What do you guys think dying is like?

What do you guys think dying is like?

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Depends on how you die. But you'll find nothingness anyway.


just like a 69, good at first then it gets boring

Salty milk and coins

Like sex.

I can tell you what its like to shoot yourself in the head and live from it.. You do it, you remember the bang. But everything goes black. You get like long but very quick memories you also get this terrible feeling of regret.. Then its just blackness.

Depends. It could be peaceful, you could never even know it was happening, it could be painful, or voluntary.

Either way it's a complete mystery. One that each and every human being that has ever existed on this planet has or will have to experience. You're no different, and neither am I.

like what he said

Yeah it does on how you die but it also depends on how you lived your life.
Ive seen a lot of people die in a lot of different ways. It never fails that the ones who live a good fulfilled life are much more peaceful than those who feel they are leaving some earthly business undone.

I'm scared of dying guys...

You die alone and only you know what it was like. Any other questions? Anyone saying otherwise is a fucking faggot.

Found the faggot!

Once you're dead you pretty much won't give a shit.

I always thought i would be scared too until i was in a near death accident. Car was destroyed and on fire with me trapped inside and i just later my head back, closed my eyes, and waited for the end. I was completely ready to go. I was at peace with my life.

>earthly business undone.

This is the stupidest thing I have read all day.

If it where a slow death, I would assume that it would be a very short stint of complete (inconceivable) insanity.
A slow death would means that the heart stops pumping blood leading to the exhaustion of the bits that the brain needs to do it's thing. Leading to the logic parts to misfire, crossfire or collapse all within the last moments of chemical and neurological reactions. Which I would interpret as an extremely random mix of emotions, sensations or memories. Hence inconceivable insanity.
As for a quick death (say brain trauma), nothing more than a on/off switch for conscience. Nothing.

>Found the child.

When you watch someone take their last few breathes, it puts your world into real perspective. Something you can't get by jacking off to trap porn faggot.

I hope its like hallucinogens. I imagine especially if you bleed out or something like that your brain just administers sweet sweet death drugs to your body and soul

As in "never mended the bad relationship with a family member" or "never told that person how i felt" etc.

>Learn to utilize the english language.

nothing. suffered a tbi, amnesia for 7 days. I interacted with people those 7 days but it was like i was never there, until I started creating memories again.

>14 year old

What if I want to remain and keep my existence?

better than living.

It's like when a nigger is released from prison or a child molester finds a kiddy korpse :)

Like falling asleep after staying awake for a few days .....your hurting , and you want to die,but you want to live (stay awake), but your body wont move and you cant open your eyes, and you slowly go into a dream. with all the DMT being released you probably have a slight dream , maybe your father telling you he loved your or some gay shit like that ... and then finally you fall asleep without ever knowing you died .

Computers could do that but you take the risk of you not actually being you just a copy of yourself and someone fucking around with ur brain on someones computer

Serene. Like being unplugged.

I was very sick as a child.



unless you connect the actual brain stem to artificial life support system . in which case you could live until your brain starts to decay whatever makes it function right .... probably memory would go first

I found it to be wet and a little distressing

thanks to denial, Im immortal

>I found it to be wet and a little distressing
douglas adams?


I don't want to know but it can't be that much of a deal. My life is getting better and since I met my wife I want us to outlast time.

I died once for two minutes AMA

Thou who art Undead, art chosen. In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum...maketh pilgrimage to the land of Ancient Lords...When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening....the fate of the Undead thou shalt know...

I drowned and got revived


Sad, lonely and boring if not brutal.

what was it like?

Imagine going to sleep. Without the dreams. Without waking up.

All of your memories are stored in your neurons and neural synapses. You are your memory storage. Once your neurons and neural synapses rot and decompose you cease to exist.

That is the end.

Sorry that you believe a Jewish space wizard bar mitzvah's your soul/spirit into a magical jewish afterlife paradise in the clouds hanging out with dear old gramms and grann pappy.

Tips Kippah.


i have died twice actually. both times i experienced the same thing. a flash of light, like gettinh hit in the head by a baseball and then a slow fade to black with a ringing in the ears. i was declared clinically dead for three minutes, 29 seconds the first time and 6 minutes, 12 seconds the second.

This is correct answer. You idiots can all go home now.

Terrifying. I still have nightmares about it. Basically some guy tried to drown me. I remember my lungs filling with water because he held me down long enough for my body to force me to take a deep inhale. It's a weird sensation, it's like a violent ripping feeling in your chest while your ears pop and your face is under so much pressure that it feels like it's going to fly off. Then I remember getting cold and sleepy, followed by the sudden sensation of falling 1,000 miles per hour. I don't remember actually being dead. I don't even remember and "blackness" or anything like that...it's almost like time literally just jumped from that to me coughing up water and a bunch of people standing around me.


You die as you came to this world

>wet in your own fluids, maybe others
>pulled off to another place, in this case a very dark and desolated place
>criying inside for the intense and unimaginable pain that tortures you at the end
>feeling the mosth awfull cold that you would experience
>and alone, compleatly and absolutly alone

So yeah, just like dreaming

Everything was so frantic. The nightmares are awful.

you were a lucky one. both times, it felt like it was endless for me. when sensory degredation occurrs, you truly lose sense of time as well.

I believe I get reborn
because I remember being other people
and if those memories just rotted why do I have them

So you would say that from your perspective, as far as you could tell, once you were actually dead you experienced nothingness??????

dubs speaks truth.

if he said anything else people would just say, nerons firing in dying brain, lifetime in two seconds, bla bla bla


There is no fucking why. There was random chance that life evolved. random fucking evolutionary chance influenced by envirornment, fed into a fractal natural geometry.

Memories exist not for a purpose, but simply because they fucking exist. When you die they cease to exist.

It is like asking why anything exists and then dies. Why a rock melts into lava, why a star creates light and then stops.

You can learn how it works, but there is never any why it works.

You have not existed for the past 13 billion years. It will be the exact same after you die as it was for all of that time.

Nothingness without even the capacity to comprehend what nothingness is.

Your soul leaves this world and into the next.


Who fucking knows man

dying is a myth, it will never happen to any of us because its invonceivable ya feel.

Yeah, but I don't remember it. It was just drowning followed immediately by endless coughing

Because you don't have them

I think it depends on the situation but i believe that the last moments are just the same for everyone and its like when ur falling asleep. Youre just shutting down except when ur falling asleep part of ur brain keeps working (and body, logically) but ur conciousness is off. When u die, both conciousness and auto pilot shuts down.

Anyway, im more interested in what happens afterwards

i think dying is like this


and the spoopy ghosties leave the skelton realm every halloween. fag.

Did you suffer any brain damage? Being dead for over 4 minutes can cause severe brain damage.

so you say
but I still remember POV memories that are not mine

WTF is a soul. A magical download of all of your memories that gets uploaded into a magical afterlife?

If an alien civilization was advanced enough to create an artificial afterlife that downloaded the memories of every living sentient self aware being, then they would also be smart enough to model the entirety of every combination of thought and experience that could ever exist and there would be no need to build an artificial afterlife.

not sure why you even care, you'll be dead

its hard to believe there is a binary. id prefer to see grey areas or just somethingness.

Not even that user, but...
You are fucking retarded and delusional.

i think its like remembering something you always knew.


i didn't ask you to believe
just stated a personal fact
i can't help it if you don't remember past lives or even had any

This is 15,000 galaxies in just this small tiny image of a fraction of the visible sky.


>"You just gotta know to know maaannnn... sorry that you don't know what I know maaannnn... like, maaannnn..."
Consider suicide.

Hell is preferable to having all of your memories and everything that you ever were or would be rot away into compost.

i wish i was
the memories are all high impact emotional ones
like maybe those are the only ones that survive or leak out of the sub conscious mind
so far i remember dying 10 times


Good to see your still here. Hope you didn't fuck yourself up too much. I knew of a guy who unsuccessfully tried to an hero with a bullet to the brain. He's blind, retarded, needs 24 hour care.

Stop doing drugs.

I know what death is like because I'm a fucking G. It grabs your face son, that's all there is to it. It grabs your fucking face and you are consumed by a sense of clarity and oneness that dissolves the biological illusion that is you. It's like falling away from your TV screen into the same thing that's behind all TVs. It's a wall that made everything. Ain't no fucking angels. Ain't no fucking ghosts. When you are gone everything that is you and ever once was you is gone with it and you will never be you again. It's actually pretty fucking nice but our pesky biological machines are hardwired with a little program that makes us avoid it. Those who have met the end before are blessed with the ability to identify this game and a vague understanding of its outer boundaries and limitations but at no point can the biological machine that is a mammal stop being a mammal. You'll see that reptiles, bugs and your mother all go to the same place. It's glorious but you're never gonna want it after you've been there.

Going to sleep and not waking up again, followed by either dreams or dreamless sleep, not sure.
Or in the case of a violent death, like being forcefully put to sleep with chloroform.

I don't plan on rotting.

I plan on burning to ash. So all my memories and everything that I ever was will be ash.

Not to sound like an edgelord, but i've always thought it would feel relaxing.
I mean death is basically an endless sleep right?
So you wont be able to worry about anything.
At the same time i think it really depends on the person dying.
I'm a unemployed lonely faggot who sits at his pc all day, so for me it wouldnt really be that bad.
But for someone who actualy has a life, have kids/a buissness etc, it would probably feel like youre leaving stuff undone.

well its true
since there is no proof other than you saying so i can put you in the same green text as being a retard for whatever you think you know
I've never considered suicide
seems redundant

Based on EEG scans this does happen. The whole "life flashing before your eyes" thing is a flurry of self-destructive brain activity. It basically dumps all the memories at once and it way overpowers the inhibition neurotransmitters so time essentially slows down for you.

That's more or less what weed does (at a very very small level of effect), it removes the limiters.

It's actually a big mindfuck to think about. When you think about the afterlife, do we resurrect into some higher form humans can't grasp their minds on, or are we nothing. When we are something higher then, when will we die in that form? Or will we exist forever in that form? Here comes the scary part: if we live forever, what will this mean. Does it mean we will be conscious forever? And what would it take to not exist anymore, and what would that be like... To not exist? The same counts for if there is no afterlife. Say humans that live can live as long as they want, which is a very rational thought in about 30 years (that is if those fucking sand niggers won't fuck the world up). And you choose to live until the end of times when the universe is spread thin. Do you just say peace out guys, it's been one he'll of a ride? And what happens then? Will "god" still be there waiting for the last ones to return, together with your loved ones to embrace your return? And after that? Eternal existence in the afterlife?

I'd rather be nonexistent after I die

Not sure but I feel like I have a pretty good memory of what it was like to be five and under years old.
Always bring with my mom, everything so new and interesting.
Adapting and understanding the new place I was in.

But guys I could seriously swear on my heart that as I was experiencing this early life I swear to god.....it felt like before I got there, I WAS somewhere else before that.
I remember having that gut feeling from very early on in my life.

i have never done drugs
I'm not American so i feel no need to be happy 24/7 or think i must be suffering terribly

Does it make a difference?


Go back to r/gaming you fucking gamer faggot piece of shit.

Go outside once in a while, loser.

>nerd is this mad

ITT: Teens and tweens express their innocence

>Says it's true
>Compared lack of evidence between both of us
>Still considers himself to be right
You really are a fucking retard. This is why no one on a professional level would even consider your point of view.

How,can i painlessly kill myself? Just.tried slitting my wrists but.my.knife is.too dull now im bleeding slowly like an idiot help me out. I still want.to die just not as.painful i posted a.thread.on Sup Forums and.i got linked.here

Nah, Jimmy Rustles got shot dead holding a throwaway niglet in Cincinnati over the weekend. There is no reason to be upset.

>Can't support an argument
>Resorts to claiming I'm American
Someone is upset.

I died and was resuscitated after a car accident.

Everything goes black, like you go to sleep. It feels calming as the darkness hits you and then you're gone. Permanent sleep, until they wake you up in a fucking ambulance.

It made me see all the bullshit we care of, and society as nothing but people walking in fear of death, always on edge. Everyone is scared about something.

Death is nice, life is meant to be lived. Fuck what everyone says. There is no afterlife, no heaven or hell.

It's just black. Nothing. No consciousness or muh spirit.

Just gone.