YLYL thread

YLYL thread


Literalmente usted



prepare to lose fgts




fak u so intense



who remembers this?


re: re, with re









What the fuck is this?

I'll probably get heat for this but what is the purpose of chainsaws in the ylyl thread

Fuck OP, their's a thread already up.
All he wants to post is underage bait.

some dumb nigger wanting to derail a shit thread before it even starts, nothing to see here


They are cutting the thread down, with the thing you cant announce.


re: hahah


ylyl are just places to spam now, if i see that faggot tweeker posting one more of those god awful stick figure drawings.....


What's wrong with having one leg longer than the other? :(


Fuck i lost at the first pic

The fuck with the chainsaws








let me guess, op is posting illegal links in his filenames? people have been doing that since 2003 and it's a great way to end up in prison. don't click that shit nigger.

Why my cat doesn't eat? Sorry for bad england, im jamaica


no i no speak london

Yes, Kingston pretty beauty

eat shit Sup Forums.

what's going on here?

not saying it's happening in this thread, but people on this site have been known to post illegal links in the filenames.

nah i just dont see it sir, please expound on your point

no real point, i think i misunderstood what this guywas saying



this is honestly the best ylyl i have seen in all year. kill me.

Not a cringe thread..
