Are there any actual no shit feminists on here?

Are there any actual no shit feminists on here?

Pic: pictorial representation of your ideology

Thats Tommy Wiseau isn't it?

is that your gf? she's cute, does she have a sister?

also, yes.
I mean, probably.

oh hai mark


source: i am one of them

I am a feminist.

How do you guys feel at being cucks?

I am not one, but I dont care if other people are. You obviously think its a negative thing, shows weakness or something silly to you.

You don't have to be a bulldyke to be a feminist. You just have to want equal treatment for men and women. You're kind of a dick if you don't want that.

it's pretty good,

Women are the social, political, and economic equals of men, so yes, I am a feminist.


Based on the assumption that you're not trolling, how do you reconcile your beliefs with the nonstop shit you get for them? As in, how does it feel to be a member of one of the most hated movements on the internetz?

I followed teh feminisms in high school, and I was done with it by 11th grade. What ideological justification do you give for remaining a part of the movement even though it's seen as total shit?

Pretty much, but people just constantly stereotype.

Feminism definition: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

I don't let men who hate women redefine feminism as women who hate men.

OOOO well said

currently doing my masters at u of t. can tell you that as a civil rights movement, its greatly respected. in my previous university, feminism was lauded by the entire philosophy faculty, and also embraced by pretty much every other arts faculty that had an appropriate avenue through which they could support it. the only people that dont see feminism as simply being men = women are those who've allowed the deluded to pervert their conception of its essence. tl;dr, grow up homie

Credit to John Marcotte

The definition of communism ;a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Funny how definitions can give a skewed perspective on some things huh?

...your ideology is tommy wiseau?

Remember- he did not hit her.

Lots of cucks are here today.

If you want real equality, they would be egalitarian or humanist, none of that misandry bullshit.

tumblr is that way --------->


Obviously feminist will fight you.

But we all know the dictionary definition for feminism is already wrong.

funny how you could say that about any definition...
You are just trying to attach the negative perception of communism to feminism. Seems pretty unrelated.

>how does it feel to be a member of one of the most hated movements on the internetz?

I don't really let a bunch of racist, misogynistic teenagers sway my opinions. And it's just really hated on the children's side of the internet, like Sup Forums and reddit and shit.

>What ideological justification do you give for remaining a part of the movement even though it's seen as total shit?

What ideological justification? It's an ideology I subscribe to.
What justification? I think it is a clear cut moral question whether women should be equal to men.

Now many will say that they think women should be equal to men, even those who call themselves anti-feminists.
What separates feminism from these types of thinking, is that feminism acknowledges the structural societal grounds in which in-equality exists. For the most part, feminism acknowledges the intersection of social issues.
This critique of society makes people uncomfortable, so if you're a middle-class white male teenager who spends most of their time on the computer in his parent's house, it's easier to bitch about "durr crazy man hating feminazis" than it is to pick up a book.

He just keep melting

how do you know that the definition is wrong? I hold that definition as my viewpoint on what feminism is and I am a self proclaimed feminist.

you mean egalitarian, feminism is misandry bullshit that you, as a cuck, keeps eating it. Cute.

>feminism is misandry bullshit
how? prove it?

Real talk

>I think it is a clear cut moral question whether women should be equal to men.

how do you deal with the cognitive dissonance that comes from the fact that you say things like this yet support a movement that, in its modern form, supports female supremacy and female-beneficial double standards rather than egalitarianism and equal consequences?

no if you dont like Sup Forums leave

Third wave feminism is nothing but communism. >Everybody should be equally miserable
>Fuck you if you stand out or if your pretty

Feminism benefits both male and female.

The holy number of 4:20 shall never be mocked

Keep telling yourself that. Maybe the "dyke lesbian man-hating" feminists will come to you in the night and take your penis away. Long live the matriarchy.

i call myself a feminist cos i think women should be able to do whatever they want in the same way as men, but tumblr has twisted the meaning of the word so much that people always act like feminism is man hate and that just isnt what its supposed to be


this is simply incorrect. So you think feminists dont want pretty people and want everyone the same. You are simply delusional on what feminists believe.

>in its modern form, supports female supremacy

Damn, I must really hate myself to support someone to oppress me. I guess it's plain ol' cognitive dissonance.

Men who are feminists are feminists for the same reason that one douchebag always brought his acoustic guitar to parties in high school:
To get laid. That's as deep as it is.

Crush that pussy, brah.

Alright, so why does holding the belief of gender equality have to be called feminism? Equality is not just for women, so issues regarding gender should not be exclusively "feminist".

Well you know, having a decent moral outlook and not being a psychotic piece of shit to people really helped my social game.


Or maybe they gave a shit about a woman some time in their life. Or they're able to put themselves in other's shoes. Or they would like to reap the benefits of feminism as well.

some good shit here keep it comin'

I'm sure there are plenty of gay male feminists out there. Also in my experience male feminists have been far more likely to be cuckold fetishists as well, but I think both male feminism and cuckolds are a symptom of cripplingly low self esteem in the first place.

Semantics. It's the word for it.
The fight for equality in gendered issues came with feminism, and continues with feminism.

I am a feminist because I think women and men should be treated equally in a society. I value equality and I think that feminism is a way to get closer to that.

Yes, there is a reason why feminists are pushing the gender-politics. And hating on anything that can be seen as individual productivity. Feminist don't create, they whine and hate until they ruin everything they touch

Anyone else hate feminism, but love to be dominated?

and that's why you are literally a cuck



Yeah, but you have to bang purple haired, hairy armed, free bleeding idiots.

I found that in the real world, real people like it when you're #woke

Then be an egalitarian for fucks sake. Don't subscribe to a bullshit 3rd wave mutation of what was once an honourable movement.

I dont see this happening at all. I see bad posts from teenage girls on tumblr or twitter as antifemists view of feminists. Its not the best place to get intelligent interpretation. I suggest the JSTOR for scholarly papers on actual feminism.

Cancer shit thread of the day. congratulations OP

But you let women who hate men define it. Neat.

Women are equal to men?
My old lady didn't think so when I was kicking her ass all over the kitchen for burning dinner last night.

no if you dont like Sup Forums leave

>and thats why i follow an ideology that is called after one gender

>I know nothing about feminist activism on a local scale

so you would consider yourself a feminist under the dictionary definition?

the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

You seem to have missed that these manhating misandrist have taken a forward part of several countries politics. All under the name of feminism

>I'm a beta who gets cucked on a daily basis

The wage gap myth for one, it doesn't take into account that men CHOOSE more dangerous, and therefore more highly paying jobs. Women have been given the same opportunities but have mostly refused. Want the statistics to be equal? Do the same things then.

gon' feel real good to wear that badge to kindergarten

Hi doggy

>anita cunt detected

Yeah i thought the idea of a feminist being forced to create anything would trigger one of you fatties.

The feminism where I'm allowed to hit a woman as hard as I am a man does. The current feminism seeks to further polarize and separate us.

NO don't even ask

>It's the word for it.
You don't think a label is important?

The label for the group has come to mean a certain thing in today's culture, and you can't just call yourself a feminist and go "oh but I mean this kind, not that widely accepted negative label that everyone uses and thinks of when the term is mentioned today"

Kind of the same way words like "nigger" or "nip" are taboo despite literally just being a rough translation of the color black and a shortening of the native name for a country. Context is important.

I find that my outward masculinity and general disdain for women allows me to fuck feminist guys' girlfriends. Routinely.
Women love a real man. Try it if you can. You'll feel better about everything when you restore natural order to things.

>i know everything about the world from reddit and tumblr

thats nitpicking so hard. Its named after the gender that was greatly discriminated against.(especially when it first started) It has carried on its name since that time.

Not a feminist. I believe in total equality, under a meritocratic system, so no gender quotas etc.
But I believe that a woman should have just as much of a chance as a man, provided she tries just as hard.

Ah, well in that case, I see your point of view.
Weak men shouldn't necessarily get to vote, because you are theoretically stronger.

I don't let that happen, either.

Most women I know who are involved with feminist activism tend to use menstrual cups.
Bleached tampons and pads are horrible for your body and the environment.

Strange then that all the redheaded manhaters ive ever met all loved to be called whore and be treated as degrading as possible in bed.


>why are people so mad about communism when all those workers and farmers where treated so badly under the Tsar

-Stalin 1935

The only people who should be allowed to vote are men who own property.

Don't you lie to me, you do way more then let it happen. You actively participate in it, all humans are people and human reproduction is good you god damn sjw ultra cuck/fatty dyejob bitch

It's hard for people to take a movement seriously when it's represented by people in support of double standards. Or people who think you can be raped by being looked at. Women in third world countries are real issues while feminists in developed nations are trying to out victim each other. Also, before you go ahead and tell me that they aren't real feminists, they will tell me that YOU aren't a real feminist. All of you claim to be a real feminists. How can you expect people not to be against your movement when you are represented by crazy fuckers?

And now I miss my ex.


Yes, because we should never stop and think about which professions are valued higher than others and for what underlying reasons.
Not all higher paying jobs are dangerous, or pizza boys would be paid at least a minimum wage.

You are not allowed to hit a man.

Keep typing about yourself.

Currently, she does not.

yes I dont see this happening to any large scale. Some feminists do not understand its core concepts, but this is true of any large movement. These outliers cannot be taken as the whole. Also provide evidence that feminist leaders are promoting man hate

haha no substance to your argument

I believe that she does. Under the law, in my country, there are absolute discrimination laws put in place. If a woman can present a compelling case that she was gender discriminated against, then whoever committed the crime, (interviewer, boss etc) would be fired stat.


but men and women aren't equal. there are very distinct biological differences that predispose the overwhelming majority of people to different behaviors.

individuals all learn, grow, excel (or fail) at different rates.

while I do believe that the same opportunities should be presented to any capable individual regardless of race, gender, etc., and that no one should be discriminated against for being less capable (nor should they be elevated to equal footing with their superiors by the same metric), I don't believe in some sort of magical inherent equality.

Currently fucking a feminist social worker. Not a redhead but she loves being roughed up and demeaned during sex. Last month, she asked my to punch her in the face while my cock was inside her. It's become an every time thing. Knocked her out cold three times. Each time she woke up to my dick in her ass. No lube. Just spit.
And she keeps texting.

Oh, shit, everything's fixed now!
I should have known!

when taking account for women taking time off work or choosing less hours does change the statistics. There is still a pay gap closer to 90 cents on the dollar. So the numbers can change depending on what you want to consider. So the 75 percent number is overblown, but that doesnt mean the gap doesnt exist.

I find this a huge problem in the media. They do not provide context for their statistics and this is relating to almost any kind of news story.

What political, social, or economic rights do men have that women don't?


Yeah, the nazis weren't so bad, just to bad that people like Hitler came to lead the movement and ruin it for all those nice nazis who only wanted social equality.

When feminists start taking care of the shit spewing from its own cesspool i might start to take it for not a hate movement.

That's why the wage gaps only a dollar you retard. Because it's JUST the dangerous jobs. Simple fix.

I'ts way more illegal to hit a female, even in self defense but feminism has no problem with that? Equality eh?

what dont you agree with about the definition? Or do you just not want to be labeled one?

>I don't believe in some sort of magical inherent equality.
I disagree with this. But if there really isn't an inherent equality, then I believe it's certainly a noble cause for the human race to strive toward.