Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

why quit when you're so close to 100? you can do it mate

i can do several packs a day for few weeks and then dont smoke at all for a year with no urge , sucks for other people who have shitty genes

>doesn't realize nicotine is the most addictive thing in the world

8 months. Used the patches.

Wife quit. Got vap slowly reduced nicotine %.

Feel ya sometimes I'll buy a pack for the whole month must suck to be an addiction fag

You make no sense at all.

Holy I thought 1 pack a day was bad. I can't imagine the wheezing and coughing you do

several packs a day sounds a little unrealistic

I don't think I have an addictive personality, I have a vape but it doesn't really give me as much of a buzz so sometimes I smoke cigarettes, I can make a pack last like 2-3 weeks, i'll smoke one usually on my way home from work but I burnt through my last one in my pack yesterday and just haven't been assed to go and buy another

It's easy to quit when you're paying almost 14 dollars a pack. I quit due to having to choose between food or cigarettes and the answer was obviously


it will just replace your nicotine addiction with an addiction to cock

Only way to quit that works is by just stopping cold turkey, maybe even keep a pack to hold but not smoke.

Iktf bro I was smoking 30 per day and I had tons of breathing problems

Yeah I had this dilemma and picked cigarettes

You're nuts m8 when I realized it was food or cigs I cut my smoking down to 2 packs a week when I was usually smoking a 1.5 packs a day

Anyone who pays more than 10$ a day on cigarettes is a fucking idiot

>mfw people spend more than 3500$ a year on nothing

Ya'll full retard

Yeah I was nuts, didn't last long.

I quit smoking by get this: quitting smoking

not replacing smoking with patches or gum or vapes or food.

Only people like me who doesnt have addiction genes can relate.


It's enjoyable.

I'm down to 3 or 4 cigarettes a day now because I still love that morning smoke with coffee and the after meals smoke

Beer and liquor are more enjoyable. Get something that actually does something, even opiates is a better thing than cigarettes

Yeah, they were my fave smokes the old after meal stomach settler.

Cutting down did not help me one bit, only quitting from 20 a day to absolute nothing.

How? It taste fucking bad, smells fucking bad, makes you look like the faggot you're smoking. All around 0.5/10
.5 is for the miniscule "buzz" you feel - just smoke weed and not ruin your lungs.

>Beer and liquor are more enjoyable

for you

I enjoyed cigs more than either of those.

it has a bad rep here, but vaping worked for me.

Take shrooms
Go for a smoke
Feel like hurling while smoking, tastes like shit, feels like shit
Have nerver smoked another ciggie after I tried shrooms

You hardly get a buzz off cigs, you can get a way better buzz off of liquor

You can smoke 10 bucks worth of smokes in an hour and not even get fucked up

It tastes nice to a smoker; really nice in fact, why do you think there is different brands if its only about .05 nicotine?

I enjoy the smell of un-lit tobacco to this day if it's a nice blend.

Wasn't trying to get fucked up, just enjoy myself on a cigarette.

Do you ever drink a beer? Why not only drink rubbing alcohol, it gets you way more fucked up!

smoked from age 13 til 34. Quit for 1.5 years now.

I'm quitting right now.
DAY 3.
It sucks.
I am supplementing with cigars and dip though to curb that nicotine addiction.
I mainly want to be able to run more without eventually dying of lung cancer


Well played.

I only smoked for 10 years myself, and I have been quit for 4.

I don't drink unless I plan on getting drunk as fuck


if you had gone cold turkey you'd be feeling worse now but be over it by tomorrow.

75 a day? Can you even breathe

So why not exclusively rubbing alcohol?

since stronger = better by the logic you've shown in this thread.

Weeds for kids

different strokes for different folks

If I drink I drink clear springs,it's 95% alcohol and gets you drunk in like 10 minutes

Ok, you could be getting drunk in 5 minutes with pure.

havent smoked in a couple months thanks to my vape

true dat, I was just giving you advise from a successful quitter (paradox?)

if it works you can join the next thread and tell your story of success.

smoking 30 a day here, if i have the money to it. was born with a bad case of asthma and got problems with my lungs/throat every time the weather changes. it sucks. i wanna quit, but i simply just like the relief the smokes gives you

you're still addicted to the same drug, does this bother you? or was it about not having actual SMOKE in your lungs?

I've been trying to quit with negative reinforcement. I shoot my cum in my own mouth every time I slip up and smoke but so far I've only accomplished exhausting my dick and making it sore.

I smoke 3/4qtrs of a pack a day. Camel filters are my gig. Tbh fuxk weed meth is funner. Rip F

You clearly know nothing about alcohol, you'll go blind with anything stronger

I noticed I only smoke when I leave the house so I stopped leaving the house. I'm on day 3 now and it's going great!

so? you'll be more fucked up.

all this because you couldn't understand how people like a cig

You're going to die, don't

Moved to smoking weed instead.

I can understand the liking cigarettes but you can get way better drugs with the money spent on cigarettes

What is it about the smoking that you guys like? Is it the taste? The feeling of smoke in your breath? Whatever it is, I think you could replace it with a vape.

>nicotine is the most addictive thing in the world
lol no

chantix worked for me

Do you use a zippo for your meth? I tried one for bath salts on foil and it was bomb, I was able to take hits so big I saw faces through door cracks and centipedes coming through the bottoms of doors.

Actually it is, don't even think about arguing with me kid

Don't listen to this jackass. I quit smoking after 15 years of 2 packs a day with a vape. Now I'm down to 3mg of nicotine and I'm slowly getting off that.

It's the highly addictive drug inside. I quit cigs because of cancer, & the awful smell.

actually its not, don't even think about arguing with me kid

>i simply just like the relief the smokes gives you

That's exactly how it works, nobody really likes the cigarette itself, it's the relief that is nice. That's why it is so hard to quit. It's kind of like wearing really tight shoes the whole day and then taking them off. Trying to quit is like leaving the shoes on until you stop feeling the pain/wear them out.

Better is subjective.

Like for you it is better to buy a bottle of whatever it is you drink for $20

Where as someone else would rather have $20 of weed.

Both would claim theirs is better.

I quit cigs cuz'a cancer, the shitty little high it gave you wasn't worth it to me.

When you quit make sure you don't have to leave the house for at least 3 days because you're going to be extremely angry at everything and you'll be sweating constantly and shaky

I just layed in bed for days when I quit because the withdrawal was so severe

Are nicotine patches really effective m8?

Wow, you've really got the facts at your fingertips there m80.

Protip: do the opposite of what this spastic says, and you have the best chance of quitting.

I smoked for 4 years and then stopped cold turkey. I still dont know why this happened but I think it was partly through researching about the tobacco industry as a whole and just the general side effects smoking has . Suddenly it made cigs seem gross to me. Sounds dumb but I havent smoked cigs for almost 2 years

Weed is complete shit compared to booze and opiates, only a teenager would think otherwise

i've lots of experience in quitting smoking.
i quit 5 times a year
ask me nothing

I found vape smoke too thin, even when I took more volume than I took from a cig (marlboro red were my choice)


>still on 3mg of same drug.

where as I quit cold turkey, the cock thing was a joke btw.

I try man i try

Yup, I quit last August. I also quit drinking too. As the nicoine leave your body, you get anxious wondering about that next fix. Then you go outside, puff away and think you are relaxing.

As the alcohol leaves my system, I also get anxious, and depressed days later. Up to 5 days later binge drinking. However, I only found this out by...quitting drinking as a sideline to help me quit smoking.

So, from a pack a day and a serious friday night binge drunk, every weekend to...fuck, life's changed this past 10 months.

But i did learn how to cook a mean burger in all that time. pic related.

7-39 here.

Quit last year. I just got tired of it. Tired of always doing cigarette math in my head to determine how long I had before I had to go to the store again, tired of always having something burning in my hand that had to be managed.

That's one of the biggest draws of not smoking for me, having both hands permanently free.

I quit cold turkey, I decided I was going to quit, and threw out my smokes. No vape or anything like that, I did not want to trade one albatross for another.

It's not actually hard. I thought it would be, for long time I thought there was no way I could ever give up smoking. I started as a child, my mom liked to roll her own and I'd grip a handful of tobacco every day, I'd smoke seriously about a pouch's worth of shit ends. And when I could afford tailor-mades, they were milder, so I smoked even more. I've smoked 2+ packs a day for decades.

But I just put it down and never picked it up again. If I can do it, you can do it, it's just a matter of whether or not you actually want to quit.

I already feel much better, I have way more energy and physical stamina, if somebody like me can recuperate, you'll probably see even more of a benefit to quitting.

one thing I did that may have a helped a lot: I told somebody I have no respect for that I was done smoking. There is no damn way I'd ever let them see me fail at anything I have any semblance of control over.
Maybe you can manipulate yourself a bit in a similar fashion.

I quit smoking cigarettes by switching to cigars

Daily Reminder: This thread is made multiple times a day. Don't fall for the bait.

Hm... I can usually go like 5 days with no problem except for being a little bit on edge. It's usually when I drink alcohol when the urge gets too big, it's fucking impossible for me to have a drink without a smoke.

Ok, replace the word weed with meth in my previous post.

Point still stands.

lol, you work for an e-cig company? cold turkey works.

It's pretty fucking close. You have a better chance of quitting heroin than nicotine.

protip: neither of you faggots are right.

Quitting is a matter of perspective, as well as addiction. I quit cold turkey, but you might not; it depends on why we're using it & just who we are as a person, addiction is different for every one.

Meth isn't bad but alcohol and opiates are still much better

Not that user. But with vapes the aim is to start with a high nicotine concentration juice like 18mg and slowly work your way down to 3mg and eventually 0.
But I'm pretty sure if you are able to afford a vape, the reason you're quitting cigarettes is not the idea of smoking. It's the negative effects of smoking cigarettes on your health, which vapes are much better for.

I go for a couple weeks then buy a pack. But usually only smoke 3-5 cigs a day.

It's a pure addiction. There are no benefits, none. Also, it's insanely addictive.

that burger looks great, but admit it, it's fucking boring without alcohol, right?


Personally I prefer ...

>Weed is complete shit compared to booze and opiates

Booze and opiates are both very addictive. Have fun being an addict your whole pitiful life.

Try using goose yolk to bind the meat. It'll blow your cock off.

Get ready to die, then lol. Weed is healthier, smoking weed & gaming alone is better than popping pills, drinking, & gaming alone. Think of which you would rather have people know about.

Not that guy but everything's boring without alcohol. I can't go a day without drinking at least 8 beers or whisky drinks

Damn, that's not okay, or healthy bro. Smoke ganja, you're killing yourself.

I understand the idea behind them.

I just never found them to be as good as a cigarette; and I was able to quit cold turkey, i'm sure vapes are fine for people who can't cold turkey things.

At least I'll have a fun life, that's better than a long and boring one

Why are you smoking meth? You're totally rewiring your reward system and honest to God nothing normal will ever be as gratifying as it should and used to be. Plus it's neurotoxic. Please take it easy man. Running on stims is so hard on your body and mind. You can't tweek for the rest of your life. Be realistic here bro.

don't replace the drinks with weed lol

this guy will be smoking an ounce a day.

I can't stand weed it just makes me paranoid and have anxiety attacks, you couldn't pay me to smoke weed that's how shitty that buzz is

>tfw u need a cigarette for weed

or are you a bong faggot??

Where did you read that you fucking idiot? Go bang heroin for a bit and tell me which is easier to quit.

While I agree that alcohol and opiates are much better, weed is enjoyable as well. It's all subjective, I know a lot of people that just can't drink alcohol without getting too fucked up or acting like a complete fool, so they just stick to weed. As well as people who just generally enjoy being high more than they like being drunk.

Personally, I sometimes like to combine opiates, beer and weed. Nothing crazy, moderate amounts of each. There's no better feeling for me.

No two people are the same. The mentality of "my drug is good and yours is shit" is that of a teenager, though.

Was smoking 10-20 a day for 5 years realized what a pointless waste of time it was and stopped instantly it wasn't hard. Just smoked lots of weed instead.