Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?

Mastery level 3 because i very rarely play summoner rift anymore, i just play aram
H3ck, I don't even remember the last time I played in summoner rift that wasn't a featured game mode

Fell in Love With Taliyah So i got her to level 5

Master 100lp

I don't main anything, unlike you fags I have enough skill to play almost any hero



I main nothing, but my most mastered champion is currently Zed. I've moved away from assassins so I don't really play him anymore. I love Viktor, Jax, Bard, and a few other champs in particular but I don't really play them. My summoner is MagicDragon300 and I'm at Bronze 4.

Silver 4

At least not to the degree that I played Zed.

Ezreal cuz he's the most fun thing to team fight with in the whole game!!!
I'm fuckin silver 3 T.T

Jax itself can get you into silver. Even gold if you have the mechanics

Plat 3

P4 Draven. Been playing him since he came out. First champ I bought. Unending plays you can make. Will never be bad.

My nigga

Just started. Kindred, Quinn, Xerath.

Aurelion Sol M5, Quinn M5, and Kindred M5

Just got to plat 2 a while ago but haven't played since Overwatch dropped. But, honestly, season 6 is a fucking joke and nobody should take their rank seriously right now.

How do you build him now with the changes to Gun and Rageblade?

you cant rekko the ekko

On your knees.

Use to main shaco-vlad on plat. But i quit the game on season 4.

Kha /reng/talon/vegair I play them all very well I'm best the first 2 I was plat last season but now I'm diamond 3

Soraka Gold-IV

I main riven/lucian plat 5.
