What is the worst generation, Sup Forums?

what is the worst generation, Sup Forums?

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The one in which we are currently living

None. Ancient texts from greeks and romans all talk about how the younger generation is a bunch of shitheads and will lead the world to destruction. Old people hating the new young people has always been a thing, and always will be a thing.

each new generation just keeps getting worse and worse.

Shut the fuck up. I hate everybody what the fuck does it matter. You're a fag so piss off


The generation of kids that will be running this world. If they manage to do shit that doesn't fuck up then their kids will fuck up.

Please fuck off and die.

I personally think that each new generation is more fortunate than the next (newer things come out, cheaper prices over time).



Oh damn the edge. Sharper than I cut myself with.

Also you and your quads can gtfo and leave

Quads don't lie

This. The current generation is ALWAYS the worst generation.

You god damned kids and your rock music and 8 track player

Wow this is 2edgy4me. Everybody knows every generation says that the next generation sucks jesus christ you fucking mongoloid mouth breathers, im out /threaded

I imagine some kind of "city of ember" shit but we are probably all going to die.

Baby boomers. Pretentious fucks that have let the states sink into this shit hole, keep the drug war rolling cause on the news kids are ODing on the jazz cigarettes, and have the balls to think their shit don't stink. Create a nursing home on Mars, drop their asses on it and let's start testing some seriously long range artillery.

Shut up faggot

You stupid fuck you can't /thread your own post.

Yeah but the thing is kids are too damn spoiled and stupid these days. I once went with my little brother who is 13 and I was bored because there's nothing to do in my house, everybody is so damn stupid and spoiled with wannabe jocks everywhere

The ones born in 1983 like me are superior to both.

>/threading your own post
millenial detect

I've never personally done any research on the baby boomer generation. But ever conversation/thread/blog always refers to them as the worst at one point

82 master race reporting

Because marketing propaganda isn't just fucking with everyone brain and creates more frustrated generations with even more agressive social science.

It have to be unexplainable "generations".

But your dubs do

'83 here, user speaks truth.

Ayyyy mah nigga


whatever generation that created religion probably

OCTOBER 83 checking in

It has to be the baby boomers. They went from pinko hippies to laissez-faire capitalists in the space of a couple decades. Despicable, spineless, unethical pigs

It's your generation that's raising the retarded ass generation today

each generation is usually better than the last, if you go back enough generations we were literally monkeys.....

75 master race

Yes but changes happen. I can't even relate to the youngsters at work. I buy them pizza for lunch and they all bitch about where it came from or the choice of toppings. I told them they can stick it up their ass for all I care. They got offended. What the shit?


Not literally you dumb doubles nigger.

I'm not stupid enough to have kids, checkmate athiest.

Prove it, faggot.

Protip: you can't

People have done that since I first got here over 9 years ago. Fucking newfags the lot of ya. I don't agree with it, but it happens and this is Sup Forums. Now, maybe picking on their grammar would make sense.


Apes, not monkeys.

No kids yet faggot. Go cry and be useless

The last 20 years

Kek the kike overlords have really pulled the wool over your eyes. Having children is one of the few truly meaningful things a person can do with their life.

All that proves is that there have been newfags and genuine faggots on Sup Forums for 9 years.

I'm 25. I got a vasectomy when I was 22. No kids for me either user. Glad you aren't part of the problem. Props to you

Not the "atheist" but smart guy you are.

not even one day anymore. Stores 8pm opening Thanksgiving night

Living? Boomers. Went through so many tumultuous historic events and still managed to come out of it with no historical perspective whatsoever. Demand the whole world want what they want, think what they think, and believe what they believe, and willing to throw a tantrum worthy of a niglet to get it, provided it doesn't involve any actual work.

In American history? Civil War era. Absolutely unable to understand anyone else's perspective, set in their ways, and willing to kill incredible numbers of their countrymen based on ideologies that lacked both self-consistency and informed support. And yes, I mean both sides.

In history period? Probably somewhere in the dark ages, too many to compare.

Check em'

I've had about enough of your pet names, user.

Bitch and moan all you want, but the way your kids act is YOUR FAULT. YOU raised them motherfucker, take responsibility.

I'm 40. born in '78
the Millenials are alright -- of course there's the entitled snow flake here and there -- overall, though -- They know how to work together unlike us Xer's. They don't backstab like the boomers.

I'm looking forward to what they'll do with the world once the greedy boomers are dead and us maladjusted Xer's retire.

Boomers for sure. They handed the US over to the corporate world on a silver platter and then complain about how their kids can't handle it.

There's no such thing as a bad generation. There's fucking idiots in all generations. Everyone just focuses on the latest generation to hate.

I know numerous couples who chose not to have kids and I can honestly say that their marriages are far more happier and stronger than any of the other couples that are sprouting out 3-5 kids.

in a million years if our civilization still exists people like you are going to say that ancient pictures from this day were photoshopped to give evolutionists credit because we probably won't look quite the same after a million

ty fam

Mainly the millenial SJW cunts. I seem to be in the start of a new generation starting to swing things back. Despite this, I fear universities have been damaged beyond repair along with other things those twats have fucked

History is likely to judge boomers pretty harshly.

The generation before was the "greatest generation" which won WWII and endured the depression, enacting the new deal and witnessing the dawn of a new found american prosperity.

Boomers not only rode the golden wave of american prosperity but they also let it crash. Ran up the country's debt, shipped jobs oversees for short term profit. Moved the economy from production based to service sector. Polluted the environment more than any other generation and been massive leeches on the social safety net.

They then handed the bill to their kids. Millennials suck in their own way, but they havent exactly been dealt a great hand either, givn everything their parents enjoyed.

It's your faults that millenials are so fucking spoiled, they're your fucking kids. Stop being bad parents

>born in '78

Listen it was a long time ago, they had different math back then

>"I'm 40"
>"Born in '78"
Pick one.

>Raising a couple kids in your retarded image because "buh bloodline"
>Not deliberately abstaining from having kids to quell the population while at the same time dedicating your life to helping others who's parents already fucked up
>also not adopting if you REALLY want to raise kids and make a difference

And you think your life has meaning. Cute.

Double dubs speak truth

Stop making people eat your shit food user. Or atleast ask them what they want

>90s keeping nagging about 2000s

lol, that glorious generation that embraces rapping whites, justin bieber, ipods, smartphones, disneychannel, callofduty and starcraft noligers, mlp/furry dumbdoms, animu, MTV, crap reality show, traps, kanye and kardashians, MOM BUY ME AN XBOX, PS HAS NO GAMES, hipsters, soy lattes, instaqueens, tumblrinas and so on?

What the fuck were you thinking, you insolent dumbfuck, with nagging about modern teenagers? They are the same kids as you.
And the same as previous generation, wuth their skateboards, walkmans, flashy colours and oversized jeans.


The OP's


How the fuck were you able to get a vasectomy at 22. No doctor will do that. What if you change your mind?

you're also likely to die sooner

fucking close enough to 40. asshat

Nigger you are so fucking dumb. Most millenials' parents were born before the mid-70s. Learn to fucking math you idiot.

Hurr durr, this generation sucks, they are all a bunch of idiots! my generation was so much better hurrr, back in my day bla bla bla

-What every generation has said about the newer one.


Nigga I beat my kids asses if they do all that entitled bullshit.

Money talks.

I'll adopt

> beat your kids
> good parent

pick one.

If that's working, quit whining. If it isn't, stop doing it and quit whining. Either way, quit whining.

88 dragons checkin in.

Yea I'm sure I could get away with drinking at 19 by saying "But officer, it's close enough to 21!"

Why are americans so obsessed with apple products, doesn't anyone there realize that iphones are just overpriced android phones? The same with ipads, I really can't wrap my head around this, it just seems retarded

But I've been alive longer. So it's all good. Do they not teach you kids math nowadays?

Since speciation has not been definitively observed, I'm just going to stick to my theory that everything on this planet has been engineered by extraterrestrials. Theres more evidence for that than there is speciation.

88 master race checking in.

I'm pretty sure he didn't stand there and force them to eat it, shithead. They should be grateful he thought to feed them.

Hell yeah son, beat them like I do mah dick

That'd be great if the generation before mine (I like to think of myself as different) weren't currently trying to restrict free speech and enforce trigger warnings on the world

You are the true spirit of Sup Forums.

Why in the fuck does the kid who wants an OBEY sweatshirt have stretched ears? Those are two entirely different cliques you ancient fuck. Get with the times.

I dont care, you will all bend to my will anyways...

Lol. So u think most of us don't get kids until we're 30?

Define beat. A kid will not grow up to be respectful without a bit of "punctuation" shall we call it every now and then

At least both generations have cute shotas. :D

This is cringe. There are always going to be older people blaming the youth. Stop hating. One day, this generating will hate the next one.

>They should be grateful he thought to feed them.

You can be grateful while still trying to keep a duty to ethical food sources. Turning down some tuna you bought me because it was caught using an illegal fishing method doesn't make me ungrateful. It just means I have to turn you down if I want to meet my obligations.

this is such bullshit. My parents never beat me and I only rape one or two traps a week, at most

1. Not all kids are bratty assholes. You fuckers are generalizing WAYY too much.

I despise what this current generation is doing for my future. They're fucking universities before I can do anything about it