All four stop at the same time

>all four stop at the same time

who has the ride away?

I see what you're trying to start. Fuck off.

There will never be four stop signs at an intersection.

the one on the right

*Right of way

dubs checked for truth

whoever has the balls to go first

The monster truck because he would get the least amount of damage.

>the ride away

False. Situate Rhode island at the intersection of 116 and snake hill road. There is a four way intersection where all four have stop signs. That intersection used to be part of my daily commute, and I have arrived at this situation myself. Whoever had the balls to go first had the right of way.

Its called an all-way-stop and who ever gets there first has the right of way but this is saying they all stoped at the same time so we don't know for sure

whichever driver has biggest balls goes first. Natural order if life

>who has the ride away?
>the ride away
>ride away

Actually there is such thing as a four way intersection. The fact that you never leave your house is another argument

Even if they went at the same time, everyone would be alright nigger.

Constructed problem that solves itself IRL

learn to read

the one going the shortest distance goes first but if they are all going straight then whoever has the balls as the other user said

This is covered in driving manuels... this is when you are to use hand signals (waving) to communicate with the other drivers.

This is actually a thing.

Nobody leaves. They are doomed forever.

this is why the usa needs a wall to keep the stupid in

>ride away


>Ride away
Are you being retarded on purpose?
You better not be.

There is a four way intersection that I can literally see from my window right now

Whoever gets there first, do you all live in retarded fuckville?

>driving manuels

Me because I have white privilege and the other 3 cars have niggers in them.