Any medfags on Sup Forums right now?

Any medfags on Sup Forums right now?

What the fuck is this shit on my fat toe?

>Help me Sup Forums

It hurts when I touch it and smells so bad

looks like an ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail. Happened to me, and I left it too long before going to the doctors. They pulled out both my big toenails and cauterised the nail beds to prevent them growing back and causing more problems. Now I have no big toe nails

Fuck me Sup Forumsro

What the fuck can I do about it?

Nigga you got an ingrown toenail, prepare to be the toenail-less wonder

ingrown toenail, get some saline salt, sock it in that and warm water for like thirty minutes a day for a few days, will soften up. Then you either gotta rip off your own toenail or go to the doctors. You may be able to just cut out the ingrown part, I did that once. Just take some pain killers and wait about an hour after then go for it.

Must have been royally fucked up, I thought they normally just cauterize the edges

Decently infected ingrown toenail

Same, except they didn't cauterize my outer left big toe's nail bed so every month or so I get my pocket knife and dig out a chunk of nail. Feels good man

Protip dont smell your own toes

podiatrist fixed mine. numbing shot, peeled back skin, cut excess nail, used solution to stop excess nail from growing back

just cut your toe nails every few days and just get near the side it usually ingrows. not too hard.

Well whatever you do, unless you want this to happen go to a doctor ASAP.

Tbh it actually feels fine with no nails, I have this on both feel.

Take a sharp knife, make sure it's sterile by either boiling it or cleaning it with an antiseptic. Cut that shit open, clear out all the pus.

Soak toe in a small bowl of listerine, original, not alcohol-free.

Do this OP

ingrown toenail it looks like, your going to die. My cousin died from one tragically a few years ago.

Fuck off summerfag

Ice it. Get some booze and get ready to rip out the embedded side if you cant afford a doc.


I'll try and do this tomorrow. Heard listerine (OG one) helps with infections and shit.

I used to have two ingrowns. I'm glad they're fixed, but holy hell did I love picking all the built up scabs off the swollen area and sqieezing out the pus.

Happened to me once, still have my toe nail but it was very unpleasant to solve this particular problem. They ended up cutting that part of my toe nail off with scissors and then pouring acid on it to preven that part from growing back. That all would have been fine if the local anesthetic had actually worked. Spoiler alert, I felt every part of the process. Got to keep the nail they cut off though. That was neat I guess. Either way go get that shit taken care of.

I do it with a box cutter, your a pussy

Cut the nail on that side all the way down into the nailbed, and then shove a q-tip covered in acid down the hole.

That's what a doctor might do anyway

>Both feel

OP here. Your toe looks like a thumb. So. I'll pass on having it removed.

alslskslalal omg

but yeah it's an ingrown toenail. you probably clipped it round instead of straight across and wore tight shoes. unless you have PPo insurance then I say go to an urgent care (or ER) they cut the ingrown part off. I've had that so many times thank god they never removed the whole nail

Best go to a doctor then pretty swift-like buddy.

Looks ugly but comfortable. Do toenails even serve a purpose?

Side note: why did you go out of your way to hide your other toes?

OP here. I have no flaws. But I cannot imagine myself with a thumb as a toe. Fuck my life if that happens. Fuck it. I'll just cut my toe off.

What's it do?

The truth has to be told to you OP. It's cancer aids. Lioks like an advanced case too. I give you 2 weeks at most

Just pulled my sock off to show one toe. It's pretty cold here yo

Had same shit for years just use this
I got my nails cut off to get mine fixed

Just cut the excess off with a razor. The pus building up will come out. Take antibiotics if you got em as needed. If you dont got em buy em off the internet for like 30 bucks.

Is it summer already?

can we see the rest of those little piggies? ……I'm asking for a friend

OP here. Pills do no have any effect towards me. Painkillers, nothing will work.

Where are you that it's cold? Just curious since it's full blown summer where in at.

It's an ingrown toenail, you retard. Just dig it out.

Why would you need those anyways, man up and cut that shit off thill the puss comes out.

His moms basement

You're right. I did it last time, so much blood everywhere. Just got the carpet cleaned. So. Tomorrow before I shower.


Happened to me to , go see a doctor quick


>never having to feel that pressure again

I will not let my toes looking like a donut with badly cut donut holes.

You have the cancer

Clean the area with a soft abrasive and water the first time (but not regularly, for the abrasive) and disinfect with alcohol. Visit a podiatrist as soon as you can.

This is so hilarious

dude i have the same thing it is so much better


do it after you sick fuck

I had the same thing. Except I've had bits of nail growth come back which I have been pulling out. Will be seeing a specialist soon to have it looked at.

Just a heads up -- use a real fucking podiatrist instead of a fuckhead general practitioner. Podiatrists won't fuck your toes up and know what they're doing. General practitioners will just prolong it by removing part of it, or damaging the nail bed by improper removal.

The fuck is wrong with you people?

My toenails have always been perfect. Why? Cause I clip them on the reg and just wash my feet. Like how do people not do this? It's fucking simple. I see people with horrible toenails all the time and wonder how you can let this happen. It takes like two fuckin seconds to clip your toenails.


Some people are naturally prone to them, regardless of proper clipping, dumbass.

Fuck off Normie.

Mine comes from genes. Mum has infection on her toe too.
So does dad

What the fuck

I don't buy it.

Look at he clearly does not clip. Hence why his big toes got fucked up.


i had that done on the sides of my big toe nails. feels much better, no more ingrown nails, just got teeny nails & big big toes so it looks goofy.

You must draw little faces on them...

Ingrown, you can either rig something yourself with bandaids to try and pull the skin away from the nail or see a doctor.

The doctor will anaethesize you and basically chop your nail off, he might tell you to come in again to kill off some of your nail producing cells with laser or acid.

source: i've had like four

Post pics?

this is true. i've always cut my nails, but had to get the edges fixed cause i just kept getting ingrown nails


Learn to science and research, you fucking sperglord.

wtfman. just cut your feet off.

I know what I'm talking about, you shut your bitch mouth or I'll shut it for you.

ya bitch.

Some dumb sack of useless e-meat is threatening me? Oh man, that's scawy.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

- Leroy "Navy Seal" Jenkins

Fuck off I got mine because I have a job that I do a lot on my feet sometimes even when you clip them standing and having tight shoes can be the cause

Nigger I still don't get it.

I worked physical jobs and I played basketball on the reg.

Just cut my toe nails weekly and they always looked perfect.

Top kek

Are you watching porn on duty again, PO Jenkins!?

It's ok if you don't understand, twinkle toes. We know you get pedicures on your faggoty ass feet.

Ingrown toenail. See a doctor or live with it.

Whatever you do, when its all done, let your big toe-nail grow out and trim it with these or a pair of scissors. Never cut your toe-nails round, never let the corners of the nail get below level with the tip of your toe and you won't have to worry about it again.

Had them in both feet as a kid, they just cut a chunk out of the nail. I doubt you'd lose the whole nail in your case.

Yeah, it's ingrown. I have it now actually. It pushes the tissue from inside your toe out of the toe. It's probably best to go to a pediatrist

My toe is twice as bad as OP's

Kick one of these pussy faggot.

God damn that is gross, highly infected probably to the bone.

Maybe you can tippy toe for your last time before they have to saw that shit off.