ITT: We are nice to each other until someone roll 55555 and then thread turns into tumblr

ITT: We are nice to each other until someone roll 55555 and then thread turns into tumblr.

I hope you fall down a well, OP.


Stop Posting these threads faggot

Not gonna happen


Solid start

Kill yourself

What is 555555?

ok than

now thatsa spicy meatball

Where am I

op confirmed

I dont like black people

you all are great ppl

Happy birthday, Todd.

it's gonna be a close one

I love you all

Penis vagina


I am gos

wat is up my dudes?

This is it



you're all cancer.

you tardcuck youre already almost 100 posts too late

That wasn't very nice, try to behave next time. ;D

Someone needs to get rid of the writing up top an replace it with something like "2 girls 1 cuck" an slap a brazzers insignia at the bottom