

Pretty gud and you?
I'd doodle with you if I could

I hate all you people

I don't give a shit, if i ruin your days.

Men are oppressed.

This is war.
Come find and kill me, if it bothers you.
I want a reason to stab someone.


I disproved you once, I can disprove you again.

Sexist piece of shit.

It's about the message, not about the act.


Not sure if this thread is not the official one or what

Hang yourself, your life has no value



should be, the other was some anons solo thread


I hate being a boy Swordbro.

>not sure which one will stick
yo, that guy who said he wanted to draw me still around?

Hey kiddos, remember to ignore it.

If you respond, you give it more reasons to post, making you part of the problem.

Oh this is so nice, saved!

>Fucking hell
Alright then

>your lines look different
I'm using tablet again
for the past 3-4 months I've been drawing everything with mouse til today

>drawings that look the way yours do
>with a mouse

I hate you all

I'm going to look for other threads to flood

I'll be back.

>the other drawthread OP is probably crying from the raid

You did all those with a mouse? Holy shit

I hate you too you cancerous tumor.
I hope the Chinese nuke Colorado first, put that radiation to good use.

but that's where Lummy and Trinket are :c

Also don't talk to it ffs

Fuck you Misandrist.

Being a man sucks, and nobody fucking listens.

I'll kill you if i ever see you. And then i'll kill your parents.

Wouldn't draw for me

Fuck him/her



It feels so nice to have tablet again tho

You may ask what's right have I to take human life this way
Well I'm in control I make the rules and I don't need your OK
Genocide is my way of life it's a fact I will not hide
The millions I've killed to sterilize euthanasia's not homicide

You're a piece of shit.
Fuck you.
I hate you, and being a boy fucking sucks.

oOOOh shit!
this looks badass, thank so much

draw me a spooky thing

Though i'm better with mouse and pencil, is there an app I should get to try to draw on my phone?

fuck off hypocrite

Who are you by the by? I must know

Trinket is in Washington I think, but Lummy is for sure in CO
Take her, user then skittles can nuke the state!


haha same

So I guess this is a Chris Containment Thread
Let's pack it up and get out of here


Lets all draw characters telling people to kill themselves.
Also I was drunk in making this so judge me mercilessly




I am Chrishop.
A martyr / innovative musician

A megafag named Chrischop

i got one! i got one everyone!
i'm getting this shit outa my system lad
will all be gone in the morning

Alright. Well its nice to meet you.

you'll never destroy gender roles you'll just always come back here like you always do hypocrite

I guess Chrischop would be fitting too because cuts the enjoyment out of drawthreads

You seem familiar... not sure how common "Skittlez" as a name though.


It's a struggle.
But i will prevail.

It's not hard, when the message is more important than the speaker.

For how you've treated males.

This is completely unconnected but...

hiya gimme the reqs
HELLO my req is junkrat with flowercrown+catears
is that ok ?

I beg your pardon?
>I dont care about anything else

i'm the one and only pal
reposting some homosexual stuff
>kinda proud of this one actually

Procreate or medibang paint are pretty nice. Medibang is free, procreate is a few bucks.

Daww tell me more about your OC hombre

Which is better. I'll get an apk if its the paid one

Having a good day boys and girls

Whatcha got


ill try, it'll probably be shitty tho

Run while you still can


But you won't prevail you'll waste time here and never accomplish anything like you always do hypocrite

Alright. Have you ever been by a site called colors?

Penis = Male
Vagina = Female
Neither/Both = Hermaphrodite
It's simple. Gender isn't something created by humans. It's nature. I don't know if/how I can explain it with more simplicity but genders are proven and very apparent science, not an idea.

warming uppp

Would you please draw me Cormano from Sunset Riders?

the greatest Gatsby
i dont draw on my phone so i dont know sorry fam
well im glad to hear it, you drawing stuff tonight or just chilling in the ice block you call home?

can't say that i have. i only post my stuff here


Genders are irrelevant in today's overpopulated societies.

All i'm asking is the freedom to act like whatever i choose.

Or i'll make sure to be free to pop the bullets into the skulls of some random people.

Penis = Male
Vagina = Female
anything else = Freak of nature


Hey it's you again. Hi.

thank u for the spoop

Well I'll get the apk first then.
Pardon me then, its nice to meet you


no one has ever stopped you from acting how you want
you go to college for free
you eat and live for free
you have a free car
you dress like a tard on stage and no one stops you

you have never once in your entire life been oppressed and its disgusting that you think you have been

Heyy that's pretty neat, thanks for drawing me!

I'll bet! Was yours broken or something?


I'm leaving now.

me? im a parasite who lives in this body shell
my names francesca
uuuuuu THankss omg

Hi thread!

Whoa someone remember me,




But I just got here

Draw a sandwich waifu pls

Lol people werent kidding when they said you were a annoying, whiny and edgy lil bitch

the very same
will be much less angry in the morning, just settling some old scores

Hello there.
Now get out.

I mostly use procreate cause it's good for shit scribbles, but honestly medibang has a lot more variety in brushes and features. I prefer it for actual drawings tbh.

I remember all drawfriends. I like they way you draw asses, so you have a special place in my mind.

Licenced to kill

Like, get the vans ready scoob

Not gonna lie i would fuck the hell out of chris

He seems like a bottom doesn't he ?

do something cool with those trips my niggaaaa

K bye!

ur gay in a good way

He seems like a cute little thing you could just pick up and throw on the bed

come back to bed

Am I allowed to make requests?



No you're not you could get arrested for that

ive lost all motivation

I would smother him to death after, but yeah I get cha

*touch butt*

Draw an alien wearing a really small top hat

Okay, cool!

Arrest me, officer.


Could I possibly get a picture of this guy pointing finger guns? I posted in the other thread, but that thread was shit and everyone was saying to come here.