ITT: Shitty games

ITT: Shitty games

ITT: Shitty bait

ITP: Shitty taste


>tfw couldn't play neither of my customary smooth Latin gunslinger and German scientist because you can only sound like a generic middle aged dad


Ya, I'm literally depending on mods to make it worth what I spent

I got gifted it, played about 2 hours. I'm back to playing New Vegas again. 4 is so fucking bad, outside of gunplay.

pretty much


Better than ESO no where near as good as Skyrim

Far Harbor DLC is pretty good, but still too short. I'm going back to FO3.

>obvious tf2 clone
>new and revolutionary game


TF2 stopped being good when it went F2P. The only people still playing it are kids with no money or neck beards who spend their life saving on hats and can't justify getting good at another game.

this thread is quite successful I'd say

/Threading your own post

Son, no.

>clone of DLC from 3 is pretty good
>I'm going back to 3

It's like you idiots never learn.

There was a mod that removed the MC's shitty voice acting, but the author took it down for some reason.


Why the fuck would anyone defend 4?

I don't understand.

never underestimate plebeians

The voice acting and shitty dialogue ruined everything. As well as no skills.


agreed on the kids and neckbeards, but the game is fun none to less, 9v9 is pretty intense at times.

Hate to say it but this game felt devoid of freedom. Sucked shit.

This shit

>shit fps
> b-but muh nostalgia!



why did i read that in bane's voice?

I never understood why there was so much hat for FO4. I actually really fucking enjoyed that game. Anyone want to give specific reasons why they didn't like it? Just generally curious.

shit like this

>general reasons people hate on Fallout 4

It's not new vegas, therefore it's shit. At least that's what I've gathered.


Diablo 3 fuckin sucked

i liked the ultimate evil edition actually. but im easily entertained..but i agree the release version sucked hard.

Far Harbor was OK, but hindered by shitty writing and lack of quests outside of the faction ones. The only truly good thing it had was 4 big new settlements....which are also the only thing that give it more gameplay time

>0/10 not call of duty

it's literally Fallout 4: COD

>dont think, dont plan, just shoot
>shoot everything
>dont worry about anything, just shooot
>Shoot guns and kill things
>Here is a mission, you need to shoot things

>Dont shoot the NPC's tho, they are needed
>Play this game if you just want to relax and shoot, you dont need to role-play or make a complex character

fuck this game

I didn't feel like anything I did in the game had any impact whatsoever

charizard is cute as hell though

>less RPG elements
>speech wheel
>voiced protag
>removal of actual skills
>terrible/broken speech checks
>shitty factions
>terrible story/characters
>nonsensicle shit like pre-war jet
>take Nick on Prydwen
>nobody reacts or even notices

>Not liking any Pokemon before platinum generation.
Yeah you're a faggot.

you saying platinum is bad?

>it's okay but shit
>I like how it's micecraft
>I think shitty padding is good gameplay

kill yourself

gaming is kinda dead anyway, well triple a titles at least.
casual gaming and mobile shit were the last nails in the coffin.
there is too much money involved now, too much greed, too much control and too less proper development.
noone takes actual risks.
the shit cod gets everytime a new title is released yet sells millions and millions of copies shows me, that people are genuinely retarded.
well, not retarded, but so deep into cynicism that it's just depressing.
it's only consumption now, no enjoyment at all.
don't get me wrong, there have always been shitty games, but rather a shitty game that is kinda entertaining and gives me a good laugh, than some overpriced mediocre shit we have seen over and over and over again.
either they shit out the same fucking game year after year,
fuck around with classic titles by not making things more complex or challenging but rather dumbing it down into oblivion, or they bring out some nostalgia fuckride for the old gamers.
the same with movies and music.

the market is oversaturated and content becomes bland.

How dare you.

you're just playing too much AAA shit

but there is dark souls

How does everyone feel about Dark Souls Three? Personally love it, on play through five right now

I spent like the whole summer being trapped in that fucking Team Rocket hideout.

All to get one shotted by Giovanni's Kangaskhan.

Anyone want to give specific reasons why they didn't like it?

ME-style defined character.

Literally describing any other RPG series. Fuck off kid. People are only pissed because it's different.
>omg I can hear my characters voice this game fucking sucks
Mass effect series? Amazing games
The witcher 3? Amazing game
Plenty of other RPG with voice acting that are great games.
I'll admit some of the quests are shit, cliche, and factions were pretty gay but it was a fun game.

It's absolutely no fun to actually RP in, which is why I play FO games.


Incohesive story.
BORING locations.
Pipe-guns look completely unlike realistic pipe-guns
Immortal NPC's
>Preston Garvey

I liked it, much better than 2

>Mass effect series? Amazing games

Only the first.

Agreed user


I think he's saying kids and weeaboos that play pokemon at all, any version, are faggots. You know, because it's a fucking shit tier time waster made for very young children


>every game has to have voice acting

it might be, but it's true.

you've never played pokemon have you?

>0/10 not enough b8

That's because ME and Witcher have a default main character. Sure in ME you could make your own, but that was Mass Effect.

Fallout has always been about roleplaying a random character. Having voice acting just ruins that aspect, and make every character the same.

Also Mass Effect 2 and 3 sucked.

And yet, it will be the next major esports game, stay mad faggots.

Sad but true

The same could be said for any video game ever made or this website you're currently shit posting to. If you didn't play Pokemon as a kid well you're the sad faggot. You should probably try to go raise you're black ops 3 KD ratio or something


>can't pirate the game because of denuvo
>going to assume it's shit

>games user is bad at
>skyrim for some reason

And the FO4 excuse of "muh story" is bullshit because the story sucks balls and the writing is terrible


Couldn't get past the part where Colonel Oaktree asks if I'm a Boy or a Girl like some bi gendered shitlord.

she makes anime faces.

>You should probably try to go raise you're black ops 3 KD ratio or something

>gets mad
"stay mad faggots?"

Pre-determined character that is almost impossible to flavor.
Forced dialogue.
Bad animations (shouldn't be surprised here really).
Contrived and idiotic plotline.
incredibly dull protagonist.
No skills.
No Speech checks.
Preston Garvey.
Settlement minigame doesn't actually matter.
Broken lore.
Nobody reacts to what you do in the game.


oh boy here we go being a condescending dickhead right off the bat

Mass Effect and Witcher aren't roleplaying games. They're action adventures.

Fallout was a roleplaying game until they gave the player a default voice with no option to turn it off. Making every single character sound like the same terrible voice actor. This kills the roleplaying. Fallout is now another generic shooter with perks. Just like CoD.

- everything in this game feels superficial.
- the most human behaving characters are a synth and a mr. handy robot.
- interaction in general is totally lacking gestures. your friendly companions
won't hug you, not even give you a handshake. maybe everyone is actually a synth...
- it is not an rpg anymore:
- your actions/words have no real consequences (illusion of choice)
- you can choose between 4 endings from which only three of your many
companions will, depending on the faction that you supported, leave/die.
- npcs don't even react properly to you, for example after becoming paladin, that
condescending asshole knight at the police station still acts like i'm his little
bitch, right after
he apologized to me for treating me wrong.
also i can bring strong and nick onto the prydwen and except for some dumb
comments, noone bats an eye while on the ground the bos goes full genocide
against anything non-human.
this is an absolute overkill towards immersion.

no karma and enough for me to hate it after 100 hours.. 4 different but same endings

ITT: People post popular AAA games in an attempt to seem cool and different

You're right and I see your point and it sucks but it doesn't make the game "bad".
I guess it's all a matter of opinion and I still enjoy playing the game.

The problem is the fact that the style of RPG that Fallout is doesn't work well with a voice protag because it champions that blank slate style of role playing where you can chose exactly what kind of person you're going to be. In Mass Effect, no matter what choices you make, you're still the established character Commander Shepard. Same thing with The Witcher and Geralt. Fallout games, on the other hand, typically give you a vague background and let you run with it. A voiced protag with a limited amount of dialogue options fucks with that.

Mods are a big reason why so many people have absurd amounts of hours in NV but it's also thanks to the fact that the protag is set up in a way that lets you assume a wide range of roles and personalities and squeeze more playthroughs out of the game.

> poorcuck can't pirate this game
> poorcuck gonna cry

Wow you must be a 12 year old COD fan

Just because you enjoyed it doesn't make it good.

Turning a roleplaying game into a generic shooter with perks is bad.

start of the game is shit, rest is fun

Are you triggered because I'm right?

Skyrim was literally better in every way, and Skyrim was rushed to shit then penny-pinched for every shekel possible
>skyrim had over 100 side quest that wasn't even "Go kill everything here"
>FO4 had around 50 side quest that are literally all "Kill everything here! Maybe get this item while you're there! Isn't this so much fun!?!?!!!! =D"
There was absolutely no real story involved besides "Gasp, look user! Your baby is missing! Wouldn't you like to find it!?!"

Also; Preston Garvey

>Witcher isn't a roleplaying game

Ok, have fun with your own version of reality I guess...


honestly, really fucking boring series.

4-option Dialogue wheel.
Skills removed, meaning previously unique perks had to take up the slack and become boring stat modifiers.
Despite this, some perks don't even work at all ie. you can max out Lady Killer and Speech-related stuff, yet will be completely unable to convince a female NPC working for the Railroad that you had no choice but to kill some synths.
Absolutely fucking stupid weapon designs.
Lore rape, such as a ghoul kid surviving in a fridge with no food, water, or OXYGEN for 200 years, then being perfectly fine and able to walk when you let him out. Or pre-war Jet. Or T60s.
Low potential for roleplaying because your character will always have the same set profession background depending on your gender, meaning you cannot come up with interesting backstories.
Plotwise, the motives of the Institute make little sense. They have research material already, but commit needless crimes to get more.

So yeah, they hate FO4 because it's a terrible RPG in an RPG franchise, because it places so little importance on player agency and choice.

It might be a passable casual FPS experience, and as with most Bethesda games it makes for a good sandbox for modders, but it's a SHIT excuse for a Fallout game.

I'm about to sleep so if you want to debate any of these points someone else is gonna have to pick up the lead.

Nah, I'm not even the dude who you replied to. Just a humble grammar Nazi.

>can't roll your own character
>roleplaying game

You're an absolute moron.

aka the real Train Simulator

Not nearly as good as Bugbear's Flatout series. The game's not arcade-y enough to be high-speed fun, but it's also not realistic enough to be an enjoyable sim. It's stuck in that awful "simcade" gray area that's been plaguing racing games for too long.

Fuck simcade racers.

you had fun
everyone else here thinks your opinion is bad and that FO4 is an abortion
not sure what you came in here trying to accomplish

My point stands. It's not a fallout game but it's still a fun game.

12 year old ADHD patient can't live without adrenaline rushed space marine shooters because environmental and physics based puzzles are too much for him