Hey /b down in the dumps tonight. Any one else? Stories? Feels thread

Hey /b down in the dumps tonight. Any one else? Stories? Feels thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the best way to stop the pain /b



Guess I'm alone. Even here

How are you tonight user?


Guess this thread is as dead as I wish I was.

>tfw am tranny

I do so much for friends cause I've been sad so often lately cause I hate seeing them sad
Yet I get nothing in return, and all I want is a little love. Just a sign that I mean something...

Checked. I love you user

I'm only alive because I refuse to pass the weight I'm carrying to my loved ones. My life has no permanent joy. Just temporary distractions, before they all go away.

Lonely, suicidal, missing my old army friends and wishing i had someone that understands me in this god forsaken world.
What about you, /bro?

Currently accepting the fact that no one gives a damn that I exist. How long did you serve? Thanks for that BTW.

Thanks user
Means a lot
Now excuse me while I break down as a total stranger told me they love me

Also checked

They pretend to care/b. That's the worst part. They just don't want me feel from this pain I suffer.

You have to love yourself to user. I believe in you. You can do great things. It's okay. It's fine to cry.

As long as you are yourself, I'll still love you user

First of all, i love you user. and i'm sure i'm not the only one.
Second thing i wanna tell you is, that you might not see much love from your friends because you give them and the people around you too much of yourself. people don't usually react the same way to treatment like that.
However, that doesn't make your behavior any less respectful.

Well, I think that many people feel that way so keep in mind there's nothing wrong about you, and you're definitely not alone in this.
i also think that human beings are creatures of interest by nature, and if you have nothing to offer to them they won't care much about you.
So again, a lot of people experience this difficulty duo to their social environment.
you sound like a wonderful guy user, i'm sure many people would love your company and friendship.

And as for me, I did a little over 3 years my friend.

I understand your pain friend.

user, you give me hope in this world. For this I thank you. Tonight is the night you saved my life. Thank you.

>The uncle of orphaned 9 year old Ruben van Assouw arrives at the hospital to bring the soul survivor of Afriqiyah Airways Flight 771 back home.

>Ruben lies in a medically induced coma not yet knowing that both his parents and siblings are deceased; surviving the plane crash with both legs broken.

What a difficult time.



You're probably hot too
Be happy with who you are user
There's only one you, so be the best you

Well, my dear user...
first i want to tell you i'm really glad to hear you regained your hope in this world, not to mention that thing about your life.
However bro, i have to tell you that, I think there's always gonna be that someone who will shine bright through the darkness of your life, regardless of how dark they've become. at some point in your life you will always meet that someone who will give you a reason to move on and have faith.
I don't wanna sound like a cliche my dear user, but i'm sure one day you'll find someone who will make you think all you've been through was worth it just so you could meet them.
And if you haven't met that person just yet, be patient and get ready - because you're getting closer and closer to the day you will.
I love you, user. i believe in you. keep your head high and your heart strong, because somewhere, out there, the person who's gonna love you for life is just counting the seconds till she meets you.
You're going to be loved. you're going to be cared for . you're going to have friends, family, and everything else that makes life worth living. just... hold on to that day my dear user. just hold on.


user I'd really like to believe that. It's not as easy as that. I get used. They cry on my shoulder then give me the cold one. It's hard to let anyone close after I get the same thing a few times over.

Just a pic I picked up on a different baw thread.

Come, hold my hand user

If only my friend. Sometimes that's all I need. Just human contact.

I think you need to act more confident and find the people who are worth your time and kindness.
I believe that once you find the right people that cherish admire and respect you - things will be okay. you will be there and support each other.
That's a very valuable thing in life, and it doesn't come easy. so it's okay to wait for it, just have to remember to be patient.
Is there anything you wanna share, or get of your chest, /bro?


I've lived my whole life in headphones. I get sores in my ears from earbuds. I have an anxiety disorder, and listening to music helps me calm down.I can't talk to people without literally pissing myself and crying. I cant stand crowds or buildings where I can look down. I have 1 friend who's trying to break me out of my shell. I have to ask him to order food for me. He says I'm like dante from devil may cry. That's the only reason I live, to be like dante. Why is life pain? I just wanna be dante and keep it stylish, but it's so hard. I'll never be the one to fill her dark soul with light.

Why do you care so much user? I'm so worthless. I can't contribute to society in any way. You've been so kind. Thank you friend. I love you user.

Cheer up guys!

>literally pissing myself and crying
user, don't tell me you're over 18

I try so hard Sup Forums
I try so hard to do the right thing, to live up to the expectations that my family has for me
Not just family, but even the people I hardly know
I always have a feeling that I need to be everything and more, and knowing I can't kills me
No matter how good I do, I can never stop thinking about how I could have done it better, that I've failed everyone I know
I doubt everything I do
My father raised me to be strong
To not show emotion
To never show weakness
To push on and survive no matter the obstacles
And yet all I want to do is die
To escape this constant pressure bearing down
But I'm too afraid
Not of dieing
But of being a failure...

I know that feel Sup Forumsro.

All these lonely faggots not realizing they can either just make friends or not be a faggot and then make friends

I know I'm a sack of shit lol, it's not all the time, but I just get super nervous. I only shat myself once, and that was when I was younger.

user. I feel the headphones. I like to keep one headphone in at a times. It helps me. I don't know it may help you. Stop comparing yourself to Dante. You are so much better than him and your setting yourself for disappointment when your not like him. Your friend sounds like he has the best intentions. But your shell is hard to break. You must be persistent. Start by going to a fast food joint at a slow time. Alone. Order your own food. Work not needing him to order. Then start talking to friends. Talking to a stranger is the final goal. It's a hard one. I believe in you user. You can do it if you want to.


A few fellows including me started this discord yesterday, to see what it's like to have a bunch of lonely people in one place.


Let's see if we can take it somewhere

user, sorry for the newfaggotry but what is a discord?

How old are you user?


such wasted quads...
But I would also like to know

The best app/program for communication, it has voice and text chat and a whole bunch of other neat things. It also has a mobile app.

Also nice quads

user, no matter what, you can't disappoint me. I love you no matter what. Their are others who do too. You'll be fine. You will be fine no matter what.

That's the magic about pure kindness. i don't need a reason to care for you, knowing that you need caring for, is more than enough for me.
Look, bro.. "Society", is bullshit. yes, i know it may sound odd, or maybe even stupid, but think about it...
When you fall in love with the love of your life, will society matter to you?
What about when you put a ring on her finger after she says "i do" , will you care about society then?
Or how about when you hold your first child right after he came to this world to an amazing father and mother who will love him for the rest of his life? will you care about society then?
i don't think so, my dear user. I think that at some point you're going to realize that the world isn't made of 10 billion people, earth is . your real world, is made of the people you love, and love you back with all their hearts.
And all you gotta do is hang in there and go through it even if it seems hard. you owe it to yourself, the people that will love you , your future family and the man you're going to be.

I love you, user. never ever, lose hope.

Thank you

I know I'm young and I know that my problems mean nothing compared to the shit so many people are going through
And I know that I sound like a whiney faggot looking for attention...
But you're all the only people I can talk to about this, because you'll never know who I am, so you'll never know how pathetic I really am

Everyone in here is looking for attention, and giving it at the same time. You scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours, no shame.

Just because others' problems are bigger doesn't mean you can't have your own problems.

I wish I could take compliments easily
But thank you user
Youre why I come back to this place
Even through all the gore, porn, and other horrible shit that we flood this place with
We all have a silent connection
An understanding
And that's special to me

Chill out, i'm not a faggot but i'm totally lonely. not because i can't make friends, but because i don't have the right kind of people to make friends with in my life.
People around me are boring , and being with them instead of being alone and free is just a waste of time. Not only fat fucks with neckbeards get lonely. it happens to highly intelligent people as well. if we're already on the subject, normies have it very easy to socialise, so if you're having an easy time in that matter i hate to break it to you buddy, but....

user, my Sup Forumsro, my friend, my flash of wisdom in this ignorant world. I thank you for these kind words. Your a man whom cares, because it's the right thing to do. Your a special man user. I appreciate this outlook on life you've given me. It's a perspective not often seen, but its the best to have. Thank you friend.

Thanks bros


Any time Sup Forumsro

I see...

We are Sup Forumsros together, thick and thin.

I thought I found my sunshine, but in reality, she doesn't even feel the same for me. I thought I can be happy, because while I was with her, nothing else seemed to matter.

A .45 slug works well, I'm told

It's okay user. She was a false prophet of the sun sent to you to ready yourself for the coming of the real deal. Cut her loose. You'll do better I promise

What occurred to make you say that?

I can't leave my nephew's like that. They need me.

>implying my dad was around

user. What's the most Important thing in your life? For me it's financial stability so I can provide happiness to others. I'm terrified of not being abil to provide.

500 days of summer

I'm sorry user. Wanna talk about it? I can empathize, bit my pops was around. Never that great. Probably a bad influence. He's the reason I started smoking weed.

She's just another step you have to take in order to get to your true love of your life, user. once you find her, The "One" , not a single person who came before her will matter to you. trust me on this one. remember this comment, one day you'll hug the love of your life , smile and maybe even laugh a bit and when she asks you what's funny you'd tell her "nothing babe", because it will be too hard to explain her you remembered user's reply and how he was right.
patients , user. you WILL be happy. it's not a question of yes or now, it's just a question of when.

Be financially stable else they'll use you then leave you when something happens at work.


Had someone I supported. It was a pretty good relationship. She left after I got laid off due to a 'misbalanced' budget (bullshit). It was after she left me I realized she'd been looking for ways to excuse herself out of the relationship

user, do you have your love of your life? What was it like when you met? Did you know right away ? Do you still have your issues? Or is it smooth?

I'm sorry user. This is the reason why I'm afraid of people. They use. I want to give to the people I love, but they don't give back.

Is army user still here? I want you to know I appreciate your service.

I'm not trying to scare you, user. Just be safe out there. Especially with those hoes who turn around and say you were using them for sex or whatever. Be careful and even when you think you know someone, know you don't.

user. Your wisdom is transcendent. Thank you

Well, my dear user... my story is a bit complicated, but you could say i've been through too much in life to even hope i'd be able to spend my life with someone, and not alone.
But to be honest, where there's love , it makes sense that it won't always be smooth, so expect some bumps along the road.
everyone has their own experience but i can assure you that people don't lose the love of their life unless she dies or something tragic happens. if a relationship is weak enough to fail other than reasons beyond your control than it just means the love wasn't strong enough to last for an entire life time, and breakup is inevitable.
I know it may not seem like it now user, but trust me when i say this, you have better things ahead of you. even if you don't think like it, you still do.

I think I felt the same at your age , probably you don't know what to do with your life now that you are transitioning from teenager to a young adult. It's difficult because you may have responsibilities now that you didn't have before and the biggest one is how you want to live your life.

I remember feeling the same at one point of my life. I'm 22 now and I actually feel great. Just know that those feeling are temporary. Everything will settle down only if you keep moving on

user, did you lose your sunshine?

I see screencaps of this guy a lot. Who is this?

I wish I knew. Another baw thread.

Met her when i was 16. knew she was the one from the second our eyes met.

Met him at the army, never known anyone like him before. didn't take long before we became best friends.

lost her after many years of never ending love.
lost him last time we were in the field together.

you see, my dear user. i didn't only lose my sunshine. i lost my sky as well. no wonder my life became so dark after that.

I'm 19 too user and I feel the same. I'm trying to do my best and be at least good at many things. But I realize from time to time that being good at almost everything is impossible but I'm only trying to do it so I will be distracted from the fact that I have no close friends and that I am lonely.

I always told myself everything your dad told you, mine was usually busy with work and we rarely talked about important stuff.

Aww user, you just broke my fucking heart. Wanna talk about it?

It was all going great, I thought she loved me too. But one day something happened, I didn't understand what, but few days later, when I tried to talk with her. She said she doesn't want to be in relationship. She "doesn't want to hurt me", yet by telling all that, she broke me. It all felt like I woke up to some reverse nightmare. Now all I do is sleep, because once I'm awake, I can't do anything else thank think about her.

Be patient my 19yo anons. Keep trying your best. In a few years you guys will look back and laugh of how you are feeling now and everything you do will make sense. And learn to forgive your dads you'll realize he's a guy, a man , a human that is not perfect like you

Thanks user, I hope you are right and I will find the "One". She was my everything, but I was barely a chapter in her life. It hurts so bad to lose her, I can't take it. I'm failing school, because I can't make myself to do anything, even eating feels like a burden to me..

I already forgave him, after all as much as my dad told me, my grandpa didn't talked with him either.

The best revenge is success user. If you can't have her make her sad she didn't get you. Stop failing and get them grades. Start going to the gym. Beef up. Upgrade. It'll drive her nuts.


Thanks user. This is fitting.

Nice quads user


Thats two quads in a thread. Go me.

Sleep restfully my Sup Forumsros. My happiness find you all soon you wonderful bastards.