Trying again

>Trying again

League thread

>Post Top 3 champs and other anons guess your rank.


Sure, why not?
You're Silver as fuck, OP

Close, just hit gold today.

Fuck m8 330k

how is the trench?

In your promos you did really good in one match, got carried in one after you fed, and in the third you had an enemy player afk.

I have 40ish zac games in a row now :p

guess it boys

gold 2



smells like gold 4

either silver or plat




Is this reddit?

niggers ur all wrong gtfo



Were supposed to guess it fag

I've never played LoL. What does the number 131.13k represent?

Game grill stuck on diamond v 0 lp

How did you know





these kids aint getting out of plat lol

the real elo hell

definitely silver


gold nova 2

When you finish a match you get points that add up and basically show how much you play a champion



How do I get out of elo hell?

I've been playing for over a year and I think my earlier failures are being held against me unfairly and I'm much better now than I was and the game isn't reflecting my recent improvement because my old failures hide it.

Poorfag can't afford essence

Lux, MF, Tristana. All mastery Rank 5

Those are hard to play champions.

You can buy it using IP now.

Create a new account and start over. Your new skill level will get you out of elo hell quickly.





obvious samefag. They aren't hard at all and you don't get kudos for playing them.

you have to get good enuf to make up for your past failures. try playing with friends that are better than you, watch streams and vids and learn from them


euw noob here


you got me, fam. #neverlucky


No faggot I am different you insecure assuming bitch

busted. get gud nube

Ey boi im, add me nigga


Proof here u lost nigger


zed is the only one of those champions you could say is "hard to play" because of his high skill cap. otherwise they are not hard to play

gp is a fucking ridiclous champ , his kit is super fun even tho he is rather op


plat 3


You used firebug to alter the webpage. It takes literally less than 30 seconds to do what you did.

What server? Name? 86k mastery right now.

Not about at my PC right now, but my top three are (in order): Viktor, Jinx, and Katarina.

You're an evil man. Never change user.

dat filename

Fuck you faggot

U lost nigger now pay some respect for the platinum user you nigger bronze V cock sucking noob

git gud nub

The ranking algorithm doesn't hold your past against you the way you seem to believe it does. They know that players get better over time and incorporate that into the ranking algorithm.

You are exactly where you're supposed to be. Because you suck.


>damn, he knows about firebug
nice try.

''elo hell'' there is no such thing, get good, get better and carry your ass yourself.

I didn't even know what is it that you are talking about and why so salty bronzie? I cant really play those specially fucking yasuo so hard to leash the wind and zed i dont even know where I am while playing him. GTFO NOOB


Dont even know what that is honestly. Hey platinum user where are you? This Bronzie is so jealous of you

I do not suck! I'm much better than my ranking indicates. The ranking system is not fair and it is not accurate at all. Fuck you.


Mid Gold



Bronze IV?

Gold 2

bronze 2


wood 2?

just let it go, user. you got busted samefagging to support your obviously unorthodox opinion. No one believes those champions are difficult to play, because they aren't.

>except for you

Silver 2?

More champs to roast

Silver 4, but i cant play ranked cause of my internet Probably dont deserve any higher

Silver II? Im a braum main too? Add me? Im silver 2 i can play sivir



Yall will never guess it right because you're that bad at this game.

Here's More

No you let it go user stop being assuming and salty no wonder why you are bronze V I am Unranked but Gold last year 1v1 me bro
Another proof

Anyone want to get boosted? im plat 3, I do it for fun and take RP donations as gifts, not mandatory i just like smurfing. im north america.

Plat 2?