What is meaning of life

What is meaning of life

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To get rekt while trying to get laid

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

There's more to that nursery rhyme than meets the eye

procreation and knowledge

you failed at both

an empty bladder

get sum fuq, watch netflix, chill, then die.
just like the wildeebeest.

No. No there isn't.

to live and love.
you are ultimately given the choice to chose what brings meaning to your life as there is no universal truth.

Life has no objective meaning, everything is meaningless, and you will die alone.

Except: "that there is no universal truth."

you think there is?
im curious to know what your answer is.

Yes, yes there is. Google it

To help the next generation?

We invented the idea there there must be meaning. Think of existence before reason, and settle your mind on those thoughts.

We're all part of a tv show

I think it's possible to have universal lower-case t truths. Compared to that of capital-t Truth, which I would only see valid in some deity-based ideology. Absolute, 100% certainties (which I have no sympathy for).

k well i was talking bout captial t Truth.

There is no meaning.
You live and die.
What matters, what you should be asking is how you create meaning in the time you're here.

Go outside.
You can see Mars, the closest it's been in 10 years

Remind yourself how fucking tiny we are.
Now realize we're here for a spit in a moment of time.

We're the combination of time and complex chemistry, the beauty is in living.
That should give you the feeling of freedom, that is where you find your meaning.
In the freedom you've been given, within the time you've been allotted, plain and simple.

My subjective view on meaning is it is my duty to impact as many people in a positive way, as I can. I see technology as a path to do that in a modern way.

Ah, my b, user.

Existence precedes essence? Eh? Good stuff right there.

i like this
such little chance that humanity exists
well put user

>Think of existence before reason, and settle your mind on those thoughts.
>implying people can even comprehend the vastness of our Solar System, let alone their own existence
you give people too much credit

Actually the chances of life happening are greater than most think, it's just that the possibility of two advanced species living close to eachother at the same time is very very slim.
There could have been 10 civilizations in our galaxy alone already, and we wouldn't ever know them.
We would only get evidence of their destruction

To comb cute boys hair

damn wont see these space niggers