a lot of trips. Just my 2 cents. The first time was awesome tho.

If thats what i have to do, ill do it. Its a shame though, i love the experience.

either a half ounce or full ounce.

yeah, I loved the trips, but after a while I kind of lost my sense of reality, lol. I learned a fuckton from them tho, so I don´t regret nothing at all :) Was also a stoner for 3 years, quit that too, so only beers and coffee for the time being! (and some MDMA every once in a while)

>underage b&

lol @ everyone saying that after lots of trips lsd becomes too much, please if anything it just becomes more controllable, i remember back when i was like 17/18 i would sit and eat dinner with my parents tripping my face off, it became so controllable i could basically do my everyday activities while tripping balls.

people are different, I got what I wanted from LSD the first couple of times and now I don´t feel the need to do it no more. But good for you user!

1P-LSD is basically the same as LSD, and it does react with Elrich reagent tests, fyi