Nothing better than a good thread bashing donald DRUMPF

Nothing better than a good thread bashing donald DRUMPF

Hillary 2016

Fuck off you cuck

Can't stump the Trump!


Hate is love, at least I'm not berning in a pile of communist shit


Um, yeah, I'll be voting for Hillary because she's not a stupid bankrupt racist psychopath

I haven't seen a thread bashing drumpf so I wouldn't know, Sup Forums seems to be quite right these days, or troll in that direction at least.


You have to go back, OP.

You can't be President from prison :^)

Still going to win, OP
And you, along with all feminists, niggers and gays will shove crayons up your anuses!


Nah, instead she's a murdering, blackmailing, tells-you-what-you-want-to-hear, women-are-the-primary-victims-of-war, Mexican coddler.

Sanders 2016

Did Breitbart tell you that or did you make it up on your own?

All of those things are objectively true though.
Breitbart is Zionist prolefeed.

You actually think she murdered people? That's pretty stupid. I agree with the other points, well not blackmail either that's stupid, but she's still far less shit covered then Trump. He would rob your ass and laugh at you, not sure why you think he's on your side any more than clintons.

That's why he's on a nine-month march to the oval office purely off of earned media, right?
Richer than you'll ever be, fam
Even if he were there'd be literally nothing wrong with this, browns and asians have to go back
Nah that's Hillary and Cruz.



One of you needs to kill stat motha fucker

says the tiny little man with the tiny little penis.
don't worry junior when mommy's friends leave you can come upstairs.

do you say that IRL? just asking.

Why would we kill the best thing to happen to our country in decades?