I want to make a "bomb weed" in a underground aeration sistem to protest against prohibition of weed

i want to make a "bomb weed" in a underground aeration sistem to protest against prohibition of weed

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>I want to make a "bomb weed"

I don't know why but this sounds funny as shit when I say it out loud.

Nigga you high as fuck

>bomb weed

English not first language huh?

i'm not english and i'm high as fuck


im rolling a "bomb weed" right now

Or maybe you could just stop being an edgy teenager who thinks taking mild forms of acid is even a remotely good idea. You are damaging your brain.


Is that what bomb weed means?


Dude, I think he meant a weed bomb not consuming acid?

is like a lot of weed in a burned box in a underground aeration sistem

Cannabis contains THC, which is a mild form of acid. Educate yourselves.

yeah, that'll teach 'em that weed doesn't make you a fucktard


shitty bait m8

You're right, my bad!

>>THC is a mild form of LSD, a completely unrelated chemical compound that doesn't even utilize the same receptors to get you high
Nice try you uneducated fucking retard

not sure where you're getting that tetrahydrocannabidiol is very similar to lysergic acid diethylamine-25, unless you mean in the "acids & bases" sense

i'm just stupid also while not high and i were more stupid before starting smoking weed

>weed is acid guys
>im smarter then u
>eduncate youreselfs

you think weed is illegal because people think it makes you a fucktard? Then why arent parachute pants and mirrored shades illegal?

The chief ingredient in marijuana is THC, a mild form of acid, prolonged usage of which can cause adverse effects to your sexual potency, short term memory loss, and can also severly damage your brain tissue, central nervous system, and basic motor skills. To put it simply, theres a reason they call it dope.

even if this were true, who cares?

that's okay. Here's some corgis!

>actually makes the bomb weed
>sets it off for protest in a air system
>someone in the vacinity of the air system has an allergic reaction.
>room full of anti Marijuana protesters are getting the first high of their lives
>too high to help person having an allergic reac to in
>person dies
>protest completely backfires, now anti Marijuana support is stronger than ever and you committed manslaughter.

Didn't really think about that, did you?

So what?

someone hasn't ever smoke weed, you don't know how is fnuuunyy

Thanks! Here's a... bird. I'm not sure wear kind.

no, but i don't think shit like this helps the case for legalization


look, adding more bait doesnt mean were going to take it

This is a completely imaginary situation.

HOW is THC a mild form of acid?

people can't have an allergic reaction to weed

off by one so it ain't gonna happen :(

ok good then we're done.

>i want to make a "bomb weed"

Are you retarded? People can have an allergic reaction to anything. There have been more documented cases of an allergic reaction to cannabis than there have bee stings.


why did you engage on that point? It was an obvious trap.

Fuck you man my mom told me her friend knows someone whos son died from an allergic reaction after snorting the devil's cabbage

You took the bait in calling it bait.

>Not sure if bait or actual complete retard

>i want to make a "bomb weed"
you 9 or 10?

Expected stupid shit from an anime gif poster.

i'm a fucked retard

Most likely both

>actual complete retard

Dont waste the weed. Only burn the stems.

I believe that's a froot loops pelican

i'm 420. And people like me that can not get highed after smoking 2 gr of weed but only after 3 can help people

no its a mild form of hallucinogen, if you've ever actually done acid, you'd know the difference between mild hallucinogen and LSD.

>froot loops pelican

the real problem with this idea is that by the time the smoke reached anyone through the ducts it would be at such low concentrations no one would get high.

Keep taking my bait, puppets.

Are you sure it isn't you who are high as fuck?

kek, youve been doing mild acid havent you?

oh ok. No he's actually stupid. Actual trolls dont actually say "lol i trolled u!"

what was I keeping brain in mint condition for again?

Sounds like a bad idea.

U should have done more drugs in school. You wouldn't be a know nothing neet who lives with mommy.

I have more friends because I use drugs!!! :D

you forgot about CBD


it takes 10 years to become retarded from weed

source: i am retarded

My friend worked in restaurant and we had similar idea, but we didn't had much weed so it didn't had that effect as we expected.
But maybe one time when his boss piss him off we gonna buy more and put it everywhere...

why haven't you moved to oregon or washington yet, you fucking dingus?
Literally the rest of the country is full of niggers or hicks. There really is no negatives to oregon/washington outside of the odd methhead in the sticks and sjwtumblr in the big cities or campuses.

PH is lower than 7

The premises that weed isn't great for you isn't where you are wrong. But it is not a "form of acid"
It is in no way related chemically to acid. Witch rules out it being any "form of acid.
We could argue that some properties of the highs are similar, but given thc has largely varried responses, you could compare it to most anything.

Bomb weed?

that makes it mildly acidic not a mild form of acid

the people that didn't ever smoked get highed whit a really short joint so they can get highed also in this way

>youre an idiot

its pks is 10 when you check wikipedia. meaning its a base because its higher than 7

You think youre funny, dont you kid.

>citing yahoo answers as a source of information to prove me wrong
your a idiot

>which can cause FAGFAGFAGFAG....


but doesn't nigga



I had a roomate that smoked weed every day for 2 years. He was smart, ambitious, and had a promising future in medicine.

When I was graduating college at the end of those 2 years, he had given up on his dreams, resigned himself to becoming a schoolteacher. He was no longer interesting to talk to and it was clear his mental faculties had declined.

You are all fools if you think inhaling large quantities of a poison isn't destroying your future, or at least making it worse than it could have been.

holy fucking shit i am actually cringing right now

not weeds fault lol

anything in moderation is fine :^)

he abused it and fucked himself up

Nobody recognizes this as Chris's rant from Family Guy in the episode where Peter and Lois get high and join a talent show? 1/10 for making me reply. Now stop giving this faggot attention and return to whatever you were doing before.

>your an idiot

Go drink large quantities of poison and try to forget about your father ok? I'ma smoke my toke tree b-otch.

shouldn't you be jerking off to cartoons or gay furry porn?

Finally someone got the reference.

which nigger removed the clove for traitorchans 8

same fag, same writing style

Holy shit, you guys are just making it too easy for em


consult the graph.

Family guy is gay.

Help me.

I am a weed addict and I am withdrawing hard.
Cashless. and craving HARD.

If you are in Southern California especially Riverside by UCR and willing to share, I can get to you.

Thanks again all and have a good day.

Here's your (You)

Takes one to know one, you double nigger.

Meant to quote you.

Ok a ms paint graph has changed my smoki tokei ways. Fucking dumbass

Why do you hurt me like this?

Not same fag. Dumbshit.

I know, I stopped watching years ago. I just have selective memory for stupid irrelevant shit like this.

so if you stay on the left you can be happy and smoke weed good to know

two post from computer, 1 from phone

oldest samefag trick in the book :^)