Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are ya user?

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are ya user?

I eat instant noodles with a spoon

I break dry ramen with my head

No way, I eat spoons with an instant noodle!

I use the same tissue to wipe my ass and nose. In that order.

got banned from Sup Forums for existing on this earth

How tough am I? I was in ylyl thread and didn't fall for banana bait.

I once deliberately a whole bottle of coke.

I didn't even cry

I once put a 5 minute meal in for 4 minutes..

Never again

Right this way sir, sorry to keep you waiting

I've watched The Divine Secrets of The Ya Ya Sisterhood fourteen times and it hasn't made me cry once.

I eat mexican suckers so I can get to that delicious mango part behind all the spices.. and I'm white as fuck.

I broke my goofy mug broke yesterday and I only cried 20 minutes.

wtf is a Mexican sucker

lead candy ftw




I pregnant my twin sister, when we were in the womb of my mom

24oz steak in one sitting.

I read that in some Pakistani tech support guys voice , I'm going to bed

Ima Goofy Goober class 74

I masturbated yesterday WITHOUT lotion

I've secretly suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts for years now, never seeking help for it from anyone and I'm still here.

Proud of you user

I only cried for 25min after going through Goju-Ryu Karate conditioning.

Normal if you're a uncut fag

I think you'd rather want to weenie hut jr.

I'm a pussy because I don't want to click on the gif because of

you needed to have a woman. Right?