Roast me, I'm bored. And don't hold back, pussy

Roast me, I'm bored. And don't hold back, pussy.


If he runs into a wall with an erection he breaks his nose.

they say we're only as great as the last thing we accomplished - in that case hope you're not the final male of the litter or it don't look good for your mama

great nose btw

You are so fucking ugly even telemarketers avoid you

Your birth was payback for the sins of man

OP is a faggot.

keep 'em coming

Every time you laugh an angel dies

>roast me

why, so you can be with your grandparents, hook nose?

Timestamp or you don't exist, faggot

then 5 angels are dead. Y'all can do better.

May the dubs gods bestow upon me the greatest roasts and dubs

You couldn't even upload your picture the right way, faggot.
Your nose feels like a jew but your head looks greek. You can still make me a kebab either way.
Also, what the fuck is going on with your beard...your shaving technique is "i stop...oh shit oh shit i forgot i wanted to have a little line of shiiiiiiit". Just shave it all off, cause it looks like a shit stain at the bottom of your face.
And even if you are a fag, and love to suck dicks, your Peter André bf won't like it.

Hey are you trying to keep with the family tradition? I heard your grandparents got roasted in the fires of Auschwitz

That was uncalled for... my grandfather DIED in Auschwitz. He got drunk and fell off the guard tower.

No woman will ever truly love you and you're probably super awkward about your weird looking weiner.

oouch. This roast just got dark!


Your birth certificate was an apology from the Trojan man

You are so ugly you make Happy Meals cry

When you play scary games the games get scared of you

Do you ever really smell someone later?

When I saw this picture, i immediately scheduled for multiple chemotherapy session

Am i the only one keeping this thread alive? Im gonna tap out for a few minutes to think about some more

This looks like a life lived after rejection as a prospective suicide bomber

You look very handsome. COUNTER ROAST



Yeah, this is Joey. Is this JL? You should do this too, lmao. First post.

nah nigga. wrong J lol