If Trump wins, my entire unreleased music collection, including unheard Nirvana, Beatles, and of course, Wu-Tang...

If Trump wins, my entire unreleased music collection, including unheard Nirvana, Beatles, and of course, Wu-Tang, comes out, for free.


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fuck off skrtel

Love this dude

i reckon skrtel would beat shkreli in a fight desu

Remember when he said he'd reduce the price on the pills

and then he didn't

That will get the black vote

Go to bed Shekels

kys cuck


how many threads do we need about this faggot?

i thought this dude only went to Sup Forums


how did he go from supporting sanders to supporting trump?

is Sup Forums leaking or did you guys just run out of o'keefe videos to jerk off to?

why do people pay attention to this guy anyway
such lazy trolling all he has is cash

No it won't


they have daddy issues

this is extremely low quality trolling. usually you guys are better at this.

That doesn't make any sense.

Sanders = against establishment
Trump = against establishment


they want to fuck him

>against establishment

ya fell for it, bud

>Believing Shkreli

Ebin meme, r/The_Donald must be proud!

/r/the_donald is cucked beyond belief.

can't trust anyone who listens to as much emo revival as him

Any one else hype for new music?

i'm shocked anyone even thinks like that, you'd have to have truly zero understanding of how the left-right spectrum works and what both candidates support. it's "against the establishment" in fundamentally different ways. you'd have to just be "against the establishment" in a vague edgy way and not know why or what that looks like to support both bernie and trump.

>Trump = against establishment

What if Shrkeli is posting these threads? Not a bad thing... Just wondering... What does he even do IRL? Does he have a job or is he a NEET?

mods should def keep it to one containment thread. Only found this in the catalog though? Maybe the other died or reached limit?

Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong. He's the hero we need. He will help make America great again!

Here in Philly, Hillary literally shit all over anyone who supported Sanders, cancelling their passes to attend the DNC. If they got up from the floor to go to the bathroom they were escorted out. The voters who stayed behind had their lights cut so they couldnt be seen.

That right there pushed me and alot of others to Trump, but more than that it killed anyone wanting Hillary who was there or knew what happened. Alot of it was on periscope with Bernie supporters being beaten or dragged out by Hillarys security to stop them from voting.

anybody with a backbone who was a sanders supporter is now voting trump(including myself.) i don't know a single Bernie supporter voting for Hillary after the wikileaks dump.


that seems to be more against the media which have their own agenda as opposed to delivering actual news. Their entitled to their opinion but Nixon said something about the media in any country which was interesting. Nixon said people who get into media to make money pick one issue, people who want to make things better ie progressive go into regular media. For an old guy since he said that in the 80's it seems pretty dead on?

you don't HAVE to vote
both options are shit

This x100

>Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong.
Is Shrkeli also Ducat?

Man voting for trump has a lot of perks. Dem congressional term limits and the limiting special interests bullshit

>against establishment

>you don't HAVE to vote
This was at the Convention so yes they are supposed to vote, lol, thats why they are there and why so many were removed and replaced to stop them from being allowed to vote for Bernie even though they came from all over the country. All those crazy haired tatooed people, yep that was them.

He did, he just makes insurance companies pay for it. Poorfags get it 1% of price

>The Beatles
Is it any shock to anyone that the Shrkeller has awful taste in music?

>and the limiting special interests bullshit

Which is why so many neo-cons/Israel firsters hate Trump. He'll put an end to organizations like AIPAC who advocate for endless aid and wars on the behalf of the Zionist state.


Speaking for most people I know, I hate Jews. At my school a Jew tried to show up and speak and we shut them down and got them banned from our campus. All jews are terrible people, they are islamophobic racist Nazi's who hate the LGBT community. Israel barely gives LGBT people rights and muslims get almost none. Keep in mind Jews are watching children die at the walls because they refuse to take in even one syrian refugee because they are islamophobes.


Who /brit/ here?

meh, Jews are fucking scum.

>Who /brit/ here?
Confirmed for eurotrash, you probably think the Beatles were a good band.

anyone going from sanders to trump has no idea why they supported either of them

>against establishment
the only thing bernie sanders is against is not being a cuck

They do which is why so many Bernie supporters went Trump or are sitting out the election my clueless friend.

at least he's less classcucked than you

does he think he can get congress to act against their own self interest?

o i am laffin

none of that will actually end corruption in any meaningful way.

>not hilary

anyone is fine really

northern ireland here
I look forward to 30 years time when people look back on the world and I can say 'I was right'
it's all that keeps me going rn with regards to politics

American education folks

>implying labor theory of value is correct

I don't get how a man with autism is so addicted to getting attention from the public

>it's a Sup Forums thread on another board episode

>American education folks
Uhhh America is #1, go back to your third world country until we need to save you again.


what if you turn out to be wrong though? then you won't even be carry yourself arrogantly and nurture your narcissistic tenancies because you were confident that Sup Forums memes would come true

Hillary wants a no fly zone implemented in Syria. That will lead to war with Russia.


Trump on the other hand wants better relations with Russia.

they would have to be voting based solely on memes with no understanding of the political spectrum, sure.

KeK'd... it is amusing though!

>they would have to be voting based solely on memes with no understanding of the political spectrum, sure.
That pretty much describes Bernie and Trump supporters for better or worse. Hence why they go together like peanut butter and jelly.

lol who gives a fuck

Why don't you actually read into it instead of getting your info from clickbait articles

Fuck the left-right dialectic and the ideologues who define everything according to it.

back to your containment board

how come noone uses the papercraft board? T_T

you can say "fuck it" all you want but it's still there and it influences the policies and way of thinking of the politicians we're talking about. it's not just different opinions, they are different at their core. the left believes in freedom through equality via the dismantling of power structures at the cost of some liberty, the further you go left the more that's true. the right believes in freedom through liberty and that power structures and social hierarchies are a natural extension of that and should be supported at the cost of some equality, and the further you go right the more that's true. obviously this is dumbing it down a lot, and ultimately both liberty and equality are noble pursuits and most people fall somewhere in the middle, but they are such different approaches to the concepts of freedom and power structures that you'd have to just be "against the man" in a very general and vague sense to go from bernie to trump.

Or perhaps against starting pointless wars

very niche hobby

Doesn't Trump threaten to bomb anyone who he doesn't like?


hasn't hillary already destabilized libya and the middle east?

Just because one sucks doesn't mean the other is good.

Speaking as an anarchist I support this is it true or got a link? If I post that to my FB I can see like hundreds of other anarchists taking up the torch for Trump to set the world on fire.

>what is by comparison

you are politically retarded

I'm not even american, but if I were I would vote Hillary. I'd trust her pick for supreme court more than trump's, I wouldn't have to worry about my gay friends losing rights, and people would still have access to abortion.

Literal Yeehawdist

The point is that Hillary has already participated in conflicts, like overthrowing Gaddafi and attempting to overthrow Assad, which directly lead to the rise of ISIS and the "refugee crisis", and had made it clear she wants to continue the adversarial relationship with Russia, whereas Trump has been against fighting a proxy war against Assad and wants to become friendly with Russia. Speculation on Trump's foreign policy in regards to hyperbolic statements made at campaign rallies is silly.

bud trump's people are michael flynn and tom cotton who want boots in iran for the foreseeable future. we are fucked either way in that regard because both hillbot and trump only have aggressors on their teams (because they are both right-leaning in their approach to power structures, hillbot is only center-left regarding social issues).

you have absolutely no idea what an anarchist is.

so you only care about gay rights and abortion?

yeah, but let's be real. ISIS blowing shit up in france or the middle east has no immediate effect on me. Trump appointing another hard right supreme justice will affect the rights of people I care about. It's selfish, but yeah.

oops meant to reply that for

A war with Iran is less likely under Trump. It's almost guaranteed with Hillary.

No, those were just two specific examples. Tbf, I'm pretty far left and wouldn't want to vote for either candidate, but from my position, Hillary is the better option.

if you think Trump as a president (which will never happen btw) wouldn't lead to boots on the ground in Iran, you're an idiot. Criticize Hillary's foreign policy all you want but don't act like Trump would have any idea what he's doing.

>I wouldn't have to worry about my gay friends losing rights, and people would still have access to abortion.
holy fucking shit dude

it is guaranteed with either of them. that's 100% our future.

>anarchy has a define list of morals
>anarchy isn't just a lack of government