Feminist hate thread?

Feminist hate thread?
Post all you got

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what the fuck

Whats the unshooped version

bad bitch alert

>ignorant faggot that never heard about photoshop



Not rally a femihate pic but whatevs

>Not realizing this was a prank on Tumblr from 4Chin

all of my wat
This is a verb that is just so nope




Feminism is bad because it's an inconsistent ideology based on the idea that we need to advance women's needs above and beyond any other considerations.

There is no single, coherent stance behind it. It's about equal rights, yeah? Equal opportunities? Equal outcome? The answer changes depending on which will be most beneficial to women in each particular instance. So when it's about something like gender ratios in cushy office jobs, we need quotas to get 50:50 (or more accurately, 50% or more female) gender representation. What about gender ratios for sewer workers, garbage collectors, heavy industry market? Nope, that's just fine, all we need there is equal rights!

Women are in their twenties and have all the power when it comes to sex? Why, they should have as much sex as they like and nobody should be allowed to even question it, that's slut shaming! Women who are in their thirties and are rapidly losing their looks and ability to get hot men to care about them? Gee, men just need to man up and stop being manchildren in their man-caves!

And so on, you cannot expect me to support an utterly inconsistent and hypocritical special snowflake group like this, and I cannot take anyone seriously who does.

Feminism is fucking cancer, and should be eradicated as soon as possible.

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than yours.




Which one of you faggots is this?


u go girl!

I think pictures like that are made by white beta males who cant get laid and this is their way to cope with frustration. And it is stupid.

Found it

>u go
and end your pitiful life


Why is she still so fuckable?

thx fam

his name whas Robert Paulson

My favourite.

It says the same thing but with, even though she is smarter than me, instead.

When I think about feminism I think about how women might feel physically intimidated by men. I am not a faggot or a woman so I don't understand how sexual attraction toward masculinity works but I imagine it has something to do with a link between feelings of submission and intimidation and sexual arousal.
Ultimately, women usually suck at being stand up kind of people who advocate for their own being in a direct fashion, because they cannot back it up with the ability to use force most often. Most men can physically overpower most women.
So feminism to me seems to be a sort of loosely organized sex strike conducted by women who fear they are not as useful as they think they are or want to be. In order to elevate to a higher status in society in a fashion that is foreign and not honorable or even considered by the way men typically operate.
It's a process of making their self useful. Men can kick and scream about feminism, but if feminism is working to turn the tables of subjugation onto men, in any setting, that's simply a victor being declared. Getting pissed off about it is like getting pissed off over a game of soccer, or getting pissed off because someone shot you.
Men can be easily controlled by women, especially men who feel deep desires for sexual contact on a regular basis.
Women kind of hold the keys to the male gender and have since humans first came into existence. It's simply that, with the creation of civil rights and liberties, women are now able to assert their control because they are protected from physical dominance by law.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, it could lead to some stupid tactical and political decisions to be made depending on what role a woman is trying to fulfill I think, but it's all subjective anyways.
If you want to battle feminism, simply stay out of it and don't acknowledge it. Getting upset about it subjects you to its influence.

His name was Robert Paulson.

Who the fuck likes talking about music? To all the youngsters out there, this is one of the biggest troll pics ever to touch down on the surface of the web


bumping because this needs to be seen more.

>grand wizard

really? that true? where does one sign up, i need that on my resume

Yo I free bleed all the time. Fuck do you care what other people do?
I swear to god Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of pussy MRAs and it's so boring.
Start a blog you whiney cunts and gtfo.

So you free bleed all the time because you keep cutting your self on all that edge? Or because you're just a huge cunt?


You are all so boring. You add nothing but cancer to Sup Forums. Have a meet up and talk about it in a little circle jerk. No one fucking cares about your bitchy little MGTOW indoctrination. We get it. You cucks want to be victims too. Now go away please.


>triggered femfag incoming

Oh great it's that raid again. GTFO feminist all you are his a hivemind of cumbags thinking they are so superior when they are just fucking beta females.

Mediocre troll is mediocre.

>people holding whiteboards
>whales smashing scales
>orange wookie
do we have anything new to post in these threads that hasnt been posted for years?
next will be an infographic about the wage gap, then the nasa t-shirt guy, then the greentext about the guy who brought his daughter to the park and got harrassed


There is only one at a time for each given KKK organization. You'd have to go up through the ranks.
Also grand wizard is not good to have on your resume unless you plan on exclusively working at KKK owned businesses.

This nigga really trying hard

She's right, guys!

I free shit-my-pants all the time and I can relate... It doesn't smell that bad most of the time.

What the fuck do you care what other ppl do...

Is it just a coincidence that all those women are fucking disgusting?

Thanks user. Tell these beta cucks what's up.

It looks like she has massive penis.

At least use a fucking menstrual cup, why would you free bleed? You CAN do whatever you want, but I'm also free to judge you for being a disgusting unhygienic self-righteous idiot.

I would start a blog to complain about it, but I think tumblr feminists have that market cornered already.

Don't tell me what to do with my body. I won't tell you that you shouldn't dispense your nasty jizz in your socks or your boyfriends asshole.

I can't handle the truth

>beef goblin
gets me every time

Because you have low standards

jesus, reading that fucking wall of text was a 'waste of time'


his name whas Robert Paulson

That's the joke, faggot

So very fucking nope


Women who aren't awful inside have a certain something, I find.

because she thinks feminism is bullshit?

continuation of hotdog thread

op has to deliver, SOMEONE HAS TO

Are only ugly bitches feminazis? Ive never seen a good looking one.

Maek thread fagit

the ones that use twitter primarily over tumblr are usually hot

I would say this is bait but a lot of femanons have the tendency of being complete bitchy irrational cunts so


>Fuck do you care
The word you were looking for is "why" not "fuck"

God damn that bitch is destroying the scales with a rockband video game guitar.
What did the video game controller ever do to her?

nice meme.

Beta male detected

His name was Robert Paulson...


my ancestors are smiling on me imperials, can you say the same?

She can't play it so she's blaming it on Patriachy


