
Feels thread continued

gonna repost

might've posted this the other day
am still confused about her

>meet girl online
>text for a month back n forth
>decide to meet up
>very pretty girl
>same kind of humor
>spends 3 days at my house
>we have a lot of fun, go to the movies, friends party, sex
>continue to meet up for the next 5 months
>just before christmas tells me she cant do it anymore
>gets back together with her ex
>3 months pass without any form of contact
>slowly start texting again
>i get "i've missed you in my life" messages
>last week
>some more of those kind of texts
>ask her if she'*s happy
>she says overall yes

that was about 2 months ago
during those she texted me more of those "i've missed stuff with you" texts

yesterday and the day before that we were discussing that matte because i'm fed up with having to deal with it

she told me that
>she thinks about us whenever her relationship is at some negative point
>she misses the sex we had, the feeling i gave her

told her that she was still insecure, that she was using me as a safe haven
she agreed, yet always took the chance to tell me over and over that she "made the right decision" and "just has to life with her choice"

while it's clear she's all like "no idea what i want", she still thinks about me even after 6 months
and i still don't really know why she chose her ex, instead of me, if she is still thinking about me a lot

Ex is better at fucking her. Deal with it

nope not the case
she explicitly told me she misses our sex and that she's sexually frustrated , once again, with her not-ex

Post nudes of her and maybe I'll believe you.

deleted every pic of her in a rage and sadness fit
plus she regularly browses Sup Forums, albeit not Sup Forums but who knows

Send her a text saying "You should come over tonight I'm having some drinks" or something like this without sounding like a massive beta. If she still likes you I'd imagine she will show up

already invited her to come to my house for a street festival
which she replied with "i'd really really love to, but i can't lie to my bf, don't want him to think about what might happen"

That's good she's implying she'd fuck you if she came over. If she ever sends you a text first don't even talk to her just invite her over and say you're alone. Works 75% of the time.

that might be good for me, but clearly shows she's unsure deep inside that she might've made a wrong decision
might just be difficult cause we live 150 miles apart

I've spent the last 5 years in and out of college, playing in bands/session work/writing music, and I'm finally getting to the point where I feel like I should give up my dream and focus on something more obtainable.

I'm almost 24, and even though I've had a bit of minor success and have had a few instances where I was incredibly close to record deals/breaking into the industry, I've always fallen short. This last time my band was incredibly close to a major record deal, when the interpersonal issues caused a massive meltdown before we could get the record finished.

I'm not quite sure if its worth it anymore. It seems like every year I lose more friends, everyone is starting their careers, getting married, and generally enjoying their lives, while I'm forcing myself into isolation, and into a struggle just so I can make my art my life.

If I quit now, I'll at least know that I tried, and I gave it an honest shot, I'm not just sure what I'm going to regret more: not trying hard enough, or trying too hard, and wasting time that I could have spent enjoying a more normal life. I've spent the last decade with tunnel vision, so focused on this one goal, that I'm not really good at anything else, maybe its time to give something else a try? Finish up that degree and find a nice girl, and get old?

I don't know, I guess it makes me feel better typing it out.

Girls are unsure about everything the fact she's even texting you when she has a bf already show's she is unsure about him. If she ever texts you again sounding upset make up a lie and say you're already in town then proceed to meetup and fuck her. Unless you morals and don't want to ruin their relationship ignore everything I'm saying

> when she has a bf already show's she is unsure about him.
told her that

so its a pump and dump situation then?
i guess going any further has no point cause she will feel the same guilt feelings she felt for her ex

I don't know if you really like her you could just wait and see how their relationship plays out and hope they don't get married or hope she doesn't find another guy. Or you can attempt to fuck this girl and hope she likes you more than him. She seemed fine dumping you for her ex, no reason why she wouldn't do it again for you. Or you can find another girl and get over it

yeah, i do like her sure, but i don't need a girl that's unsure what she wants, when i'm clearly that what she's longing for.
she made her choice, she has to livewith it. maybe some way down the road it might be possible to start something anew, but as of now, i think she'll end up in a relationship with that guy being sad and unsatifisied

If it were me I'd try and fuck her as soon as possible and just see where it goes from there.

she told me she'd be down for meeting up in august for a day
no idea if that offer still stands after the conversation we had yesterday, but eh worth a try maybe

That's too far away just wait until she texts you again and say you want to meet up. If she says no then don't talk her because she will friendzone you. Just be honest and tell her you want to fuck....

that is IF she texts me again, which i doubt after yesterday
but yeah, guess that's the only way to get something out of it
oh well, thanks for listening though user!
gonna grab some food now, have a good one

Remember me,Sup Forumsrofist

