Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?



silver 4 ranking up fast though

It's not hard to climb with Yasuo. If you cut the flashy bullshit play-making. Same with Lee.

Leona/Blitz, G1.

Finding a good adc was cancer last season.


Shitscrank, Garen, Kha.

Because I was never hugged...
Also unranked cause cba


How are you not Diamond yet?

Dsomething who fucking cares you can just script your way to any rank with 0 risk of being banana'd

Your mom

Evelynn S1


because someone always deside to suck on my team.

Fiora but not playing ranked yet. Tips?

Prolly because Janna can't carry games, relies heavily on the adc ability to make plays. Although yes you can make plays yourself and support the rest of your team incredibly well, once again it really depends on your teammates.


Well I only just about started ranked, although in not too shit with yasuo.

Thresh, S3

I even have a Montage on YouTube.

yes, and as support you don't have much influence over the game, if you play something like jungler you can (if you're good) feed adc/top/mid and have controll over dragon/baron

garen b5

Season One
ARAM Challenger

Jhin, unranked. 1 more champ until I can play rank

Not true. Just pick a playmaker Support like Thresh/Alistar etc. and carry Teamfights.

plat 4

Found as i supported longer in lower elo that its best to play aggressive supports until you get to higher elo, even gold, and then play supports like janna/nami/raka. Its really helps you being able to make more game changing plays. Blitz/thresh/braum are all good choicesfor lower elo


I agree completely, would recommend waiting until mid gold to start playing heavy support champs. Best thing to do would be add some people you do well with supporting, people that aren't full retard adc

yes, I figured that out, now saving for braum, even tho I enjoy playing janna the most


Gold 3

Chaos knight and silver rank.

Thanks for agreeing.
>Check satanic trips

Singed B5

Meepo, 7k+

>Chaos knight
>Not Sven


Don't die.


>not Sven

What makes this game fun? I tried it and Dota2 and just didn't enjoy playing. It wasn't bad, it just didn't grab me at all. What am I missing?

This is accurate.

Ha, .hu -that's a reason to want to die right there.

Lux G5

Ekko mid, Maokai top
Diamond 4

vel'koz and zed bronze 2

Riki, Aluminium 3.85
Currently close to Legendary Eagle.

>not invoker



>not slark

I'm not a filthy weaboo, I swear

When I first started I loved trying all of the new things. Copying mobafire builds and having fun with it. Getting better every game.

You aren't "missing" anything if you don't like it. You don't HAVE to like it. There's nothing to get.


>not anti-mage

>still playing mobas


Well no, Lux is weeaboo, Ahri is kangfag.


Bronze 5

I swear, I get paired with shit teams

Nautilus, Kha, and J4 mains are the chillest I've met.

>not anti-virus

Get a normal job you dumb assholes,divisions wont makes you family or social life... Get cancer normies

Rank: no rank

Tahm Kench/Gangplank/Irelia top S4

P3 Lucian Main until everyone decided to keep him permabanned

>not linoox

Make me, faggot.

Been S2 now permab&
Main Shaco, Lux at equal or similar efficiency

1Bard Mastery 6
2Nautilus Mastery 6
3Soraka Mastery 5
4Sona Mastery 6
5Zilean Mastery 5

>Kys linux opera

Alistar, currently 2-0 in series for gold!

Pro player from ELOhell. Delete all of you

Yo Dude, how do you have time to eat, shit, sleep and most importantly: visit 4chains?

>tfw you don't know how to take a screenshot but can't admit it so you just type everything out

gj user, it only keeps getting worse

jhin rank is masters

Rene,kha and lee sin got highest mastery with Zed but im not a loser to main him anymore. Plat1 (dia3 prev season) here

gl man, we need more ali supports

nolife nerd shit,maybe

Who did you use to climb with?

200k Lvl 7 Thresh Silver 2

You didn’t reply


QUESTION FOR ALL OF YOU (and by all of you i mean everyone above silver)

Got placed in b5 cuz muh shitty mmr and grinded all day yesterday to s5 but now i need a champ that is freelo
So what i'm asking is who is a good champ to pick that is good for climbing in lower elo? I'm a top/jg main btw and my friend suggested volibear and thats what im doing atm

Master Yi (I shit you not)



eyy b0ss!

Squeezing five champs and their masteries into one screenshot?

how much faster is it to type?

are you practically challenged?

Try disco Nunu, that shit got me out of the friendzone

Not saying they work for everyone, but stats are stats.

voli is fine, darius for top would also be a good idea because low elo players will always try to 1v1 you. i still like tank junglers like sejuani, maokai and j4, u need mapawareness but the cc and heavy frontline will pay off.
If you are really ahead in skill you just go for lee sin jungle

>rank 1
>rank 10


That means i have no friends anymore
>fees sed men

your friend is right Volibear is godtier right now, also Skarner and Nidalee. These champs got high winrate in korea too

Different roles. Top and mid.

ahri, a wannabe vertigal. P2

i know the pain couldn't get out of silver 3 as a leona main


>Only played league 2 years
>S5 first year
>Not ranked yet

In Korea too?
Why? I am actually really interested. Why would these Champions have high winrates in Korea? The playstyle is pretty different there id say

Diamond 4

I main Riven and im stuck in S1-2.
She's just out of the meta when you have to face a nonsense ekko top and things like that.
It's not like i play a lot, but when i do, i just want to play Riven.
Should i try to climb with some other role (Kindred p.e) and then play Riven when im at a higher rank?

(naut and trundle as sup)

Zeus Iron 5