Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums,

Time to settle this, Sliverback Gorilla has earned +2 experience points.

Sliverback Gorilla v. Grizzly Bear

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Bear, every goddamn time.

Fuck no. Gorilla would tear that thing to shreds. Opposable thumbs and massive arm strength ftw

i don't know.. gorilaz are pretty big

Grizzly bears are quite literally 3x the mass of a gorilla. Also claws.

gorilla hands down

Bear is the answer here. Thanks.

Sliverback Gorilla would win, if was a kodiak bear I might think differently

Stephen crowder is that you?

Bear sends kid to gorilla
gorilla kill
>bear wins

Well the gorilla would only throw around a child. The bear would maul the living fuck out of a child. I think we know who would win here.

More often than not, I does simply come down to the size of the dog in the fight.

A 3x weight advantage is too much for all the apejitsu, or whatever other traits the retards in this thread might try to bestow upon the monkey.

grizzly bear wins

100% the grizzly bear. those fuckers are enormous.

All the gorilla has to do is shove it's entire arm down the bears throat, and bite it's jugular Bein like that one guy that I read about did.

Damn...Seriously tough one...

A fully grown male silverback gorilla weighs about 350 pounds, a fully grown male grizzly bear weighs over 600...

Bear every time.

>gorilla maneuvers around bear choke holds it proceeds to ground and pounds it then rapes the ever loving shit out of it just for fun

Gorillas also have extremely dense muscle mass so that 350 gorilla could most likely overhead press a truck. 600 pound bear is nothing for gorillas

Think about everything you've heard in the news...

Bear in neighborhood? Tranquilize it and take it back to the woods.

Silverback in the news? Shot dead.

Obviously everyone things the Silverback is more dangerous.

Bear, here's why: that fucking fur.

the grizzly's fur is REALLY thick, gives them a shitton of protection against weather and other bears.

The gorilla basically can't punch or bite through it.

However, if Mr. Cuddles get a hold of the gorilla's neck or torso with it's teets (or claws) it's over in seconds.

Gorillas have no other defense than flailing their arms, making themselves look vicious, and running up a tree. So, like a nigger.

In all the scenarios describing an "obvious win" for the gorilla, people like to act like the gorilla has had some MMA training. They flail and beat and bite but the grizzly is a pursuit predation carnivore. It lives by out running, overpowering and killing large and powerful animals. bump and yes i big the ape

>It lives by out running, overpowering and killing large and powerful animals.
Like salmon in a stream?

They know how to fight and are faster than bears because they run on two feet

A swipe from a bear claw is enough to shatter the spine of a fully grown adult moose, the bears neck would not be able to take it, besides They once put a bear against a lion before, you know what happened? Bear won in less that 10 seconds because it's so strong

apes have evolved to learn basic fighting skills for protection. It's not MMA by any means but you can see when gorillas fight they have the basics for grappling, choking, etc. It's kinda like the average human who has pretty much no fighting experience. It's not like the gorilla is just gonna flail it's arms like some autistic kid while the bear eats it. The gorilla knows how to use its dexterity and mobility advantages that the bear doesnt have

>Implying one solid punch to the face doesn't knock the bear clean out.

it would go something like this

>they notice eachother
>gorilla pounds chest
>bear migth growl
>they circle eachother for 2 seconds
>both animals slowly back off

when it comes to survival, avoiding conflict is always the best option for a wild animal, unless the need for food outweighs the risk of injury

Yeah, it's just memes, bud. No one actually thinks the gorilla would win.

Like moose. 840 to 1500 lbs

First of no apes actually 'punch'.
Secondly, why on earth would you think a gorilla is more agile than a bear?

Right so in your imagination a fucking bear won against a Bengal tiger go Fuck yourself liar

not really, a grizzly bear (almost any bear) is primarily an herbivore. They do eat meat as well, but they are almost never attempting to take down an animal lager than itself, unless it is extremely desperate. It is usually preying on smaller game such as fish or deer. Furthermore, since they are solitary hunters, they will tend to rely on the element of surprise when taking down any prey.

Not to say that they aren't capable but this is very rare in the wild. Fighting grown moose is far to dangerous to do unless they are absolutely forced to.

Generally most ungulates bear consume they steal from wolves.

>fucking 8ft 650 punds grizzly bear
>element of surprise

an animal that can't detect that hulking mass off fur, bons an muscle from at least 80 yards deserves to be hunted down by it. read it and weep you mongoloid
During the gold rush they imported lions to fight bears but the bears kept one shooting the lions

Bear just goes in its predator killing rage. Wtf is a gorilla going to do about that besides dying like a little bitch

Yeah they punch but they also do other types of fighting if they need to . This user knows his shit. Monkeys muscle mass is a lot more dense than most animals so they could put a lot more force into their combat.

Second, I can pretty much garantee you if you put a bear against a monkey in a zig zag obstacle course than the monkey would win 100% of the time

Gorilla, hands down. Im sure the gorilla would use its enviormnet to its advantage. Gorillas posses the abilty to use tools, so its not out of the realm of possibility that a big stick or stone would be used. Being that gorillas are more agile. Basically two tets of hands. Not to mention raw strength. Size DOES NOT always matter.

If anyone is interested, Gorillas are regularly killed by leopards in the while and imo Bear > Leopard

They are actually surprisingly sneaky, though they are hardly ambush predators in that sense.

you must be fun at parties


i think the bear would win, it has claws, i think a cut is more dangerous as punches, even if they are "gorilla strong" punches

LOL one of the bears takes a massive fucking dump mid fight. like 1:10 in.
Just gonna leave this here.

You might be right about the obstacle course but you misunderstand the thing about their muscle. Mass and density is relative to eachother. What you mean is that their muscles are more efficient than, for instance, us.
This, though, does hardly make up for the weight discrepancy.

Also, apes are not know to punch in the manner that humans do. They do not 'box'.

People tend to see grizzly cubs before they are attacked because the mother is actually smart enough to hide. If you ever see those fluffballs in the wild 11/10 times you're gonna get fucked up

the lady talking in the background is so fucking cringy

congrats on the quads, nigger

Hardly, their muscle fibers are about 7 times as dense as humans. So I don't think a 300-400 pound difference is going to mean much to the gorilla

The fact that people are making a big deal out of this means someone is going to make a video to reveal the true champion

Grizzlies can run at over 30mph, nigger.

You still misunderstand the concept of mass and density. If they have 7 times more dens muscles than humans that only mean that they are stronger per unit of volume not mass. 1kg of human muscle would be able to produce the equivalent of what 1 kg of gorilla muscle would but the gorilla muscles volume would be smaller.
Further, bears are also consider to be way stronger than humans per mass.

And you assume a bear doesn't know to fight? It's a fucking predator, you nigger.

i'd watch that fight for a dollar