So who here actually knows about capitalism and how fully corrupt it is?...

so who here actually knows about capitalism and how fully corrupt it is? ...and who here also knows about actual socialism.....(not democratic but national) look at germany they have more money/technology/lower suicide rates/pot is legal/higher education rates/and the economy is magnificen/there is no draft or madatory military service/and the best part is that if germany was invaded ther german government would distribute fully automatic weapons to the general public for self defense ....i mean c'mon guys what is so wrong with full blown socialism ...are people just mad that they don't have it so great or what?

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Im glad that most of the degenerates with your mindset are either too young or too stupid to vote. Kill yourself

trump lover confirmed

just do yourself a favor and learn to read a book or do proper research...i mean c'mon don't impose your stupidity on humanity just cause you were raised in the south by your auntie-mommy

pot isn't legal in germany as far as i know
fuck off shitposting OP

>who here actually knows about capitalism and how fully corrupt is it
lmao i knew i shouldn't have taken this awful bait

Karl Marx's version of socialism is the best and truest from. All others are just shitty copies that don't stand up in the end.

amen b/ro


lol first off i am from berlin and yes it is legal there

i am looking at wikipedia and says it is medicinal and recreational not legal but is "not enforced"

that doesn't mean legal bro

okay you got me it's decriminalized sue me

>attacking the weakest part of the argument

Properly defend your position, shit poster.

Get the fuck off your capitalism funded technology, commie

lol look i know you are wasting your time in my thread the precious time you could be spending doing what you want like sucking donald trumps teets like an ignorant fool but all i know is that financially and socioeconomically germany is superior

>OP understanding German Capitalism

I would comment on how retarded your understanding of Germany and Capitalism / Socialism are... but instead ill just link this article that does it for me.

Also as a protip... The unions in Germany unlike the unions in Amerifat actually help the company they work for instead of being constant cry babies who demand shit until the whole market implodes on them (detroit).

The socialism you think of with germany would not work with out the free market.

Do we have to put Germany in its place again? We've done it twice before and we'll do it again.

actually been employed by german courts...
>1/3 of cases against the youth is cause of pot...
oh n automatic weapons? topkek germans would kill each other in cold blood...

sage goes where^^?

i am saying to destroy free markets look back in history 1913 thats all imma say ...woodrow wilson fucked us over with a revolution of free markets and the federal reserve honestly idk why somebody would protect something that bad it's all about change and evolution is change so on a social level all of the things we know of today will be gone at some point so by logic it would make ever form of government only better to consistantly reform

cry more krauts
Trump will not save you

lol i call huge amounts of horseshit user you just sterotyping like a typical amerifat

What about the federal reserve is free market?

Germany is done for. They have let Islam in by the hundreds of thousands.

German reporting in

No, pot is not legal, but nobody gives a shit about it, consumers rarly ever get punished, just distributers.

Also nobody would hand out fucking assault rifles to the general puplic, ate you fucking insane?

The rest is pretty acurate, but I also want to point out our women are in general hotter.

Also pretty much every german above 40 thinks americans are fucking stupid, not that it's much better with younger people but I always found it interesting that there is a suprising amount of hate from the old generation.

lol yeah america stopped hitler right wrong his own stupidity did that for you just like all the other nations always doing what you petty people cannot

"Pot is legal"

> glad we are hitting all of the benefits. /s

deine mutter ist ne kleine dreckige nutte die mir gestern einen gelutscht hat für 20 cent^^
try again fag... just cause someone can actually speak the langue doesnt mean shit with todays youth

where does it go again?

never said it is i said woodrow wilson cosigned the federal reserve act and then (key word dumb fag)THEN started free marketing which was just as bad an idea as the industrial revolution

exactly cause they arent scared like stupid americans...."oh you have different beliefs and skin color than me imma kill ya murica"

true for cities totally wrong for landside
well apart of your lack of knowing about economics or women

>Start a restrictive regulatory state with a central bank
>under this state backed economy now it is "free market"

Nigger what are you smoking?