Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?

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Your mom.
Challenger 1

Master Yi


Plat V

thats cute, too bad I'm not going to spend money on my tier 7, we all know I don't deserve it.

this is me
I'm starting to think this is a troll meme saying they cost money.



blitz 100k
lee (dont play him much in ranked cuz i kno im shit with him) 90k mastery
Gnar (havent played since last season but still remains one of my most played)

Managed to get to plat 2 last season but havent played even 1/5 as much this season as then.

Plat 5 now

I bet you bm your laugh you fuck

Isn't that her only ability? and Mastery 7 spam

150k points on Riven
Diamond 2

Do you ever play champs you like instead of over powered / FOTM ones?

The drop rate for key fragments is a curve, not a line. With each fragment you earn, the chance to earn your next one goes down slightly. This number resets roughly every thirty days after you earn your first key fragment. - Riot Games

I have not bought a single key or chest and I have played around 3 games a day since this system came out, on the first day I got both the tokens for 6, unlocked it, and got the tokens for 7

Call it shitty luck, but I did not have more than 4 champion shards from this system and without spending money for chests and keys, due to the hextech systems' key shard algorithm I cannot unlock Tier 7 any time soon.

well you need blue essence to upgrade which you can either get with playing for chests or buying them

And chances are it'll take over a month to get the blue essence from playing so paying for chests/keys is faster


Gold II (EUW)

Next patch you can buy random champ shards to disenchant into blue essence.

1700 IP a pop

Maybe its just me but I had saved up essence. Guess I didn't notice.


it may seem like I'm bitching but im not, I love the system, and I think Riot is pretty cool man.

refer to pic related and filename


>not caping it at 420 on the dot
i'm disappointed.

I don't play ranked as I have a very casual approach to League, but I will match you play for play anyway. The guys I play with are Dia/Plats but I don't wanna invest all my gametime in LoL and the toxic community.

My mains (the ones I prefer) are Swain, MF, Fiddles on the Roof, Cait, Olaf, Nautilus & Darius (got an official penta with this guy, yay me). I really liked what they did with the game in the recent patches though, really nice work, kudos to Riot.


Since you pointed this out I share your dissapointment, user.

Just photoshop the numbers to make it 420

Diamond V

I main supp (Alistar,Thresh, Leo, Braum, Nami or Bard).
And Jungle (Amumu,Sejuani, Rammus).
But actualy i play more Annie and Ziggs.

+ Bronze 1
>Sad Story.

MMR in normals is actually fucked up, u can be silver/bronze and play with dias/plats easily.

Thats why u play rankeds, to see where is your "real" MMR.

Why so many tanks?

why is Riven wife

lux main at the moment.

Because Riven is top tier waifu

I don't realy like assassins. To play sneaky. I like to Stay in the melee.
And it's easier too.

Why not?


Disruptor 5k mmr


plat 4

are you lost?

ill help you muchacho

Reddit no es Sup Forums

Cho' Gath unranked

That stare is so alluring.

Annie 80k mastery
I was silver last season
Won 6 out of 10 placement matches this season and got put into bronze 5 and said screw this, haven't played more then 15-20 games since then

What you get placed is purely on your own performance in your seeding games combined with your performance last season. Even though you won 6 out of 10 games, you didn't perform well enough in them, thus your shit placement.

I have a friend that was silver 5 (season 5), played ranked and won 6 out of 10 games and was placed silver I. Each game they performed very well in all fields (except warding)

Where you are is solely based on you and the only way to prove that you aren't bad is to power through (what you believe is your wrongfully placed rank) to where you really belong. It should be easy, since you don't belong there, right?

It sure was easy for me, since im platinum in less than 50 games. Did I have to carry? Yes, more than 66% of those games I had to shotcall, put 150% concentration and focus, and listen to music that supports me.

If you don't give a shit about anything I wrote, it's fine, I'm not trying to convince or persuade you to play ranked, it's quite scary right now anyways. I'm someone who played over 3000 normal games before I got into my first ranked game, and it's fine if you want to wait it.

Soraka. KDA 3.93
214 rankeds all soraka. Winrate 58%
Gold 3
Maestrie 7



I don't like the "new" soraka :'(.

not OP but tanks are easier to play, you still do a fair amount of damage but don't get one shot like a squishy.

if you make a mistake and get caught out it's much more forgiving to be a tank

Riven waifu confirmed, dia V on the climb.
Sadly is really hard to climb with her.

Hey bro, its a game

what's ur point?

I random

2200 MMR