Yl yl? yl yl

yl yl? yl yl







>Not freezing your women


Isis=alien cumfirmed

Nice ylyl, no content not even desu

Wow is that made in paint?



Yes it is, would you rather stay there for 30 mins take picture and probably get cold, or just bury her and shop frostbite in warm house, you banana cunt?

No u


Ok :'(

These can't be legit?


Fortunately they are, this is as legit as this fuck-nugget



Damn son. Crazy

I would be furious if nothing happened to this cat




Human flesh light


Fuck, doesn't that hurt ?


Checked n chuckled





Its fake user.


who wins ?


After years of ebonic inserstion she must've hardly notice



Light kek.





Is rage comic spam a new banana/suiseki



Could you imagine the conversation?



This makes me feel weird.


Welcome to Sup Forums.

Or rather, what Sup Forums used to be.

An ideal place to post your murders, clues to victims whereabouts, and other generally fucked up shit that made this board interesting.

Now it's sunk into a really shitty state, but these pics resurface time to time to keep things interesting.

I still remember the thread of the guy having us guess what he keeps in his freezer, which another user guessed it was various body parts- which it was. Pics proved it was legit. Hadn't heard from them since.

Sometimes people like to do this stuff and flaunt it. Can't say I'm not interested in seeing it, but I grow tired of common gore threads. I like seeing the actual people who did it on here.






>I thought it moved

I mean, that is alot of eels


This is amazing.


it's fake, you fucking retard






You can tell this is real because of the fat tissue.



Let's test if this is legit
i'll track you down and send you nice presents : )


Anyone have the Justin Bieber version?

It's not the banana or desu, it's rage comics n low-tier 9gag shit that is killing ylyl


>It winked at me

No need to be a downer Danny for fuck sake



For fuck's sake not again!

lost and cringed







You can tell it's real by Mexico and huge bestgore WATERMARK sorry for caps


The first quadrillion will snuff the magma out, leaving the eel the victorious with an unfortunate. casualty ratio of 3:1.




