This is decent. i had an enjoyable listen

this is decent. i had an enjoyable listen.

it's funny how they've grown from a le edgy metal band to a le intellectual metal band tho

>the cover implies the universe is the stage

really tingles your neurons

they should've invited Richard Dawkins

can we just not with this album please

just what user?

damn good record. these guys really know how to bring the rock.

>thought this shit was just a meme
>actually has a 3.5 rating on RYM


>Worth a shit
nice, epic, I like it.

can you literally please literally go back to literally tumblr talking literally like that


>not the most reliable scores on the internet
I bet you read Pitchfork lol

The last 5 minutes of the closing track is the funniest thing I've heard all year.

Sunny Disposition gives me chills every listen when the horns kick in

rym is filled with metalheads, every new metal album is HIGHLY overrated on there, it's disgusting

they kinda ripped that part off from Brain Tentacles tho, except they kept the guitars

its actually the only highlight for me. it should be a transition song in the middle of album tho imo.

Simulation is awesome, those rhythm changes, man.

That cover art is so fucking awesome compared to their last one. Httk looked like SHIT. If you have an official mascot like Eddie, you need to change it up on each album to fit the theme, and they finally did it here.

Nightmare's cover really made me want to buy the album, but the music did not match the spooky theme.

Do you think the music on here fits the spacey theme of the cover? I sure don't

I think it's a step forward for the band

I was a huge fan of them in the last two years of high school, and still think Nightmare is easily in the 7-8/10 range as far as bog-standard metal goes. Hail to the King was disappointing and I haven't listened to them much since it came out, but I saw The Stage in my YouTube recommendation feed, figured I'd give it a watch. Surprisingly excited for the new album (which I did NOT expect to be), as pleb-y as they may be.

here, I was under the impression it was coming out in early 2017 so I'm pretty excited right now.

Lyrically yes, and neil degrasse tyson cameo lol

honestly surprisingly good release, it has the same "basic" a7x feeling and sound but it has some interesting stuff going on. i like it

I think it was a pretty genius move to drop the album unexpectedly. When i saw the December release date, i thought, "december? That doesn't seem like A7X to release around Christmas time..", then i heard the news last night like "ahh i see what you did there, some A7X just in time for halloween, that's more like it!".

M Shadows is right, the constant teases and single releases that every other band does leading up to a new album is dull as fuck. I love how we knew almost nothing about this release save for the one single.

But that was released only like 2 weeks ago, normally a single comes out months prior.

deleted it immediately. yawnsville

Last album of their's I listened to fully and enjoyed was their self-titled. I listened to some of Nightmare and I listened to all of Hail to the King but found it okay and kind of generic.

New drummer is amazing, and good to hear them not turn away from their more art rock tendencies as they did on th last album.

This one is a grower... give it a couple weeks minimum with frequent spins.

>not forming your own opinion on a piece of music
fucking pleb

k dewd

RYM is where music hipsters go to congregate and circlejerk each others garbage opinions on what constitutes good and bad music.

Kind of like Sup Forums.

Took a few listens to truly get into it but much better effort than Hail to the King. City Of Evil and Nightmare remain king tho.

I posted in here earlier, finally listened to the whole thing. The final track is really moving, especially that monologue. Iunno, I'm in this weird existential crisis-esque phase of my life right now and it hit the feels spot perfectly. So even if only for sentimental reasons, I can see this album sticking in my mind.

Musically, a lot more adventurous than anything they've done in a while. I heard inklings of black metal in a few songs, and I'm almost inclined to say this is out-and-out progressive metal at this point (in the same way Iron Maiden slowly progressed into that realm later in their career, I guess). I don't know where I'd rank this in their discography right now, but after Hail to the King I didn't have high hopes. I'm glad the single managed to sell me on this; wherever it ranks in their discography (I can see it possibly winding up as #1 for me), it's a genuinely quality record.

hashtag doubt it

I'm on the second track right now

Sounds like a bearable Dream Theater, I'll keep it going