Hey fag's, what can we do to stop the isis war?

hey fag's, what can we do to stop the isis war?
it's a school project and i want 2 have your meaning's

Fund their enemies , such as the new democratic Iraq state, and stop them taking more territory

Bomb them.

Why stop them ?

Funding people's enemies always works.

They are around 20,000 people holding territory the size of the UK
They will probably kill a lot more citizens than ISIS considering how these things usually go

I mean the bombers would kill more

You cure it like you cure cancer: you cut out the ulcer. There is no sugar coating it.

However, politicians in charge (US, EU) do not want to do the obvious: get Russia into the boat and send 200-300k soldiers down there. They would just have to go through ISIS controlled land and gun down everybody who holds a weapon. Simple as that. No questions asked. You hold a gun, you go down. Then provide security while supporting democracy in the Middle East. Do not allow (religious) fanatics to rise up.

But oooh boy, we better sell weapons to dog+world there instead.

Kill all muslims

This. Send cruers in armoured cars through the streets saying anyone holding a weapon or camera for the next x days will be killed to restore order. Lets see them amass in the atreets to fight back and get destroyed.

Yeah but maybe once you go in people will start killing your soldiers at random and locals will become radicalised against you.
Not to mention the press at home reporting all the soldier deaths and people not liking having to fund all this.
Then once you leave I don't know that the democracy would necessarily be widely loved or supported

if it gets to ask for help from Russia they'll slowly take over the other countries (as if they aren't doing this already). We'll get back to comunism. Well, not the rough one most of the Eastern European Countries had, but the actual russian communism. Which still isn't okay, but somehow better than what we have now. Instead of jews leading the world, Putin will. I'd go for Putin tbh.

CIA funded, almost created ISIS out of nothing to destabilize Syria and Lybia, and take control of their oil and pipeline.

to defeat isis we need to understand what does it want
which lead us to a very dark conclusion
isis want to basically control over the world and force their sharia law and islam as in teaching and as in religion so the only fucking solution as its clearly there is no diplomatic salvation here
is to fucking bomb the shit out of them or even consider nukes if they spread even more

I hate to tell you, but getting killed is an obvious risk of that job. If you join the army, expect to die. Period.
Obviously you need to work with the peaceful people and help. The enemy of my enemy and all that, you know?
Of course soldiers will die. That's no rainbow fairy land. On the other hand, your other option is to let ISIS go on and suicide bomb citizens in your homeland, causing more horror than a couple of dead jarheads.

Stop the "clean war" bullshit with minimal casualities. the only thing drones can defeat are wedding companies and hospitals for children.

Make a war WW II style and bomb the shit away like amerifats did in Dresden. Or make that Hirsohima.

Game over.

media blackout then indiscriminate carpet bombs.

It's not clear to me that there would be fewer suicide attacks on home. Blowback effects make it complicated.
It is clear to me that a lot more soldiers would die since they're going right into some of the most dangerous countries and provoking a fight

ISIS is attractive to some because of their size and media coverage (being part of something big). Kill the vast majority of their troops and leaders, and it will sink into underground. That also shows possible followers that they are not the overlords they claim to be. Most of the fighers would shit their pants if they face real full-fledged warfare and not the joke of opponents fighting them currently.

thanks for all the info guiys rlly helped me alot

I think this is considered genius tier in America

you know what can be glorious , filming bombing the shit outta isis location while playing the moonmen song from rick and morty

Implement standars in education worldwide basic science education, evolution.

Eurocuck detected. You like having your gf being raped by dirty muslims and then you get arrested for discrimination

It could also work the other way where being attacked as the great Islamic serpent gives them more coverage / part of something big and makes it easier to get recruits / funding.

Clearly that's what ISIS expect to happen and that's why they make videos and do so much edgy shit.

stop invading oil rich nations an being a cunt ..U are an NEVER WAS AS GOOD AS THE BRITISH EMPIRE ..Ok
an dont any Murican newfag cunt dare diss me .. or I will revoke an burn white house down again my lil Bitches ok .. lol

burgers btfo

Make them surrender

Flip them bitch for Daddy

stop the CIA funding these Groups FFs as teacher that you dweeb autist fag

Serious answer is intolerance. No Muslim culture allowed anywhere. Start taking the out of society and start shooting people in the head who carry on this "religion of peace". Sure a lot of muslims aren't fucking psycho and level headed but at the same time someone in their mosque may be susceptible to that radical propaganda. Easiest way is to not have a mosque. Imprison anyone who has the child molester bible also known as the quarran.

Or the alternative, we make mosques everywhere, we let Islam become part of our culture, let Islamic culture into our laws and eventually let it rule our society and then we become Muhammedstan where everyone must prat for 5 times a day and you get beheaded if you speak your mind against their system.

If you disagree look at every Arab nation and what Islam has done to it.

Bullshit ..Cia made Taliaban .. an Murhajeen in 80s an in syria fundeded an suplide a tanker with US arms .. But wait they trained the assad fighters ..then they went islam .. ??? wow CIA SO FUCKING DUMB KILLED MANY CREATING THIS TERROR GROUP ! wiki leaks all there Fact ..b / :(

On the other hand I don't know that intolerance and escalation work well either.

Tbh only 12% of MUslims live in the Middle East and most of their fights are mostly political

Son you are dumb.

You havent had your meds timmy .. ok FFs are you allowed to post here ..??

Send all muslims to camps in poland

You think America came out on top for the invasion of Iraq? They are set back 20 years for the amount of wasted tax dollars in that shit hole. The invasion was supposed to be 3-6 months and then a small force was to be left behind. It cost the American gov't their AAA credit rating and over $30 trillion dollars.

4 billion a year in oil profits is the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

Low quality B8

You're a fucking idiot

Nobody said they were smart or successful

And of course they had other motivations eg Israel

Support them so they will win and the war is over.

Throw a big party. Only ISIS members allowed, it's and exclusive party for only the coolest kids. Once all the ISIS people are there and jammin' out to remixes of "allahu Akbar" while fucking their goats, we sneakily bomb the party! Hahaha gg ya cunts.



You seem like you have a ok IQ..
so here goes ..Saudis told the Usa an Britbong to stir/Destabilize up the ME ... You get me B/ro ..

Stop giving aid to Israel. They just turn around aND train and fund ISIS.

That girl looks dumb as fuck tbqh

let them fire each other up and take care of the rest when there are little left.
they are so stupid that they can't ether tell if allah wants them to shoot each other to keep the world at peace/extension of the stupid people/and still not see what they are doing is wrong and could be better if they just threaded each other right, or that allah is on both sides and they are slaughtering each other in fake believes which makes them dumb and there believes fake.
so allah wants them to kill each other or they are just to dumb to see that they are fighting them self

>what can we do to stop the isis war?

Join ISIS, and kill all civilized people. ISIS wins, war over.

Nuke all muslim countries

What school? Elementary?

>hey fag's, what can we do to stop the isis war?

Nuke Israel and "ISIS" disappears. "ISIS" is a CIA/Mossad Trojan Horse meant to keep shit stirred up.

Did you notice how no one had ever heard of it before it sprang up? Did you notice how Putin and Russia stomped "ISIS" flat in about three weeks, when the US had been bombing empty sand for three years and not slowing "ISIS" down at all???

Kill patient zero

umm do u faggots realise OP is an ISIS spy?

you're giving him intel


stay the fuck out of there.

O shit waddup