How do i into Gold Division??

How do i into Gold Division??

stop sucking dick

stop playing teemo.

only way

But i don't.
Why though? Very good counter when playing against Nasus, Garen, Volibear, Illaoi...

yes u fucking do lol, most probably the reason you are stuck in silver is because you dont actually accept you are horrible

play more champ, 33 masteries pts is horrible thats how you gotta learn other champ mechanics and anticipate em

L2P bitch!!!

Accept that YOU are not magical prodigy or bestest player in the world. The sooner you'll realize you suck, the sooner you can start getting better and the sooner you'll get to gold.

>but I'm good it's my temamates who ALWAYS suck....
If your teammates always suck, it means YOU suck in reality and not them. If you are genuinely better then them, YOU should be leading them. Motivate them. warn them of mistakes. encourage team play.

However you look at it it's YOU. Every good player realizes this. Every bad player faults his team.

Seriously, and his champ pool is Pretty s2. Bottom mid tier at best(save for at times Fiddlesticks). The fact you'd have Teemo in the middle with a high rank saddens me, as even if he counters that mid tier list of champions, he provides nothing less. A Nasus, Garen, Voli, Illaoi will always give their team 1 more thing than Teemo will. I realize now that I won't TL:DR, so in short:
Fuck yourself, pussy.

You're probably silver yourself, huh?

Play more, focus on your farm (very important) and on the laning phase
You can play whatever you want if you have good mechanical skills

>summoner name
you deserve challenjour m9

how are you not in gold league?

just push your lane, that's it.

grats, you're now gold league/4k dota/ etc etc.

Guess my main role

Fuck this is difficult
ADC i quess?


Jungle/ADC with deviations into Top lane?

Jungle and mid. I play most ADC's mid. I hate being with a support

Gold is shit. You only have to spam ranked games and have minimal brain functions.

If you wanna climb : learn to play well with at least 5 different champs in your main role and 3 different champs for the other roles.
Try to select them according to your overall playstyle and not because they are "OP" at the moment. Most of the time those champs will get banned. But yo can take a look at what's strong in your specific elo and not banned.

> Try to adapt your stuff regarding what's going on : building MR when they're full AD is retarded. Rushing the same stuff every single time is retarded.

> Don't flame your mates. Even if they are pieces of shit. It won't get you anywhere. You're not a child barking at your mother in a store.

> Get minimal knowledge of champs capabilities and interactions with the map. You won't get surprised by ganks and you will WARD with more efficiency.

> Fucking ward.

> Learn to FARM. And don't bitch about your KDA. It's ranked. Get money. Don't try to "win" your lane by yourself and take dangerous actions. Farm, prepare for ganks or movements. Or wait to have enough stuff and vision to kill your opponant.

>>> That's the base of the game. Nice, you're now Plat V. But you're still a piece of shit.

Teemo can definitely get you into gold 5, at least. The trick is to litter all the entrances to your lane with shrooms and never leave the lane. Push as hard and fast as you can and every time someone tries to get to you through a shroom, you leave. Repeat until the inhibi is gone, then move to another lane.

This bullshit works well into gold.

stop playing this fag game

struggle on and stop posting. stop using chat in game for anything other than gj gg and callinf summoner spell usage. everythgin else should be responsible pings.
now focus on your champ work
learn your matchups
learn controlled objective taking
if you can slightly demonstrate this to your team they do well to follow up on you
stop typing to people about SHIT
it distracts them
makes htme emotinal
takes away from your play time
your actions per min / sec
your gold per minute
really basic shit.
oh and CHASING you guys chase so damn much its mind bottling
stop wasting time typing. be ready to leave base asap ALL THE TIME

No lie just play Annie
G5 to P5 in a week

I spammed Tristana for 5 weeks and went from b2 to gold 3, I love this champ


What if you main ad carry and get fed and your team can't figure out how to group up as five people game and game again how the living fuck do I overcome that??????

dont play adc then if you cant carry regardless of how bad your teammates are. you deserve your division if you blame your teammates you fucking garbage can

I think you're retarded and have never made progress in solo queue.

>Asking how to get to gold

If you need to ask that means you aren't supposed to be in gold faggot.

hur hur how do rank up If "my teammates are bad"
are you sure you have any right to be calling anyone retarded?

>childish name
>childish attitude
>plays video games

user, underage aren't allowed here.

How do you carry a mid player who drops 12 kills before 20 minutes?
You have never done that.
Shut your stupid mouth.

As an adc I have 0 control of engagements.
If my team picks terrible engagements again and again there's nothing within my power I can do to fix that.
Tell me where I'm wrong.
I'll bet you aren't able to.


Play Jhin. His ultimate controls engagements.

That is a good point and you're correct but, I love the carrier I play and have so much fun playing, but most importantly I'm very very comfortable with them.
Fuck I've played ezreal for years!
It makes split second desicions a breeze for me because I know his limits.
I feel that is more advantageous than picking up join just now.
I also play Lucian because he's by far the best and he feels natural to me because of all the ezreal I've played.

Jhin just now*

dude its not hard to get into gold if you are playing like gold+, just learn what to do in what situations and be the shotcaller for your team

What if they don't listen.
Where's your foolproof plan now m80

Dude i have troubles keeping an account in Gold in order to play with my Silver friends.
If you have any idea what you're doing you should get Gold no problem.

I mean fuck man, I outperform my opponent ad carry heavily on average EACH game...
But on the games I lose, my team seem like they aren't willing to exploit my champions power.
I don't know how to win a game as an ad carry with an uncoordinated team.
That is the only barrier that keeps me from gold division, from what I am aware.
What do you think.

I could boost you if youd like.
I take rp as gifts but its not necessary if you dont want to.

are u also EUNE????

oh, no im NA sorry.

I'll pay whatever for elo boost.
I'll probably carry games about as much as you do. I never have trouble in lane.

It will be easy for you.

What's your summoner name?
