Searching for a free IDE for HTML and PHP (all-in-one). Currently using Eclipse for it

Searching for a free IDE for HTML and PHP (all-in-one). Currently using Eclipse for it.
I'm sure there is something better out there.

phpstorm is nice for PHP, not sure if it supports html though... If you want a general editor sublime text is a good but not a full ide ofc.

Next to the IntelliJ IDE, Eclipse is the best one. But dude just dish out the 80~90 dollars for PHPStorm. It's the #1 IDE.

...or you can just setup a gulp server with browsersync and php plugin

Ok thanks :D - But I want to code a small Website for me and so I don't want to pay much. Also I only learned Java not PHP ;D

Ah I see. What are you using PHP for? Just for the DB connection with some CRUD pages?

Why even bother with a dished out IDE then? If youre just gonna build a small website you might as well use notepad. The only reason to pick an IDE over any other editor is functionality like dependency finding which you shouldnt have a lot of trouble with on a small scale.

Just want to make thinks easy. Saving Strings in Variables, automatisation and a save Mail-Form.

I want to create a Website with all my Plugins/Tools/... I created.

Notepad++ if you wanna get fancy.

I tried but started using Eclipse because of the brackets and PHP-Methods I don't know. But I think Eclipse is a kind of special but maybe this "special"-something is something good ... I don't know

Vim or GTFO

Other dudes are right, you don't even need an IDE. Jesus fuck this is absurdly simple. Just make a class 'GenericShit.php' and put what little functionality you are building in that. This shit is can be done in minutes.

Well, if you guys are that Opinion (Notepad++, PhPStorm, Vim) - Will check it out.

Now I just want to ask if some of you can programm in other languages than HTML or PHP

Java, Ruby, Python, and I did a tiny bit of C++ once for a schoolproject long ago.

Java, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, even Assembly, some more than others obviously.

Times New Roman

sublime > atom >>>>>>> notepad++

So guys, what would you consider the best java IDE? I really don't like netbeans, I've done some programming in android studio so and I loved that one, so I guess something similar to that would be what I am looking for

Times New Roman, why?

You should try Comic Sans, it's superior in every way you can imagine.

IntelliJ IDEA by a goddamn landslide.

Personally, OP, I like sublime. But that's mainly cause it works, it's extensible, and most importantly I'm USED to it. So to give you the most useless, unhelpful answer possible, I'd say try a bunch and see what 'clicks' with you.

Sublime or Notepad++

But if you know Java, why not make the website in Java and keep using Eclipse?


Haha this must be it then, especially since I just went on here after finishing a catastrophy movie where there was a landslide.
Thanks dear user!

Jep! Eclipse is the best I think.