Is it gay to have a guy suck your dick?

Is it gay to have a guy suck your dick?

Only if you enjoy it


Not gay at all nothing wrong with getting your dick sucked. No your fault he's a faggot

Only if you're a homosexual

Oh ok. Before you ohh inb4 ban, theres a senior at a college I take one class at ( I'm 17 in highschool) . He got me top tell him I'm a virgin and never had a blowjob so he keeps telling me he will blow me. Now I think it's a joke but he keeps sending me nudes and sometimes hell slap my ass which I find very strange.


Mods! we've got un underage faggot here, flagged

underage b8

also, go for it, blowjob is a blowjob

Don't hide this shit, you are already flagged stupid faggot, enjoy your BJ gay ass bitch

Same fucking reaction I had when I read that shit. Wtf!

Don't get hung up on gay or straight. Get yer dick sucked. Experiment. Just don't leave evidence for that faggot to blackmail you with.

>calls it bait
>gives him an advice

If you WANT guys to do it yes, otherwise its just a means to get off.

No faggot you only get your dick sucked to establish your dominance in certain situations this doesn't count. If he sucks your dick you will known as gay forever

it is so fucking gay, gay people will call you gay

Reported for being underage and a faggot

We I'm not gay, I'm attracted to something else I just don't wan to get in trouble.

You are in denial , you are a faggot, period

No , I'm actually attracted to little kids, like 5 year olds. It's soo hard not to fondle my 5 year old niece , but usually can control myself.

yeah nice b8 m8
