Does anyone enjoy building / designing tabletop rpg games?

does anyone enjoy building / designing tabletop rpg games?

been working on one but dont know how i can put skill into the game. right now everythings basically just chance. hit or miss depending on the roll of a die. theres no real skill involved.


bump again


What stars do you have for the heroes?

what are you talking about?
what do you mean what stars?


I do a fair amount of board gaming. Are you going for an in depth D&D thing or more of a casual game like Dragon Strike or something?

im going for an extremely casual game, where gameplay is easy enough for kids as well as old folks.
every "hero" has the same stats such as life and weapons. but there are 3 classes you can chose from which get certain passive abilities with weapons.

obviously the "ranger" class gets damage bonus from ranged weapons but recieves extra damage from magic weapons.

its a classic combat triangle (magic melee ranged) like a rock paper scissors kind of thing

Think chess and stratego. Have trap squares and strongholds. Keep the strategies mysterious like.

What is your resource system?

survivalist class in my game will be able to set traps and identify them if there are any around.
but it all comes down to the luck of the roll.
theres no real skill which is my main problem.

a deck of cards.
you get to choose any 5 cards you want at the beginning of the game.
a deck will contain 60 cards.
10 weapons
10 armors
and 40 consumables/items

the 40 will include any potions or helpful items like traps and what not.

items can be randomly drawn every time the palyer runs into a chest in game.

Do weapons affect what happens when rolling for damage? If so, then that adds a bit of strategy to how players construct their opening hand.
>Also designing similar game

the weapons are all static for everyone.
its the "role" you decide to play that gives you any buffs or weakness to items in game.

they all do 10 damage to any creature.
but lets say you decide to be ranger and chose the bow, you will be granted extra damage automatically for every hit.

or lets say you are a survivalist. you will receive less damage if failing to dismantle a trap than other roles. and as a survivalist you can even reset the trap wherever you want. other roles can not do this.

but like i said its all in the dice.
evens is success/ hit
odds are fails / misses

You may benefit from bumping up from a D6 and integrate critical win/lose so it feels less like a coin flip each time


Bump, I am intrigue

im not very experienced with tabletop rpgs so i dont really know what you just said.

>integrate critical win/lose


there are dicelss games like amber that you could pull from.

also, how does your game handle the actual game board itself?
i want mine to be randomly generated by drawing gameboard cards everytime the player choses to go through a dungeon door or something.

but this is proving to be difficult.

Instead of a 6 sided die (D6), bump up to a D12 or two D6. Then, when rolling for an action:
>1-3 = critical fail
>4-6 = fail
>7-9 = success
> 10-12 = critical success
This can translate into more damage, drawing two cards off a chest, etc.

did a quick look up and looks like theres some kind of dungeon master mechanic deciding things. im trying to stay away from a god like player, or anyone controlling enemies.

still seems like it comes down to the luck of the roll man. im trying to get away from this.




Then you are more than likely going to need to implement a stats system to the players or something. Most board games do have a random element in them, whether it's a deck of cards or a dice roll (or both). Maybe try emulating some games you think are similar to what your end product to look like, then change one major element (resource management is usually a good starting point). My game involves a scaled dice roll, but equipment and buffs tip the odds in your favor (reducing the random element).

just had the idea of maybe allowing the player to chose how many d6 to roll.
1 for simple attacks
and 2 for special attacks.
obviously gonna have a small window for success on the special attacks though.

that way a player can decide whether or not to have low risk and average damage vs high risk but high damage.

maybe even have some kind of consequence for failed special attacks like it leaving you open causing enemy attacks to deal more damage.

im trying to stay original but i know thats gonna be a little hard seeing as how many games there are exactly like the one im trying to make.

i just want mine to be as accessible as possible and a friend of mine is going to make an app for it that will contain character information and inventory and such. this would allow people to carry their progress with them everywhere they go, maybe even trade with people outside of the board game and what not. it could allow for people to design their own campaigns using the board games pieces and such.

i want this game to be easy as fuck, but for experienced rpg players to have fun with it too. and also bringing the whole idea of tabletop rpg into the new generation by digitizing all the boring math and micromanagement shit.

There you go! Try playing around with those elements and see whats the best way to balance the game

i havnt even play tested the thing man.
im sure my first actual test will reveal tons of shit that needs balacing.

gotta find a way to make a functional game board first though.

Are you trying to do a tiered board with levels? Or just walls and halls?

right now im thinking just walls and halls.
players can go up and down stairs though searching for the final boss.
going up or down causes the boardgame to regenerate. basically starting the map over.

That sounds cool. Maybe a grid of blank squares where you can other objects on top of (2d or 3d) for ease of rearranging? I'm just spitballing here

>Maybe a grid of blank squares
yeah each board piece will have a grid of squares. rolling a d6 says how many spaces you can move. not sure how this will work for diangal moving. i might change to a hexagon type thing. but that might make it confusing for noobs.

hex is a whole other kettle of fish lol

fuck how so?