Get in here b

Get in here b

I touch kids reporting

im in bitches

where are you guys?

Anus killer here, had 2nd for a while, pure guessing

Reporting in


I'm in

catman is ready

its over guys

we suck

Chrishansen reporting

Yee boi, im in
Fuck her in the pussy bitch

Coonkiller logging in


I am long dong john where is everyone?

ayyy when is this kahoot shit
gunna start?

im op is fag

Im creampie

Niggertron 9000 here

tryna join my name is "Fist Me

it won't connect

I Dont you can join anymore, teacher probs made new one lol

new kahoot pin baws.

Someone make a kahoot and put the pin in so we can join

make a new one op

what is kahoot?

Indeed make one

I Think someone from Sup Forums should make a kahoot put the pin in and let us guess the shit outta the answers.

Op is fag. Where is new pin?

On it

Good, make sure to have a laugh with it :)

You should also screenshot the scoreboard

Is thread kill?

It would seem that way

hey faggs I made the ultimate Sup Forums kahoot session
join its 551899