Why are there so many homeless men but no homeless girls?

Why are there so many homeless men but no homeless girls?

Rape gangs.

I work in san francisco a bunch and I see homeless females all the time.

Yeah old hags that nobody wants.

gays won't rape a female.

>how much for the little girl?

Because females have the innate ability to leech off of a male using the space in between their legs as incentive, and the end result is a homeless male.

No, I've seen them getting fucked at 5 in the morning

No one falls in love faster than a girl needing a place to stay.

Because men are better then women at almost anything but polishing nails so when the hard times comes we are prepared to take them as a man and keep our honor and no regrets

and then theres the woman that decides to fuck and have kids with a faggot who hits and rapes her kids

true, take a look at craiglist, plenty of women looking for captain-save-a-hos.

Holy shit, i thought captain save a ho was a colloquial thing. I wish i could send you a beer.

way to ruin the thread

>eating out of trash cans, sleeping in a cardboard box, shitting in alleys and wiping your ass with discarded newspapers
pick one.

/thread, a vagina can buy you a house, food and stability

2 short says that shit all the time
>he's nationwide

I fell in love with a hooker, it happens to the best of us

Men are in prison more, in the army more, drink / use drugs more, and sometimes have to pay lots of money when they get divorced

because women who are crazy and broke can always use their pussy to get a man to take care of them.

my favorite is the financially independent cumdumpsters who somehow pride themselves on being more attractive because of financial independence. do not get me wrong it is nice to see this, but they take it to a ridiculous level of seriousness. (no bish, i don't want to leech off you nor do i want to get to know you because in all likelihood you're a shitty person because of things you did to get to that position just like any other asshole male who will shit on anyone to get a leg up)

They exist I saw them in Albuquerque all the time. Even some too ugly for anyone to adopt

this is it tbh!

Yes just google Alana rains twitter and YouTube you basically described that whore