What the fuck are these 3 itchy, dry bumps on my toe?

What the fuck are these 3 itchy, dry bumps on my toe?

It looks like skin cancer, you need to get to a doctor ASAP

definitely cancer

Here is a pic without the circles


warts. Don't fuckin' pick at them, they'll spread cause they're a virus. Look up apple cider vinegar wart removal.

clean your fucking legs user holy shit

I used to have shit like that, they're warts..i got them from what i think was using an oily substance to fap, so try switching your fap juice.

oh kek nvm theyre on your toe. theyre still warts

Yeah.... I'm gonna go with toe aids

Warts. You can freeze'em, but when I had those i used some kind of acid meant to burn them-


thyere just bunyons (sp). I used to have em.
get a clipper and just keep clipping them off till they stop growing back.

Had the same thing.
They're warts.

Go to the doc, he'll use lazers to remove them.
Hell yeah


Stage two skin cancer, you should call your doctor and ask for amputation asap m8

A veruca u dumb cunt. Get some bazooka

warts, warts and .. warts.

Planters wart, or corn wart

Thats some nice skin cancer

kill yourself now

plantar warts. They WILL grow and they will NOT go away on their own.

See a doctor.

They're corns

super aids

bacteria. drown them in alcohol. you all know i should be a fucking doctor.


Would say a frozen wart? Probably