




Well i'm gonna hit the hay. A different one than GT does. Night everyone.


I wish I could art like that


I bet you could.

Hey Hey



yeah maybe if I actually tried


Hey. How are you?

Fine, you?

>hitting the hay
is that some clever euphemism for fucking a horse?


Learn the basics and go from there, all the good artist were shitty artist at one point and they didn't stop.

Extremely depressed and suicidal. And I can't post because my internet sucks.

If you read that again, he specified that he wouldn't be doing that, but that I might.

Shit, sucks ass.

He's already that good.


Still think you should contact your isp and throw a fit about that until it's fixed, and you get refunded for the past months where it hasn't worked properly.

Hey, sup.


Heya Harpo, how are you?

I'll see what I can do.

its hot


I'm sorry to hear that.

Good to hear

Outside? Yeah, humidity's runnin' amok recently.



oh i'm a good artist, I just suck ass when it comes to painting, mostly because I never do it.



Good luck, ISPs are fascist bastards!

Sure, but if you are paying them to deliver a service and they dont deliver that service you are legally entitled to a refund.

>but i might
well hope that works out for yah

tfw sergals aren't real and large cats are too uncommon enough to readily fuck

Well never hurts to try right.

I do all the time, works great.

same here, it sucks

still, good luck!
It doesn't help that they have teams of lawyers to stop people from getting their way.

True, I'm just really fucking lazy when it come to art.


I hate the summer


No shark grills today.

As do I, my reptilian friend. Get a window AC unit if you don't have one. I use to have one in my room, and set it to 62, was fucking amazing.

Summer 2k16, worst summer.



I agree with this statement

I have a swamp cooler in the hall right ouside my door and a box fan. I dont like to put it in my window tho because it doesnt have a screen so every bug and its brother comes in to fuck with me.
I hate bugs.

0/10 would not experience again



>i do it all the time
so is it as good as I hear it is?
and how?


I guess I can say I'm the opposite to a degree since I'll redraw a pic several time till I feel it's right .
Summers alright winter isn't my best season

That sounds amazing. I find it very hard to sleep if my room is above 63. Thankfully I live in a moderate/cold place.

>I hate bugs
I also agree with that statement.

im in cali so winters are a joke.

That would depend on how good you've heard it is.
I rather enjoy it.
Not sure what how you mean though.

man it sure is horsefucky in here



Lucky bastard, you don't have to shovel snow XD.

Don't get me wrong. I'll redraw/rework things a ton. I'm just lazy when it comes to starting or finishing a piece, It takes me months to get anything done.

Is that a bad thing?



make them stop



man i don't care im gay anyway im just here to shitpost. i don't look at pics


It was amazing indeed. At the time, I lived in the basement (the room was actually an office, and had this sick, huge desk built into the wall with cabinets above), with the floor having really thin carpet and concrete underneath, so it was also cold. It was pretty much underground, and the single window received pretty much no light whatsoever. I had a kickass black, thick fleece blanket with skulls all over it, directly above the AC unit so no light could get in. It was the coolest fucking thing ever, a neckbeard's dream.

Horses are a'ight if you ask me.
How's it going, mate?



I've heard its really nice
and by how I mean accessibility and height differential.

fair enough

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No worries I'm just poking fun at my self since it takes me awhile to finish a pic and by then I'm sick of the thing XD

Ive done some of that.
Used to live in MO

shit post at them



that sounds great! I still like to be cozy though, I don't enjoy concrete floors that much.

You're not the only one who does that. I have many unfinished pieces that I just an't even look at. It's terrible.



That's fun huh, winter so many ways to hurt your self and that's just walking out the door.



The sleet storms were something else.
I was younger then so we had fun sliding around the property on the ice.

some horses yea but then it gets too horsey
im good fam. bf4 with bf
femboys are the best
but im busy

you look it

No such thing as too horsey.
Sounds fun.

like i said
bf4 with bf
shh horsefucker

Not just yet

>implying I read replies not meant for me
2hot for all the effort

I need to work on drawing them.