Should I get Overwatch?

Should I get Overwatch?

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Should you kill self feggot

Is it possible for you to not be edgy?

are you a rat kid?
then yes buy it.

No faggot get a real game

Betas were meh, was going to buy it but i decided not to when the game released

Yes, it's fun as fuck.
And even if you only play it a week, you own it for a meager $40 and can come back when they add new shit.

I tried it on a friend's PS4, played a few matches with other people and I didn't like it,
but you're also talking to a guy who doesn't play FPS and especially not with a console.

The game is extremely overhyped, but no game could live up too that hype. The game is a fun pickmeup, the people saying not to buy it probobly died to Mei 2 seconds into the beta and called it quits.

>Should I get overwatch?
>Get overwatch?
This is now a get thread, faggot

Check em


I like it, It's an extremely hyped blizzard game so there is very little criticism; but personally I think there are some real balance issues and some other small issues. Aside from that I generally think it's a fun game and worth the $40.

Fuck. Last one

Explain what balance issues there are. I think it's perfectly balanced. The worst hero is Symettra and she's still excellent.

>inb4 people saying "SHE'S THE BEST HERO" prove my point for me.

Tf2 is free retard

Yes. Very fun game.

Heroes like McCree who can stun you instantly and deal more damage then any hero can take with pinpoint accuracy in 2 seconds.

If you let McCree into short range, you've fucked up. How is that imbalance?

Overwatch isn't really that similar to tf2. The only similarities are that
1. It's a shooter
2. There are "classes"
3. The game modes are the same as in literally evry other fps

most constructive reply so far

while I wouldn't call it casual it's pretty close but that makes it a good game to just pick up when you feel like playing something else or taking a break you can play some rounds and put it down

He can still do it from a fair distance, and can turn a corner and stun you before you can even react. McCree might be the only hero with legitimate balance issues, but it's still rediculous how consistently he can demolish any hero in the game in such a short time.

If you have 3 or more friends to play with, it's fucking hilarious.
Solo plays are mediocre.

If you do, remember to BLACK Mercy

Define "casual" in the most objective way possible.

>protip: you can't
>protip: casual is when an autist gets raped at a game and dismisses it as easy because it rewards skill rather than time sink, ironically, they are terrible at the game they claim is "casual" 100.8 % of the time.

I disagree that he can do it from a "fair distance". Relative to every other ability in the game, he is borderline melee. Secondly, when you are against a McCree, you just avoid corridors. Taking an alternate path to the objective is literally spoon fed to you by Blizz. If you can't go around McCree, again, you're doing something wrong. That's not a balance issue.

What the fuck is it with you faggots that get red in the face whenever someone critisizes the game

Mei has no solid counter, if she's getting sniped she can make a wall, if she's getting killed she can turn into a block of ice and heal, her ranged is very damaging, her close is a skill less spray that freezes close up hero's, if she freezes them she can just shoot them for free headshots.
In summation,ei counters everything in some form, has heals and strong damage, and does not require any leaning curve to master like some hero's such as zarya, who needs skill to be effective, same for bastion, he can just out DPS any ganker and even ping off snipers who try to hit him, put him on the payload and he never needs to move, especially when the team decides to be pricks and just heal him, then you have tracer, who is always frustrating to play against, she's not overpowered, but she needs a slight rework, as she's no fun to play against unless you go hard counter and switch to all torbjorn, which is frustrating to fight against as well

I also really hope you were baiting

No one is "the best" hero, though Mei is pretty close to having no counter.
But there is a reason why Symettra is an obligatory pick for defence on maps like Hollywood, Volskaya or Anubis. The area of denial for 30-60 seconds followed by the teleporter is incredibly hard to beat.

McCree Flashbang is literally the only counter to Gengi/Tracer. If you don't know how to counter McCree by keeping range then you prolly whine about Bastion as well.

>criticism can't withstand the slightest questioning
>call dude faggot

that's what just happened.

You are somewhat right about Mei, though she does require skill to master.
But don't bring out the Bastion meme. Only new shitters have issues with him. He is perhaps the easiest hero in the game to counter, if you have any basic understanding of the characters.

They're blizzard fanboys, it's like halo, except nobody calls blizzard games out for being the trash they've become.

reaper > bastion

it's very fun, and much more fun than it has any right to be

Genji >>>>> Bastion, Widow > Bastion, D Va > Bastion, Pharah > Bastion, Soldier > Bastion

I mostly think that widowmaker lacks much counterplay, not that she's insanely OP or anything, but she's extremely frustrating to play against. Also Zenyatta is worse than Symettra in my opinion, since they nerfed him so he needs line of sight, a simple health boost may make him more relevant, I think Zen's problem is also that he's doesn't really excel in any areas and is outclassed by most other heroes. There are some other nitpicky things, but those are my two cents.

I guess "real balance issues" wasn't the best wording, but the game isn't perfectly balanced, It's balanced well, but I don't think it's actually possible to perfectly balance a game.

Genji can reflect his flash.

Mei has several counters.

>Snipers. Moving around/over her wall. Mobile heroes. Groups of heroes.

Mei is strong for sure but she's easily countered.
I agree that she has a low learning curve. However there's some nuances like using her ice wall to project yourself that take some practice.

Bastion is incredibly strong with a healer pinned on him, yeah. His weakness is obviously he's immoble. Genji kills him easily. Also long reload time. He's also shitty against Winston who just leaps on him and thrashes him around. Reinhart pins him he's dead too. And it's an easy pin since he's immobile.

Tracer has counters. She is frustrating to play against, yeah that's her whole thing. But she's owned by Mei, McCree, Tjorborn, Symettra, Solider 76's ult, a single snipe...

I mean why do I have to define it? casual is a matter of perspective. anecdotally the reason ill call it close to casual is because the very first match i played two days ago i got 43 elminations 21 final blows, alot of gold medals and the match highlight. any game where an inexperienced player can do something similar to that I wouldn't call a serious/hardcore/skill based whatever you want to call it. idk what's with the hostility man just throwing out my opinion

Genji's E deflects mccrees flash

Mei is also super junk on pretty much every map. She is incredibly easy to flank and doesn't really bring a whole lot to a team. There is a reason Mei is a 0% pick rate in any competitive/tournament match so far

McCree should be the natural counter to very short range, very mobile heros like genji, tracer, and reaper. That being said, he is currently the natural counter to every other hero. He shouldn't be able to cheese a tank with rmb + shift + rmb. It is way too strong. Again, there is a reason McCree currently has above a 100% pick rate in competitive matches/tournament games.

Aside from this, Widowmaker is FAR too strong in pretty much any team comp on any map. She currently has no penalty for missing, and can 1 shot 12 heros in the game. Mercy + Lucio + Reinhart combo is also becoming core, as it is suited to push or defend a little too strongly on most maps.

Game definitely has some balance issue.

I play junkrat and blow shits up, which is really satisfying. Also Junkrat > Bastion

Widowmaker is as simple as avoiding long sight lines (spoon fed by Blizz). Zenyatta does feel slightly underpowered, yes. But he is the best damage dealing healer and his ult wins games. That's not minor.

>but the game isn't perfectly balanced, It's balanced well, but I don't think it's actually possible to perfectly balance a game.

Perfectly worded for Overwatch. It does need tweeks and patches. Blizzard are notoriously slow about that though, but I agree. For me it seems to be okay balanced so far, but personally I would like to see a few minor tweeks:
>Bastion ult dmg nerf to 175 body shots
>Mei ult dmg nerf or a general freezecounter nerf
>Base damage on Widows scope droped a bit. Not her maximum charge damage, but the charge up scaling
>Slightly longer cooldown on Genjis reflect
thats about it for me, really. But it's great fucking fun as it is atm

I enjoyed it during the beta, I was fairly sceptical coming into it. But the cost of it?

Yeah nah $70 AUD is a bit steep for this type of game. Anyone else I would have been surprised at the cost, as no doubt they are charging for additional costumes etc, but yeah blizzfags will pay.

But game itself is fun, which seems to be something a lot of shooters forget.

ITT casuals talk about balance

except for this guy

You got gold medals on your first match? lol of course you did there was no stats to compete against.

I'm not being hostile I'm just telling you that "casual" is a hollow term, it literally has no meaning besides to the person who is saying it. And it's usually because they're bad at the game and want an excuse to not play it.

>Australian Gamer

Shouldn't you be catching crocodiles and playing a didgeridoo instead of playing vidya?

Blizz literally already working on patches.

If purchasing a game is something you need to financially consider, then you really should focus less on gaming and more on resolving that issue.

He doesn't kill a tank with right click, e, right click usually. You have to land alot of head shots and if you're in that close with a tank, they can usually disrupt/kill you first.

Ah neat. Cheers man

Have you played against a team of Bastions.
>It's not fun

as level one?

I didn't do quite as well, but on the first day I played of it in the beta I didn't similarly as well. Obviously as you level up you will be playing against people of higher skill which definitely makes the game more skill based. That's a pretty silly assumption you've made that, probably being someone who is experienced in FPS games (and a lot of that experience transfers over) that while matched up with people with little to no fps experience doing well makes the game easy. It's like me saying I was king of tf2 and it's for casuals because I could pub smash, ridiculous.

Penalty for missing is you have to wait for your shot to recharge. I don't understand what you want to happen on a miss, a miss is the penalty with snipers.

did similarly* though not quite as good*

except I'm calling it casual and that is the reason I play the game your logic falls apart when you assume casual is negative it's just a different type of game...

Have you played a team of genjis against bastions?
>it's fun

He cant stun you from long distance and theres a damage reduction based on the distance his shot travels, so...

He can literally kill any tank with 2 FtHs. You can E a roadhog after he hooks you (20 tick lol) and drop him. You can flash through a Rein shield and drop him. Winston and DVa stand literally no chance of killing him. Zarya is the only tank that can survive it and she has to be very good at timing her shield.

Spot on mate.
Another penalty for widow missing a shot is that her target know excactly where she is, so she either has to secure the kill asap, or relocate and do nothing for her team while she moves.

If you're on Console then yes, what the fuck else are you gonna play? the division? lmfao

If on PC, then either fork over $40 or stick with 10y/o valvo games.

It's a blizz title, it'll be around for abit.


I am saying the shot recharges WAY too fast. There is no punishment for her missing a full charged shot because she'll have another one ready almost instantly, generally getting the kill anyways.

>what the fuck else are you gonna play? the division? lmfao
This guy get's it.

its team based u fucking rem.

I actually played a team of Genjis, it was probably the highlight of my day. kek.

The recharge is slow enough considering the fast pace of the game in general. It's balanced.

Everyone in this thread needs to stop crying about McRee and get good. Dont run up to him. EZ

Just counter him with other hitscans like Widow or Soldier.
That being said, at some chokepoints your tanks are forced to get close to him, and his Fan will kill them

Because McCree is designed to be a God in a 1v1 scenario and clean up the flanks. Pit him against any number of herpes greater than one and he seriously falters.

I sexually identify as Jesse McCree. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of fanning the wind on disgusting Tracer's. People say to me that a person being McCree is impossible and that I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, it's high noon. I'm cutting my arm off and having a cybernetic limp installed on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “the boy” and respect my right to draw on fools who come in my sight and kill them needlessly. If you can't accept me as Jesse McCree then you're a Overphobe and need to check your gamer gate privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Ultimate faggotry. Weeb styled characters and lore for pubescent teen boys. The kind of people who enjoy this game are the same kind of people who furious jack it to the r34 of this game.

>Pit him against any number of herpes

Widowmaker is currently the 7th most picked hero, and would be 4th if it weren't for inflated pick rates of Lucio, Winston, and Tracer because of the poorly designed king of the hill maps. Look at any of the maps and ask yourself "where is a Widowmaker bad here." Look at any normal team of 5 other heros and ask yourself "where is Widowmaker bad here." I'll give you a hint, if you know anything about the game so far you won't find one. Every team is going to run her because of how overpowered she is at the moment. Her scope should 'feel' like a bolt action and to call it that now is laughable. A full charged shot comes out WAY too fast, generally fast enough to not really be able to react to it. In addition, she has great map mobility, great escape potential, and great area control with her ult and venom mines, and average mid/close range combat prowess. If you think Widowmaker is balanced you haven't played against a halfway decent one. She can single handedly carry a team.


That spray is a spray, you don't need to aim, once you have them held still you swap to projectile, then shoot an immobile, defenseless target in the head, mei needs zero skill.

A bastion can out dps a reaper standing right next to him

I mostly agree, but on mei vs mobile hero's, that skill-less spray slows 76 and traversing it easier to just chase until you land the freeze effect
Rhiney boys problem with bastion is getting the pin, that dps can drop his shield before he can get close, a long charge ends with rhiney ragdolling against the pavement

An opponent that's overly frustrating to fight detracts from the enjoyment of a match, a noob from the free beta gets nailed by a leet-neon green tracer fuckboi
Find the game "shit" and doesn't play to find her counters, and doesn't buy the full game.

As a soldier 76 it should be a fun thrill to play cat and mouse with a tracer, but it turns into a chore.
The game should never feel like a chore

Source:a rhiney/roadhog/76/mcree/junkrat player ranging in skill from mediocre to "holy fuck stop the death threats" on any given day.
This, just stand back and 76 his slow ass

as a guy who plays a lot with linkzr & tviq I can attest to this, can solo carry a team of mouthbreathers

I've been asking myself the same question

i have a reason why you should not

As a guy who is Talespin, these dudes suck.

don't do it OP
the community is worse than the TF2 community

Overwatch? I think you mean Turretwatch.

Defending is just waaaaaaaay too easy.


Easy with that Paul Walker footage edge lord.




>Underage: The Thread

If anything, some maps are full retard.

When my team can go all Toblerone, set up six sentries and fuck around staring at sprays in hopes to get Play of the Game shots the whole match at a 1-way in choke point, there's a problem.

Apart from that, certain heroes I have a problem with, like Hitbox Hanzo, but that's just preference. Nothing stopping me from choosing him, of course.

Turretfags piss me off.


I've played quite a lot of the beta and since release, It is a genuinely fun game, especially with friends but if I had to make some criticisms:

>Frustrating Mechanics
Things like McCree flashbang and the sheer ammount of DPS he can unload is a bit annoying. Along with Mei's overloaded kit. Not game-breaking but apparently frustrating once you've played long enough

>Limited Map Variety and choice
Adding an option to play on the maps you want would be nice. I'm so fucking sick of playing watchpoint: Gibraltyr 10 times a day

>Team Focus
This is obviously quite subjective, and generally I do enjoy making gay ass fuck team comps like hiding a reinhardt + Bastion in a corner. But sometimes I just wanna do my own thing, but the nature of the game means there will never be a FFA or Deathmatch gamemode

>Lack of progression
There's no ranked mode until next month, so that could be the answer. But aside from that I do wonder what the point is, If this is something you don't care about then it's irrelevant, but I do appreciate progression however minor it might be.

Do you like TF2 esque shooters?
Are you the kind of person who gets angry about the existence of female and minority characters?
Do you think you'll play the game a lot?

The sheer amount of porn that already exists on this game is a perfect indication of the kind of fan base you're dealing with. This shit is for kids and autistic weebs. Get something better.

>pic reacted. R34 thread is on the front page and full of this shit.

You, my friend, are exactly why we do it.

Its even better when there's a PoTG and I'm staring at a "Oops..." speech bubble spray. So much salt, the other team refuses to vote for our cards, even if we own all of them..